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Difficulty: Insane

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I'm sure you ever thought that Minecraft, even on hard difficulty, was an easy game. Well, this addon changes that, now Minecraft will be much more complicated! Your goal will be to complete the game with this new difficulty, it is recommended to play on hard to make it more funny! This addon does not use a resource pack; it is just a behavior pack. As soon as you enter a game in survival, you will notice a big difference, then all the changes.

This addon offers up to 3 difficulties, choose one of them, it's up to you!

Harder Difficulty:
  • To start with something simple, all hostile mobs have a very high vision and tracking range (20 blocks) and can see through walls.
  • The maximum spawn rate of hostile mobs has been increased by 100%.
  • Skeletons shoot arrows from 15 blocks away!
Insane Difficulty:
  • To start with something simple, all hostile mobs have a very high vision and tracking range (26 blocks) and can see through walls.
  • The maximum spawn rate of hostile mobs has been increased by 150%.
  • Skeletons shoot arrows from 18 blocks away!
  • Reduced animal spawn rate by 50%
  • Hostile mobs have a mere 40% chance to drop items on death!
  • Animals have only a 50% chance to drop items when killed! Also, the player or a pet must kill the animal.
  • You must now equip at least one piece of gold armor so that the Zombie Piglins don't attack you!
  • Hoglins, Zoglins and Iron Golems can break shields!
  • When Zombies attack, there is a 10% chance that another Zombie will spawn!
  • When Zombie Piglins attack, there is a 15% chance that another Zombie Piglin will spawn!
Demon Difficulty:
  • To start with something simple, all hostile mobs have a very high vision and tracking range (32 blocks) and can see through walls.
  • The maximum spawn rate of hostile mobs has been increased by 200%.
  • Skeletons shoot arrows from 22 blocks away!
  • Zombies, zombie villager and zombie piglin have a higher chance to spawn as babies!
  • Enderman are totally aggressive!
  • Endermen can now break shields!
  • All hostile mobs have a 20% chance to revive on death!
  • Hostile mobs have a mere 20% chance to drop items on death!
  • Animals have only a 25% chance to drop items when killed! Also, the player or a pet must kill the animal.
  • Reduced animal spawn rate by 75%
  • Most hostile mobs are now able to climb blocks!
  • Zombies can now spawn in broad daylight!
  • Undead entities don't burn during the day!
  • Piglins and Zombified Piglins are aggressive!
  • The Vex now equips an iron axe!
List of upgrades to hostile mobs:
  • Now all hostile mobs can spawn in a higher light level, that is, you will need to illuminate your buildings well, or the caves you explore, redstone torches, and soulfire will not prevent the spawning of hostile entities.
  • All hostile mobs will spawn with stronger armor and with a higher chance of having enchantments.
  • All hostile mobs will attack the villagers! If you don't sleep, you will notice how they kill the iron golem very quickly.
  • Most of the hostile mobs destroy important blocks, such as chests, beds, doors, and more.
  • Now some animals, like cows, pigs, chickens, donkeys, mules, horses, and camels, among others, will defend themselves and attack those who attack them!
  • All monsters attack in groups, meaning if you attack one, all of its family will attack you!
  • You can't sleep, the bed will explode if you try!

Wither Boss:

  • Now summons wither skeletons more frequently, even before being 50% wounded, can also summon normal skeletons.
  • Increases the speed of all undead about 64 blocks from him.

Ender Dragon:

  • Now has 400 health.
  • When he is low on life, he can summon zombies, skeletons, enderman, tnt and ghast.
  • Now he is immune to explosion damage, you can no longer kill him with explosive beds.
  • Every so often causes darkness to all non-monster entities for a few seconds.

Ender Pearl:

  • Now casting an ender pearl has a 25% chance to spawn up to 4 endermites.


  • Their attacks will cause hunger in their attackers for 10 seconds.
  • Some can place TNT.


  • They shoot faster and move faster when locating a target.
  • They shoot in large groups.
  • Some of them can spawn as wither skeletons.
  • They are more likely to be spider riders.


  • They shoot faster and move faster when locating a target.
  • They shoot in large groups.
  • They are more likely to be spider riders.

Wither Skeleton:

  • They are slightly faster and 30% knockback resistant.
  • Has a chance to spawn with diamond swords and armor.
  • Some may be archers.


  • They are faster, they explode faster, and when they explode, they place fire.
  • Some can spawn being invisible and faster.


  • Darkness all nearby mobs within 8 blocks of them for 10 seconds.
  • When attacking, they cause blindness for 10 seconds.
  • When hitting one of them, all nearby endermen will be aggressive.


  • Evokes his spells faster.
  • Now increases the speed of hostile entities near it.


  • When hitting, it causes a bad omen to its target.


    • They shoot much faster.


  • They shoot much faster.

Piglin Brute:

  • On hit, they cause mining fatigue to their target.


  • Weakness the target it hits for 10 seconds.

Zombified Piglin:

  • Their attacks hunger their target for 20 seconds.
  • Poison Effect all non-monster mobs within a 6 block radius for a few seconds.
  • If you die at the hands of any of them, they will be aggressive with the players for 25 minutes.
  • When Zombie Piglins attack, there is a 10% chance that another Zombie Piglin will spawn!


