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VDX: Java/Desktop UI v3.2.3 [v1.21.50]

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Convert from Bedrock Edition UI to Java Edition UI!


Warning: If you are using mobile device, make sure to set “File Storage Location” to “External” before importing this resource pack, otherwise, your save data may be lost in case the game future updates break modified UI data.

And please, be sure to read carefully this post before downloading and using this resource pack, thank you!

Vanilla DX UI:

Before "Modified Vanilla" and "Vanilla Enhanced". Is a resource pack that would improve UI and other assets.

Actually, is a testing TP made since fall 2016, oriented to port menus and container/inventory GUI textures from Java Edition to Bedrock Edition more easily and efficient!

Desktop UI:

Convert base game interface to Java Edition interface style! Of course, not all screens were modified, but I will add more in future versions!

Mixed UI:

It is the improved version of the HUD UI and inventory containers still with base game style, with the small combination of Java Edition and Legacy Console Edition parts.


The same between Mixed UI and Java UI, but the UI design is mainly based on JE 1.8, the version most used to play PvP servers. Now has clear Chat BG and Scoreboard BG.


  • JE UI designs with 75% accurate.
  • Some GUI textures ported to Bedrock Edition.
  • UI customization by “ui/_global_variables.json”.
  • Note: Some UI data assets may change in future updates, so, stay tuned!

What’s new in v3.1:

  • New UI file and texture system, new GUI assets based on JE v1.21.0.
  • Added modified “Crafter” for Redstone inventory screen.
  • Added support for customize touch controls.
  • Some important bug fixes.
  • More design accuracy!

Upcoming features for future versions:

  • Compatibility for other projects.
  • Depending on the amount of “support”, maybe I will bring back about modified Dressing Room and Persona screens.

Supported Languages:

  • English (en_US and en_UK).
  • Spanish (es_MX and es_ES).
  • Japanese (ja_JP).
  • Korean (ko_KR).
  • Portuguese (pt_BR and pt_PT).
  • Chinese (zh_CN and zh_TW).

More full languages support is coming in near future updates.


VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 1

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 2

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 3

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 4

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 5

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 6

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 7

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 8

VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 9

Known Issues:

  • Not all modified screens are fully compatible with the use of gamepad/controller.
  • Some screens take a long time to load, something like Settings Screen, Play Screen, and it is because it contains so many objects in UI data.
  • When using a 3rd party add-on with new custom items. The creative search tab icon will be changed. Unfortunately, there is no solution to this.
  • And unfortunately, since the “Ore UI” (new UI engine) appeared for the“Create World”, “Achievements” and "You Died!" screens, it is now impossible to modify it using resource packs. However, I have plans to make modifications using something external, but it is not known when that will be, stay tuned if you want!
  • In order to prevent errors while customizing touch controls, I have disabled the HUD visibility while inventory or another screen are open… But still, you can re-enable by reviewing “ui/_globall_variables.json”.

Terms of Use:

You may:

  • Make review about this pack, as long as you credit me as “@CrisXolt”. And put original download link in description (This forum post).

You may not:

  • Make customized APK/APPX and monetized content (pirate modifications), no one will have the permission.
  • Use my modified JSON and UIDX data files claiming this work as your, without permission of course. Specially do not modify/erase the text in the first line code in each .json file. (Example text: //File Made/Modified by @CrisXolt or “Some people who contributed”).
  • Redistribute this resource pack made by me in another pages/app store, no one will have the permission.
  • Do not use for third-party projects, much less to merge with "Concept Clients" resource packs, no one will have the permission.

For texture pack porters, if you are going to use PvP UI in order to port PvP 1.8 GUI with ease, or if you are going to use Mixed UI in order to port Java Edition containers with bedrock design, you can use it, but please use it fairly to avoid trouble. ;)

If you have any more questions about this, please let me know by sending a message/question in chat, on discord server: CrisXolt's Refuge.

And how do I deactivate this resource pack?

If this is your first time experimenting with the UI, just go to "Options...", and click the button where it says: "Resource Packs...".

Deactivating VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 1

And then this screen comes out and you can deactivate this. That's all! ;D

Deactivating VDX: Desktop UI: Screenshot 2

Special Thanks:

AgentMindStorm, ZouChenyunfei, LupasPAH, Hawf-Human, and abc555 for custom JSON UI data assets!

