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Morphing Bracelet [BETA]

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Morphing Bracelet is a brand new item that allows players to morph into several mobs!

Morphing Bracelet:

Morphing Bracelet gives players the ability to morph into different mobs. Simply kill a mob while keeping a bracelet in your inventory to collect it and morph into it. To craft this item, you need four soul soil blocks and one soul glass block.

Morphing Bracelet Recipe

To get the Soul Glass block, smelt soul sand in a furnace.

Morphing Bracelets have durability, and every time you morph into a mob, it uses up the durability of your bracelet. To repair it, hold your bracelet and stand on top of a soul sand or soul soil to harness its energy.

Scroll of Souls:

An item that can store a mob you collected into an item separately from your bracelet, which allows players to trade the mobs they have with each other.

To use this item, morph into the desired mob and use the item to transfer the mob into the scroll. The type of mob saved on a scroll can be seen by hovering over it. Smelt a paper on a soul campfire to obtain this item.

Mobs Information:

Mobs Information

Visually glows in the dark and has the ability to fly in survival mode.

Rolls up when sneaking and scares away any spiders and cave spiders.

Comes in five different types. Can breathe underwater but slowly suffocates out of water.

Can see in the dark and has the ability to fly in survival mode.

Has the ability to fly in survival mode. Can sting and poison other mobs.

Shoots fireballs and takes damage upon contact with water. Can also fly in survival mode.

Has a bow that shoots poisonous arrows. Can be sheared to drop mushrooms.

Shoots infinite wind charges and has the ability to perform long jumps.

Moves slower and is tall. Can be ridden by up to two players.

Takes no fall damage and scares away any creepers and phantoms. Comes in eleven different breeds.

Cave Spider
Can climb walls and poisons other mobs.

Falls slowly and takes no fall damage.

Can breathe underwater and suffocates on land.

Can be milked by other players.

Ignites when sneaking. Transforms into a charged creeper when struck by lightning.

Swims faster underwater. Unlike other aquatic mobs, they can't survive without getting air every once in a while.

Runs faster and has the ability to jump over fences. Can be ridden by players.

Can breathe underwater and burns in daylight.

Elder Guardian
Can curse nearby players with mining fatigue. Inflicts damage similarly to the Thorns enchantment when its spikes are out.

Ender Dragon
A boss mob that can fly and shoot dragon fireballs. Can destroy blocks in its path and damage mobs in contact.

Takes damage upon contact with water and has the ability to teleport.

Endermen attack you without provocation. Doesn't take damage upon contact with water, unlike endermen.

Spell-casting illager that can summon fangs. Currently lacks the ability to summon vexes yet.

Immune to sweet berry bushes. Can pounce by holding the sneak button.

Can jump higher by sneaking and has a reduced fall damage. Comes in three biome-dependent types.

Has the ability to fly and shoot fireballs. And is resistant to fire damage.

Glow Squid
Breathes underwater and suffocates on land. Glows visually in the dark.

Has a reduced fall damage. Can jump higher by holding the sneak button.

Inflicts damage similarly to the Thorns enchantment when its spikes are out. Breathes both water and air.

Has a knockback resistance of 50% and transforms into a zoglin outside the Nether.

Can run very fast and can jump high. Comes in several variants and can be ridden by players.

A different type of zombie that doesn't burn in daylight.

Iron Golem
Moves slower but has a lot of health. Can yeet mobs and is resistant to knockback.

Can spit at other mobs and can be ridden by players. Comes in four different types.

Magma Cube
Jumps higher and splits into smaller magma cubes upon death. Continuously damage mobs they collide with and doesn't take any fall damage.

Provides mushroom stews when milked with a bowl. Turns into a brown mooshroom or vice versa upon lightning strike.

An offspring of a horse and a donkey, which can also be ridden by players.

Runs very fast and is immune to fall damage. Scares away any creepers and phantoms and is larger in size compared to cats.

Comes with various personalities, each featuring unique traits.

Can fly in survival mode and comes in five different types.

