Empyrean God Addon

This mod adds boss and items. The boss it adds can only be summoned, is very tanky and deals heavy damage. Also, it can heal every 2 and 30 minutes!
Empyrean God:
- Diamond Chestplate "Chest"
- Diamond Leggings "Legs"
- Diamond Boots "Feet"
- Diamond Sword (Fire Aspect II) "Main Hand"
- Health Boost (Level 44 = XLV)
- Resistance (Level 3 = IV)
- Strength (Level 6 = VII)
- Speed (Level 2 = III)
Passive Skills:
- Heal (Instant Health I) every 120 seconds
- Ultimate Heal (Instant Health V) every 1800 seconds
- Can Walk Above Water And Lava
- Can Break Blocks Close To It
Empyrean Summoner:
- Summons the Empyrean God
- Obtainable by Crafting
- Recipe:
Empyrean Flaming Star:
- Obtainable by smelting Diamond
- Recipe: