No avatar imageQuill
One of the best mods I've ever played The controls are easy, and it's so easy to understand how to play.
No avatar imagesleepy
mod is a major W and def worth it 🙏🏽
Plueres profile avatarPlueres
Really like these textures, they're like vanilla but slightly altered. Very well done!
Xer profile avatarXer
Espero les guste pronto traere maa proyectos y podrán ver adelantos y dar sugerencias en el discord mio :D
JosueCR profile avatarJosueCR
Blayy profile avatarBlayy
thanks for the details added on the page, you guys are amazing....thanks modbay 💚💚💚
MocreaturesBE profile avatarMocreaturesBE
Gran add-on Alan 😎😎
No avatar imageAweomeman
It says it works on 1.19 but it does not :(
Q profile avatarQ
The addon is very large. If we missed something, be sure to let us know! We'll fix it quickly.
Q profile avatarQ
Changelog for Version 4

- Force UI now properly working.
- Switching dimensions causes backpacks to disappear.

- Added 7 Backpack Commands. bp central, bp move, bp list, bp view, bp drop, bp update, bp reset.
- When using /kill on a backpack an item will appear inside the backpack notifying it has been killed. The item contains the player names when /kill was executed.
- New backpack UI color, depending on the size of the backpack.

- Rebalanced crafting recipe for XL backpacks
- Rework the system for the saving of the backpack items.
- Rework the creation of new backpacks.