Apples Plus+ Addon v1.6

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This small addon adds a new crop: Apple! Fully grown and growing apples can be found under Oak trees in forests, and they have different stages of growth. This also adds a new type of apple and food item: Green Apple!

This addon is originally a part of my Better Foliage Addon (linked below)

Where do apples grow?

Fully grown apples and growing apples can be found spawning under oak trees in forests.

Red Apple on the Oak Tree: Screenshot

Stages of growth:

Apples have 5 stages of growth (1. Stem 2. Flowered stem 3. Small green apple 4. Big green apple 5. Red apple/Golden apple), and you can also use Bonemeal to speed up their growth.

Apple Growth Stages: Screenshot

Golden Apples:

Most of the Green Apples will grow into Red Apples, but there is an extremely rare chance that a Green Apple will turn into a Golden Apple.

Golden Apple on the Oak Tree: Screenshot

Dropped items:

Each apple drops its own food item. You can also use shears on grown apples to get the placeable apples. Other stages of apples do not drop anything.

Apples and Their Items: Screenshot

Green Apple food item:

Big green apples drop a new food item which is the Green Apple and it restores 1 hunger bar so it is recommended to wait for it to grow into a red apple which restores 2 hunger bars.

Green Apples on the Oak Tree: Screenshot

Apples as a crop plant:

When you break or shear a grown apple, it will be replaced by a stem, which will eventually grow into a new apple (shown in the video below).

Video Review:

Watch the video on YouTube for a better experience.

Important Info!

  • You need to enable Experimental Features for this addon to work properly.

Required Experiments for the Apples Plus+ Addon

  • Apples are only placeable under Oak leaves.
  • Mobile users need to tap on the apples once to use Shears and get the placeable blocks.
  • Type "/function apple" to get all the new blocks and items.

Terms of use!

  • If you use this addon in a video, then share the ModBay page link, not the direct link or any custom link.
  • You are not allowed to use any of the files or textures from the addon except for personal use.
  • You are not allowed to publish this on any other site without my permission.

If you do not follow those terms, I WILL find you and sue you.

Please report any bugs, give suggestions or contact me on my YouTube: @Fused Bolt or Discord: fusedbolt

Download links
Apples Plus v1.6.1 Resource.mcpack
Apples Plus v1.6.1 Behavior.mcpack
Better Foliage Addon/Texture Pack
Supported versions