Skeleton King - Epic Bosses

The Skeleton King will arrive in your world to devastate every living being in his path. Gear up and prepare for battle to face his fearsome army and claim the sword that commands the legion of the dead.
Version 2.4 | Bedrock 1.21.44
What's New?
Here's a new update with quality life improvements, including a new structure where you can obtain the cursed torch and battle the boss in a specially designed arena for combat. I’ve also added a new mechanic to make defeating the boss easier in its second phase: destroy the eye that appears above it to prevent health regeneration and deal a significant amount of damage.
How to summon the king
You will need to find the cursed torch in the chests of an ancient city. Additionally, you must have defeated the Wither and obtained its Nether Star to light the torch with the appropriate crafting.
Cursed Land
Mini Skeleton Horde: Summons 6 mini skeletons that will attack anything in their path. Be cautious, as their hits will slow you down, and upon death, they release the potion on their backs, causing splash damage to any non-undead entity. The skeletons come equipped with a shield and helmet that will mitigate 100% of the damage they receive, but they will break after a while.
Lightning: Unleashes a series of lightning bolts on the nearest player or in a straight line if not found. You will see particles a second before a lightning bolt hits the ground, so stay alert.
Fire Prison: The ground will be ablaze around the nearest player, and the flames will follow this pattern "#". Before the fire spreads, you will hear a warning sound two seconds in advance.
Skeleton King Phase II - Wither
Once the Skeleton King receives lethal damage, he will begin to regenerate his life while transforming his iconic sword into a crossbow. Once his transformation is complete, he will change his appearance to a darker one, and bats will start to spawn around him, causing damage to any entity that is not a skeleton. This is the moment to stay at a distance and attack. His crossbow fires a series of 3 arrows with instant damage II, so you must be cautious of these projectiles.
Once you have defeated the Skeleton King, he will fall, and a final lightning bolt will strike him, disarming him and releasing the great skeleton sword. Just take it; you earned it!
Skeleton Sword
This sword deals 10 damage and has the ability to summon 4 skeletons that will ruthlessly attack your enemies. They do not carry the area damage potion, so they won't be a problem for you.
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• Credits •
Youtube: Realtern Art
Discord: Realtern Art
Support me: PATREON
Updated on February 01
- New effect upon the Skeleton King's death: a final wave of ghostly skeletons will spawn in a random quantity. These skeletons can drop high-value items.
- The book will disappear if no player is near it.
- The Phase II eye can now be destroyed with melee attacks.
- The Skeleton King's sword no longer automatically replaces any equipped item in the player's hand when interacting to pick it up. Additionally, it is now easier to collect it.
- Updates to the Skeleton King's manual: new and updated information has been added.
- Changes to the generation of the Skeleton King's arena, increasing its generation probability.
- Modification of the Skeleton King's arena structure. It now generates "creaking" and the structure better adapts to the terrain.
- The cursed torch now appears generated in the Skeleton King's arena structure instead of a chest.
- New natural structure for the Skeleton King.
- New second-phase mechanics.
- New boss bar.
- Cursed torches no longer disappear over time.
- Upon the skeleton's death, its parts now spread out more evenly and realistically.
- Potions dropped by skeleton guards are no longer area-effect, reducing lag for the player.
- The Skeleton King's sounds now continue playing even if he is out of the player's line of sight.
- New texture variant for the friendly skeletons (those summoned with the Skeleton Sword item). They will appear with moss to differentiate them from enemy skeletons.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the book from being closed or deleted.
||Version Update!||
- Works in version 1.21.20.
- No longer requires Experimental Features.
- The book can now be opened and closed normally.
- The warden will no longer attack the king's sword upon falling.
- The sword no longer degrades when summoning skeletons (temporary).
- The king's sword can now be enchanted correctly.
- Rework of some animations such as walking, emerging, phase change, and attack.
- New particle effects when emerging, dying, and phase changing.
- Skeletons summoned by the Skeleton King will now defend against any attack the boss receives.
- Correction of visual errors in the guidebook.
- Increased execution area of the cursed torch.
- New visual effect when the Skeleton King changes phase, applying darkness when you are at least 20 blocks away from the boss.
- Reworked FX sounds for the skeleton king.
- Redesigned textures for the skeleton king.
- Guard skeletons emerge faster: 2s -> 1.5s.
- "Friendly" skeletons speed change: 0.30 -> 0.27.
- Skeleton king emerges faster: 5s -> 4.5s.
- Changed the range in which the torch executes skeletons: 10 -> 20.
- Nerf to the skeleton king's health: 850 -> 750 hearts.
- "Friendly" skeletons now attack illagers.
- General bugfix.
- Removed “open” button that was visible on mobile.
- Support Addon for bedrock 1.20.71.
- King Skeleton updated to version 1.20.71.
- Skeleton troop updated to version 1.20.71.
- Skeleton sword updated to version 1.20.71.
- Tested on Bedrock version 1.20.71.
- Tested on Realm version 1.20.71.