Mo' Music Discs

Ever wanted more music discs in your Minecraft world? This add-on does just that by adding 8 new music discs to collect, with more being added in the future! These are new discs, and they do not replace the vanilla ones.
With the Mo' Music Discs add-on, you are able to collect 8 brand new music discs in your Minecraft world, with more being added in future updates! These new discs do not replace any of the current vanilla discs as well!
How does it work?
You simply find and collect the discs and put them into a jukebox!
Below you can find out how to obtain them.
New Disc List:
Dropped from Creepers when killed by a Skeleton or Stray.
Dropped from Blazes as a rare drop when killed by a player.
Dropped from Creepers when killed by a Skeleton or Stray.
Dropped from Creepers when killed by a Skeleton or Stray.
Dropped from Creepers when killed by a Skeleton or Stray.
"Weird Realm"
Only found in chests in end cities.
Dropped from Creepers when killed by a Skeleton or Stray.
Dropped from Creepers when killed by a Skeleton or Stray.
More to come!
Required Experiments:
Turn on the experimental gameplay toggle shown below!
Permissions for music:
Anti by Firch
Blaze by mango unit
Blue by TheChillVibesGuy
Carrot by CarrotAndCo
Mystical by MysticSwe
Scopophobia by mango unit
Weird Realm by ToastDot.39
Repeat disc was made by me.
(Comments of mine asking for permission can be found on the videos of discs, not including Mystical and Weird Realm which were done over Discord)
Links to songs:
- Anti
- Blaze
- Blue
- Carrot
- Mystical
- Repeat (Made by me)
- Scopophobia
- Weird Realm
Known Problems:
- Attempting to play a custom disc when one is already playing will result in an overlap of the disc audios. To fix this, simply remove any disc and interact with the jukebox with your empty hand.
- When breaking an active jukebox with a custom disc inserted, the music will continue to play after the jukebox was destroyed.
- Credit to Rebel459 for the disc script template!
Updated on July 02
- Updated for 1.21
- Updated for 1.20.80