Has the ability to fly and burns under daylight.

Can be ridden by players when equipped with a saddle.

Carries a golden sword and transforms into a zombified piglin outside the Nether.

Piglin Brute
A stronger variant of the piglin, wielding a golden axe instead of a golden sword.

Equipped with a crossbow that shoots infinite arrows.

Polar Bear
Doesn't take freezing damage from powder snow.

Breathes underwater but suffocates on land. Inflates when there's a threat nearby, dealing damage and inflicting poison on it.

Moves faster on land and comes in seven different breeds.

Has a lot of health and a knockback resistance of 75%.

Breathes underwater but suffocates on land. Comes in three different sizes.

Comes in sixteen different colors. Eats grass when sneaking on a grass block.

A block-shaped mob that's locked in place. Can protect itself by closing its shell.

Currently lacks the ability to infest stone blocks.

Has a bow that can shoot arrows infinitely and burns in daylight.

Skeleton Horse
Can run very fast and traverse in water easily. Can also be ridden by players.

Splits into smaller slimes upon death and continuously damage mobs they collide with.

A large ancient mob that moves slower and is heavier.

Snow Golem
Creates snow trails and can throw infinite snowballs. Melts in contact with water or a hot environment.

Can climb walls.

Can breathe underwater and suffocates on land.

Equipped with a bow that shoots slowness arrows infinitely and is immune to freezing.

Has the ability to walk on lava and is resistant to fire damage. Can be ridden by players when saddled.

The smallest mob in Minecraft. Breathes underwater but suffocates on land.

Trader Llama
Can spit at other mobs and can be ridden by players. Wears a different type of clothing.

Tropical Fish
Can breathe underwater but suffocates on land. Comes with various species, like clownfish.

Moves slower on land but faster underwater. Breathes both air and water.

Can fly in survival mode and wields an iron sword. Currently can't phase through walls.

Comes in seven different biome outfits and tranforms into a zombie villager when killed by a zombie.

Wields an iron axe that deals a lot of damage.

Wandering Trader
A villager wearing different clothing.

Has a lot of health and deals a lot of damage. Has a foggy vision and shoots sonic explosions.

Currently doesn't have the ability to throw potions.

A boss mob with a lot of health. Can shoot wither skulls at mobs.

Wither Skeleton
Inflicts other mobs with a wither effect and is immune to lava.

Comes in nine different breeds. Has a tamed variant with a tail indicating the amount of health it has.

A zombified variant of the hoglin that's immune to fire damage.

Burns under daylight and can infect villagers it kills. Has a baby variant that can run very fast.

Zombie Horse
A zombified variant of the horse that isn't obtainable in survival mode. Unlike other horses, this horse cannot be ridden by players.

Zombie Villager
Burns under daylight. Can be cured into a villager with a golden apple.

Zombified Piglin
Carries a golden sword and is immune to fire damage.

Coming Soon!

  • Creaking

YouTube: CookieDookie
X: @CookieDookie145
Bluesky: @cookiedookie145.bsky.social

Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ynBzd4eJaA

The add-on is currently in BETA and is still being polished. Enjoy!

Installation Requirements

  • Turn on the Beta APIs experimental toggle for the add-on to work.
  • Turn on the Education Edition toggle to be able to use the flying ability of a mob.
  • It is not recommended to have this add-on installed with other add-ons in the same world.

Updated on February 16

v0.2.9 Hotfix (1.21.6x)

  • Fixed a bug where the game pushes you back to the original position when you try to walk over some blocks.
v0.2.8 / February 13 / Old Update

v0.2.8 Hotfix (1.21.6x)

  • The add-on is now functional in version 1.21.6x!
v0.2.7 / December 07 / Old Update

v0.2.7 Hotfix (1.21.5x)

  • The add-on is now functional in version 1.21.5x!
  • Fixed a bug where the Soul Glass block looks visually opaque in the hotbar.
v0.2.6 / October 24 / Old Update

v0.2.6 Hotfix (1.21.4x)

  • The add-on is now functional in version 1.21.4x!
v0.2.5 / September 22 / Old Update

v0.2.5 Hotfix (1.21.3x)

  • The add-on is now functional in version 1.21.3x!
  • Due to a recent change in 1.21.30, bee's nectar collecting ability has been disabled for now. It will be coming back in the future with some changes and adjustments.

