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TNT World Map [Superflat]

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This is a super flat TNT world with 1 layer of bedrock and then a different number of layers of TNT.

I have tried blasting the maps both in Minecraft PE and Bedrock (low end). Though it caused some lag, nothing dangerous happened, so you can use this map tension-free and enjoy the satisfying scenes. The worst thing that can happen is a Minecraft crash.

There are 3 different worlds:

  • [Level 1]: - 1 layer of bedrock and 1 layer of TNT - for less fun and low end PC
  • [Level 3]: - 1 layer of bedrock and 3 layers of TNT - for medium fun
  • [Level 5]: - 1 layer of bedrock and 5 layers of TNT - for maximum fun

Colorful TNTs Resource Pack:

Colorful TNTs Resource Pack

This is a preinstalled resource pack that will allow you to change the color of the TNTs in your world. It has a lot of choices, choose one from the subpack settings.

Don't copy or repost the project anywhere.

If you want to contact me, this is my Discord username: grumm7613



TNT World Map: Screenshot 1

TNT World Map: Screenshot 2

TNT World Map: Screenshot 3

TNT World Map: Screenshot 4

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