Final Note:

Those default JSON UI data and JE UI designs is made originally by Mojang and Microsoft, UI design re-make as JSON UI data are modified by me for entertainment purposes.

Just enjoy and good luck! ;D

Updated on January 14

v3.2.3 [12 January 2025]


  • Options:
    • Added the remaining options for v1.21.60 Beta/Preview.


  • Global:
    • Toast panel (notification) is now in place correctly (offset value).
    • Fixed remaining visual bugs when using with Aspects, the panels in HUD now shows correctly, even in The Hive Server.
  • Options:
    • Fixed/updated total key binds list, for standard keyboard and full keyboard.
  • Inventory:
    • Updated total recipe pages for v1.21.50+.
v3.2.2 / December 12 / Old Update

v3.2.2 [12 December 2024]


  • Options:
    • Added the remaining options in v1.21.50.


  • Global:
    • Updated only for v1.21.50 and partially v1.21.60 Beta/Preview.
  • HUD:
    • Fixed a bug where health, hunger and armor values were duplicated when playing on the Hive server.
  • Inventory:
    • Fixed a bug where the tooltip background would not disappear when used on phones.
v3.2.1 / December 03 / Old Update
v3.2.1 [3 December 2024]


  • HUD:
    • Fixed a bug where paper-doll renderer and mob effect panel didn't appear when using desktop mode in touch.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a normal scoreboard to appear on the Hive server.
  • HUD:
    • Chat messages now fade correctly as Java Edition. (Thanks "oakvolf" for the information!)
    • The text of titles and subtitles has been modified again with some compatibility improvements for featured servers.
    • Text background texture now is completely opaque, but remains semi-transparent in the UI settings (some objects won't work in main settings).

Note: There is still some work to be done on the HUD for compatibility on third party servers, I'll figure out how later.

v3.2.0 / November 29 / Old Update

v3.2.0 [29 November 2024]


  • Added completed version of bundle tooltip, with v1.21.4-pre appearance textures.
  • Added new GUI textures from latest JE version.
    • Some GUI textures have been moved to new directory according from JE official changes.


  • Removed some UIDX textures due new JE GUI textures added.


  • Global:
    • Updated only for v1.21.40 and partially v1.21.60 Beta/Preview.
    • Important bug fixes when using Java and Console Aspects, now requires only v6.0+.
  • Options:
    • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when opening the screen.
  • HUD:
    • Fixed a bug where hotbar and some renderer bars didn't appear when using desktop mode in touch.

Note for Mixed UI: In order to fix the issue in recipe book, I have removed and replaced the grid item method.

v3.1.1 / August 21 / Old Update

v3.1.1 [21 August 2024]


  • The compass icon in the search tab of the Creative Inventory should be displayed correctly...
v3.1.0 / June 30 / Old Update

v3.1.0 [30 June 2024]


  • PvP UI will now be implemented as a separate pack.
  • HUD:
    • Added number of days played panel in HUD. (Enabled by gamerule)


  • Global:
    • Updated for v1.21.0.
  • Options:
    • Added 1 more gamerule toggle (number of days played).
    • Added reflections slider option for deferred sections.
    • Modified scroll menu top and bottom panel size, to match JE current version.
  • Progress:
    • Added animated portal BG when entering Nether. (For The End will be added in the next version)
Download links
VDX: Desktop UI v3.2.3 [v1.21.50] (Main)
VDX: Mixed UI v3.2.3 [v1.21.50] (Alt)
VDX: PvP UI v3.2.3 [v1.21.50] (Alt)
Supported versions
72 336
  1. No avatar image Rain Guest
    How to download another version?
  2. No avatar image Salaman Guest
    work in 1.20?
  3. Can you make a direct download

    I am a creator too so if no I can teach you
    1. Please let me know
  4. No avatar image Zansy Guest
  5. No avatar image Guest Yan Guest
  6. No avatar image Oreo Guest
    Why No Hotbar in Classic
  7. No avatar image Kalzz Guest
  8. No avatar image Starsigma Guest
  9. No avatar image alpin Guest
  10. No avatar image ahhh skibidiih Guest
  11. No avatar image kittygamer8997 Guest
  12. No avatar image guest kaisar Guest
  13. No avatar image afanfi Guest
  14. Piter profile avatar Piter
    Very nice