Note from the Developer: If you have noticed, recent updates for the add-on were only hotfixes. But don't worry, this is because I'm currently reworking the whole player client code to make it more polished and optimized. This is a backend rework which means that the changes wouldn't be significantly noticeable, but there will be some changes you might notice after the rework, the biggest one is the custom sleeping animations of every mob.

v0.2.4 / August 14 / Old Update

v0.2.4 Hotfix! (1.21.2x)

  • The add-on has been updated to version 1.21.2x!
v0.2.3 / June 24 / Old Update

v0.2.3 Update! (1.21.x)


  • Added the Breeze morph! (Unfortunately, due to limitations in version 1.21.0, the wind charge ability is not yet functional. But it will be available in version 1.21.10 though!)

Gameplay Changes:

  • The two messages that show up when a player kills a mob that isn't available now only show up on players that have a bracelet in their inventory
  • The mobs collected in a bracelet cannot be duplicated anymore! This also means that using the Scroll of Souls item now removes the morph from your bracelet and puts it on the scroll
  • Some sentences in the language files have been tweaked
  • The transformation sound effect and particles have been updated again!
  • Warden's sonic boom can now go through walls
  • The morphing bracelet on your arms is now animated!
  • Ghast fireball doesn't shoot instantly anymore
  • Fox's pouncing ability has been drastically improved
  • Shulker invalid location message now shows up in the actionbar rather than being a chat message

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the enderman projectile teleportation sound doesn't play on both locations
  • Fixed a bug where phantoms don't spawn when you're morphed into a mob

Page Changes:

  • The description for the Scroll of Souls has been changed

Technical Changes: (You don't have to read this)

  • The script in the morphingBracelet.js file now uses container slots instead of itemStacks
  • Spider, cave spider, and shulker morphs are now using the new "minecraft:mob_effect_immunity" entity component instead of commands
  • Enderman projectile teleportation ability code now uses the new "Dimension.getBlockBelow()" method
  • The head animation of the turtle is now using the same animation as the other animals
  • Five entity components are now turned on by default on players
  • Removed the non-functional "minecraft:persistent" entity component on some morphs
  • The volume of the ghast sounds now matches the volume of the actual ghast mob
  • system.runInterval() and system.runTimeout() tick delays have been correctly adjusted
v0.2.2 / June 16 / Old Update

Changelog (v0.2.2 Update)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to an issue in the game, the Holiday Creator Features experimental toggle must be disabled for the add-on to work.

Updated to 1.21.x!

  • Added the Bogged morph, which can shoot poisonous arrows!
  • Unfortunately due to my busy schedule, I ran out of time adding the Breeze morph so it's currently not out yet (But it will be added in the future though!)
  • Human morph has been updated to work with the new Raid Omen effect
  • Silverfish morph is now immune to the new infested potion effect
  • Slime morph is now immune to the new oozing potion effect
  • The scripting API has been updated to version 1.12.0-beta


  • Added a cool particle effect when collecting souls of mobs!

Gameplay Changes:

  • When getting zombified as a villager, the villager death sound is now played
  • Souls in a Glass has been completely removed from the add-on
  • Blaze Fireball item has been renamed to Small Fireball
  • Evoker Fang item has been renamed to Evoker Fangs
  • The evoker fangs item now has an enchantment glint like any other item abilities
  • Dragon Fireball cooldown duration has been decreased from 3.35 seconds to 0.67 seconds
  • The add-on no longer uses the 'Holiday Creator Features' experimental toggle! This means that Beta APIs is the only toggle you have to turn on!
  • Updated the texture of the Guardian Curse item
  • Updated the texture of the Sonic Boom item

