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One Chunks 100 Days Survival Challenge Map

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We present you with another survival map for Minecraft, "One Chunks Snowy Survival". If you know about one chunk, you also know that there is only one island or place to play with fewer items and resources. 

In this survival map, the goal is to survive for 100 days or more with limited resources. There is nowhere to go or run. There are borders that you cannot cross in survival mode. Also, there are many caves deep inside where you can find limited amounts of coal, diamonds, and other stuff. And this survival map is multiplayer-supported, so you can enjoy it with your friends.


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One Chunks 100 Days: Screenshot 1

One Chunks 100 Days: Screenshot 2

One Chunks 100 Days: Screenshot 3

One Chunks 100 Days: Screenshot 4

One Chunks 100 Days: Screenshot 5

One Chunks 100 Days: Screenshot 6


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Texture Pack: Reckon Enhanced Texture Pack

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Updated on May 17

  • Updated to 1.20.80
  • Added new chests
  • Added new caves
  • More mobs and zombies
  • Added border
Download links
1 Chunk Snowy Island Map.mcworld
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