
Do you think it is really difficult to farm bone meal for your survival? Compostables came to change that! Valuing the reuse of items that are sometimes useless in game, this simple behavior pack will make a variety of 100 vanilla items compostable, even add a new compost mechanic to your game! In addition to being fully compatible with any other content and working for all platforms in stable/beta versions, this content works as close as possible to vanilla composting mechanics! Let's see it?
Many more compostable items in your game, making fertilization much more agile. These items include rotten flesh, poisonous potatoes, spider eyes, foods, and many more! (See the list below). In addition to being able to compost items by manually interacting, below are the different compost abilities you can use with this pack:
- This pack adds the ability to compost items by dropping them inside composters. This feature will also work with those items that are compostable by vanilla!
- Note: compost-by-dropping can be disabled if that is your preference (see the "Available Commands" section on this page).
- Compost using hoppers also works with new compostables, just like vanilla composting do. It will always prioritize those items that are compostable by vanilla due to overlap reasons!
- Warning: for this feature to work, make sure to place the hopper on top of a composter after installing the pack in your world. Or do it by placing the composter below a hopper! (If the pack is disabled and enabled again, you may need to do the same process.)
New Compostable Items (per chance):
- See below the list of all the vanilla items that will gain compostability from this pack, along with their composting chance. The higher the percentage of an item, the more likely it is for it to add another layer of compost.
Available Commands:
- "/function jlmcpe.compostables/compostByDropping": enables or disables the compost-by-dropping function (on by default). Disable it if you don't want items being compostable by dropping them inside composters.
Special Credits:
- Special credits go to Daenvil for the original idea, taken from the brilliant More Compostable Items Data Pack for Java Edition.
Full Showcase Video:
Enabling the Script:
After installing the Script, just enable it within Behavior Packs in your world to use it!
This Script is fully compatible with any other content, and no experimental option is needed! :)
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You cannot publish this Script on any page, unless that page is only to describe the Script and, to download, do redirect the user to this page. You are also not allowed to publish my Script on any application without my authorization!
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Updated on September 23
Thanks for downloading this pack! Now updated for game versions 1.21.20+! :D
- Adjusted compost chance for the following blocks to match vanilla composting: Tall Grass (from 65% to 50%), Fern (from 30% to 65%, same chance as Large Fern) and Mushroom Stem (from 85% to 65%, applicable only from the upcoming version 1.21.40). These chances are used when composting items by dropping them inside composters.
- Added a global game rule message to the toggle command /function jlmcpe.compostables/compostByDropping.
- Made some bug fixes and code optimizations.
- Greatly improved code performance.
- A hopper linked to a composter using pistons will now be registered by the pack.