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where converting into a mob after dying doesn't regenerate your health (Ex. zombie into drowned)
  • Fixed an issue where flying down in creative mode as an armadillo makes you roll up
  • Fixed a bug where mob projectiles thrown by morphed players don't aggravate mobs
  • Fixed a bug where the stray morph doesn't have the ability to shoot slowness arrows
  • Fixed a known issue where morphing into an ender dragon slows down the performance of the world (MORPH-15)

Page Changes:

  • Removed existing known issues

Technical Changes: (You don't have to read this)

  • Bracelet charging particles molang variable map has been renamed from "direction" to "variables"
  • The code for the transformation particles has been tweaked
  • Morph-specific entity tag names now have a consistent format
  • Morphing events have been reworked and now doesn't use features from 'Holiday Creator Features' experimental toggle!
  • Filled Scroll of Souls item name is now colored using an item component instead of section signs in the language files
  • Mobs with projectile abilities now use vanilla projectile entities rather than custom entities
  • The item ID morph:snow_golem_ball has been renamed to morph:snowball
  • The item ID morph:blaze_fireball has been renamed to morph:small_fireball
  • The item ID morph:wither_skull_dangerous has been renamed to morph:blue_wither_skull
  • The item ID morph:ghast_fireball has been renamed to morph:fireball
  • The item ID morph:evoker_fang has been renamed to morph:evoker_fangs
  • Add-on items now use the new custom components feature and are no longer part of the 'Holiday Creator Features' experimental toggle!
  • The "morph:post_morph" and "morph:reset" events have been merged into one
  • Tweaked the code of the itemAbilities.js file
  • Switched the order of importing "system" and "world" class in scripts
v0.2.1 / May 08 / Old Update

Changelog (v0.2.1 Update)

Updated to 1.20.8x!

  • Added Armadillo morph
  • Spider and cave spider morphs are now afraid of armadillos
  • Added new variants to the wolf morph
  • Morph events have been reworked for 1.20.80
  • The scripting API has been updated to version 1.11.0-beta

Gameplay Changes:

  • The custom health display of the wither and the warden morph has been added back
  • The ender dragon morph is now also using the custom health display
  • Morphing bracelet's charging feature has been added back replacing the anvil repairing feature
  • Increased the size of the transformation particle

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where mobs that transform into different mobs don't transform properly (e.g., villagers into witches)

Page Changes:

  • The content of "Mobs Information" has been moved inside a spoiler

Technical Changes: (You don't have to read this)

  • Changed the order of materials, textures, and geometry of player.entity.json
  • Removed the unused "minecraft:color" and "minecraft:color2" reset components
  • The "morph:reset" event code has been tweaked
  • Pillager morphing event code is now consistent with other morphing events
  • Shulker morphing conditions have been tweaked
  • "morphEvents" and "addResetEvents" arrays have been merged
  • Shulker's inputpermission command has been moved from scripts to player.json
  • The code for the cave spider poison immunity ability is now separated from the normal spider poison immunity ability code
  • The bracelet now checks for the color2 component of the tropical fish mob than the skin_id component
  • Iron golem's holding poppy feature is now client-side
  • The code of the evoker's fang ability now uses "above()" and "below()" functions instead of Vector3 directly
  • "morphables.js" file has been renamed to "morphs.js"
  • Removed non-functional attack damage effects of mobs
v0.2.0 / March 31 / Old Update

Changelog (v0.2.0 Update)

The add-on is finally in BETA! This means I'm done adding all the mobs to the add-on. I will now focus on fixing more bugs, working on optimizations, polishing the add-on more, and adding smaller features like villager professions.

New Mobs!