  • They will drop potions much faster, and now they will drink potions more frequently, they can drink invisibility potions when in the rain, they will use regeneration potions when taking damage, and sometimes they will drink slow decay potions.
  • The witch now provides resistance to all nearby monsters.


  • They shoot faster and move away if you're close to their range.
  • Can now spawn in the overworld.


  • When attacking, they nauseate their target.
  • They are always aggressive.

Cave Spider:

  • Wither Effect all non-monster mobs within a 3 block radius for a few seconds.
  • They are always aggressive.


  • When attacking, they give mining fatigue to their target.
  • Throw tridents faster.


  • Hunger Effect: all non-monster mobs within a 6 block radius for a few seconds.


  • When attacking, they give slowness to their target.


  • When attacking, they poison their target.
  • Nauseate Effect all mobs within a 6 block radius for a few seconds.


  • When attacking, darkness effect their target.


  • When attacking, their blindness effect their target.


  • When attacking, they infested entities.


  • Now has 90% knockback resistance.
  • Can now break wood.

Slime and Magma Cubes:

They now deal magic damage when attacking, which makes them very dangerous, you can't block their attacks with a shield, and armor doesn't reduce damage.


  • Wild wolves are now aggressive towards players at night.
Read Before Install:

Do not repost the addon, do not use the direct link. If you are going to make a video with the addon, put the ModBay, MCPEDL or CurseForge link.

Credits for:

IsraOrbit (Addon Creator): You can visit my channel, I will be uploading updates of this addon and others that I will upload later!

Doc.WAYO046: He suggested adding the new wolf mechanic.

You must activate the following experimental function!

  • Beta APIs

Download and install any of the difficulties, but only activate one at a time!

Here is a demo video of the addon:


Difficulty: Insane: Screenshot 1

Difficulty: Insane: Screenshot 2

Difficulty: Insane: Screenshot 3

Difficulty: Insane: Screenshot 4

Difficulty: Insane: Screenshot 5

Updated on February 09

Updated 1.0:

  • Enderman are totally aggressive!

  • Piglins and Zombified piglins are aggressive!

  • All hostile mobs have a 35% chance to revive on death!

  • The maximum spawn rate of hostile mobs has been increased by 200%.

  • You can't sleep, the bed will explode if you try!

V2.1 / January 29 / Old Update

Updated 2.1:

  • Updated to 1.21.51.
  • When spawning a Pillager, Evoker, Vindicator there is a 25% chance to spawn riding a Ravager!
  • Zombie horses now spawn naturally!
  • Creaking on hit causes darkness for 15 seconds!
  • Now zombies and spiders can have 3 mobs on them at the same time.
V2.0 / October 26 / Old Update

Updated 2.0:

  • Updated to 1.21.41.
V1.9 / October 22 / Old Update

Updated 1.9:

  • Updated to 1.21.31.
  • Now you only need "Beta API" in the experimental features.
  • Hostile Mob Spawn increase now works as follows: Harder 100%, Insane 150%, and Demon 200%.
  • You can't sleep, the bed will explode if you try!
  • Wild wolves are now aggressive towards players at night.
  • Now some Wither Skeletons can be archers.
  • Now the chance of finding Skeletons, Wither Skeletons, and Boggeds riding a spider is higher!
  • Some Zombies can place TNT!
V1.8 / March 03 / Old Update

Updated 1.8:

Changes were made to the following difficulties:

Harder Difficulty:

  • Reduced the spawn rate of monsters, such as zombies, from 5-10 to 4-6.
  • Reduced monster detection range from 26 blocks to 20.

Insane Difficulty:

  • Reduced the spawn rate of monsters, such as zombies, from 10-20 to 5-10.
  • Reduced monster detection range from 64 blocks to 26.

Demon Difficulty:

  • Reduced monster detection range from 64 blocks to 32.

These changes were made because performance was not good at all, especially on insane, and demon difficulties.

Now you will notice an improvement in performance on all difficulties!

V1.7 / December 08 / Old Update

Updated 1.7:

  • Now in the download section you can download the difficulty you want! This is in case you want to activate the addon in a Realms, so as not to have errors with the subpackages!

Changes were made to the following difficulties:

All Difficulties:

  • Zombie villagers can now spawn with stronger armor/swords, they didn't before!
  • Now all hostile mobs have only a 10% chance to drop their swords/tools or armor pieces.
V1.5 / November 11 / Old Update

Updated 1.5:

Changes were made to the following difficulties:

Demon Difficulty:

  • Some hostile entities may appear with greater speed and strength.
  • Enderman can sometimes spawn while invisible.
  • Now you must equip a gold chestplate to make the piglins neutral towards the player, If you equip the other pieces it will not work, they will be aggressive.

Harder Difficulty:

  • Fixed a bug which caused zombies and husks to not attack animals.

All Difficulties:

  • Now camels, donkeys, mules, horses, among others are neutral.
  • Increased the movement speed of the iron golem when heading towards a target.
  • The witch now provides resistance to all nearby monsters.
Download links
Demon Difficulty BP 2.1
Insane Difficulty BP 2.1
Harder Difficulty BP 2.1
Supported versions
2 015
  1. No avatar image Andersildo Guest
    Sadly because of the exploding bed mecanic theres no means of setting spawn, not even removing the exploding spawn blocks solve it, could you make a version without It 🥹
    1. You might be able to set your spawn if you water log your bed