  • Ender Dragon

Add-on Changes:

  • When a player joins for the first time, the transformation sound and effects will not play anymore
  • The addon description has been merged into a single-line
  • Removed a feature where if a player dies while morphed as a different mob, they will morph back into a human (A lot of players have requested to remove this feature)
  • Due to performance issues, bracelets can now be repaired with anvils instead of standing on a soul sand/soil block
  • Added a message that shows up if a player tries to kill a vanilla mob that has not been added yet to the addon
  • Added a message that shows up if a player tries to kill a modded mob

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the username above your head is sometimes not visible to other players
  • Fixed a bug where dying as a flying mob will still give you the ability to fly when you're morphed back into a human
  • Fixed a bug where morphing from a bee into a different mob sometimes removes your fall damage
  • The mobGriefing game rule now works properly with the explosion ability of the creeper morph

Technical Changes: (You don't have to read this)

  • Removed the "locked" property of morphables
  • The wither morph is now obtainable by entity death instead of player-hit
  • Improved the code of the morph menu UI
  • Scroll of Souls now also uses the itemstack dynamic property feature like the morphing bracelet
  • Tweaked the flapping animation of the chicken and the parrot morph
  • Removed the unused "minecraft:flying_speed" component on some morphs
  • Removed the unused "minecraft:can_fly" component of the allay morph
  • Human morph components have been renamed to match the format of other mobs
  • Renamed the "variant" key of morphables to "type"
  • Added the author's name to the metadata of the addon
  • The "initialized" dynamic property can now trigger the initialization event if the dynamic property is false
  • Shulker mobs without the variant component can now be obtained
  • Horse mobs without the variant component can now be obtained
  • The add-on is now using actor properties instead of minecraft:variant component to store data of what the player is currently morphed with!
  • Removed unused witch-related items

New Known Issue:

  • Morphing as an ender dragon slows down the performance of the world. To temporarily fix this issue, disable the mobGriefing game rule when morphing into this mob (MORPH-15)
Download links
Morphing Bracelet[mcaddon, 1.79 Mb] / Downloads: 5818
Supported versions
87 492
  1. No avatar image Guest Matthew Guest
    Por favor ya mete al crujidor
  2. No avatar image Shellshock0777 Guest
    I am having a problem, every time I make a world with this mod i go 10 more times faster
    1. No avatar image Shellshock0777 Guest
      and it wont let me morph
      1. No avatar image CaffeeCatz Guest
        It’s happening to me too, I don’t know what’s wrong but the morphing bracelet is my favorite mod so not being able to use it is a bummer
        1. No avatar image chase Guest
          you need to down load it again its updates and it fails
  3. No avatar image Byayaz Guest
  4. No avatar image Apip Guest
  5. No avatar image sayyid Guest
    Cara pasang gimana
  6. No avatar image Guest Lukman Guest
  7. No avatar image Arnie Guest
    Can't I download older versions?
    1. No avatar image vlkardakov Guest
      The same problem
  8. No avatar image Mekai Guest
  9. No avatar image DIKEMOS Guest
    Add a soul splitter item that not only allows you to get the morph of any mob without killing it (including creaking) but you also get the body of the mob, where you can combine the soul and body of any mob (body=health soul=special ability) to place and tame (tame item depends on the soul) and it becomes your pet. :)
    1. No avatar image DIKEMOS Guest
      Forgot to say plz :)
      1. No avatar image DIKEMOS Guest
        Also can u respond to our comments if you look at them plz
    2. CookieDookie profile avatar CookieDookie Author
      this addon only focuses on morphing into different mobs, sorry
  10. No avatar image harinezu Guest
    Bro can you add a command or function to get all the mob morphs at once? Because it's a bit difficult to get all the mobs by killing them One by one
  11. No avatar image Amar Guest
  12. No avatar image Erm..what the sigma Guest
    Does this work for Mobil? I've been trying for awhile now, and I did all the requirements. Not sure what I'm missing.
  13. it's broken

    on 1.21.44, the fov is cursed, you're running at full speed and the morphing won't work???

    Education toggle is on and beta apis is on. Anybody know the fix?
  14. No avatar image Nihal Guest
    My best addon mod
  15. No avatar image Galang Guest
    Why do I get an error saying I can't use the addon?