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Indonesian Ghost Addon

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Welcome, Visitor! It seems that I have caught your attention with this post I've made, in which I should say thank you for being interested! Today's post is an addon called "Indonesian Ghost". What is this addon you may ask? Well, Indonesian Ghost is an addon that brings ghosts and black magic creatures from Indonesia into Minecraft Bedrock!

I'll introduce you to some of the ghosts within this addon!

Pocong / Shroud Ghost



Health: 20 HP (10 hearts)

Damage: 3-5 HP (when hit, inflict weakness)

Aggression: Neutral

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) Pocong is a kind ghost which is a human-wrapped shroud. In Indonesia, this kind of ghost is also known as ghost wrap. Pocong is also known as a shroud ghost. Pocong is a ghost that is said to be the spirit of a dead person trapped in their shroud.

According to the myths in circulation, the souls of people who have died will live on earth for 40 days after death. If the shroud is not released after 40 days, the body is said to jump out of the grave to warn people that their souls need to be released. After the bond is released, the soul will truly leave the Earth.

Note: Pocong do not actually hop around to move, but float instead. Reason why I made them hop is to differentiate them with real ones.

Red Pocong
Red Pocong

Red Pocong

Health: 30 HP (15 hearts)

Damage 3-5 HP (when hit, inflict weakness)

Aggression: Hostile

Short Description: Red Pocong is a variant of the Pocong that is more aggressive and faster than the regular version. The red color comes from the amount of blood loss that has soaked their shroud. Red Pocong are vengeful ghosts, and will chase and kill a player the moment they get the chance.



Health: 10 HP (5 hearts, when below 5 HP it will escape)

Damage: None

Aggression: Passive (Avoids Player)

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) A toyol or tuyul is an undead infant in Indonesian and Malay folklore. It also appears in the various other mythologies of Southeast Asia and is typically invoked as a helper by shamans (dukun, pawang, or bomoh) by means of black magic. A common use for the toyol includes using it for financial gain, where the creature robs people of their riches. As such, the toyol is popularly known to bring good luck to its host, but mishap to those who are unfortunate to encounter them.

Note: This mob has a easter egg reference to Upin and Ipin when named to either Upin or Ipin.



Health: 20 HP (10 hearts)

Damage: 3-5 HP (when hit, inflict slowness)

Agression: Neutral (staring at their face will enrage them)

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) The Kuntilanak (Indonesian name), also called Pontianak (Malay name), or Yakshi in Hinduism/ Hindu mythology is a mythological creature in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. It is similar to Langsuir in other Southeast Asia regions. The Pontianak usually takes the form of a pregnant woman who is unable to give birth to a child. Alternatively, it is often described as a vampiric, vengeful female spirit. Another form of the Pontianak refers to the ghost or white lady of Southeast Asian folklore.

The Pontianak is often depicted as a long-haired woman dressed in white, and it represents local variations of a vampire. She lures in unsuspecting men to incite fear and enact revenge. Signs that a Pontianak is nearby include the sound of an infant crying and the smell of a decaying corpse or the plumeria flower.

Sundel Bolong
Sundel Bolong

Sundel Bolong

Health: 20 HP (10 hearts)

Damage: 3-5 HP (when hit, inflict blindness)

Aggression: Hostile

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) In folklore, a sundel bolong, more commonly referred to as a prostitute ghost is the soul of a woman who died when she was pregnant outside of marriage and therefore gave birth in her grave, or who died during childbirth and the baby came out from her back (this is the reason why the hole was created in her back) which is concealed from men by her long black hair.

The victims of sundel bolong consist mainly of men and children. As a vengeful spirit, if rejected by a man, she is said to castrate him. Children, especially newborns are said to be taken to replace her lost child.

Suster Ngesot
Suster Ngesot

Suster Ngesot

Health: 20 HP (10 hearts)

Damage: 3-5 HP (when hit, inflict slowness)

Aggression: Hostile

Short Description: Suster Ngesot is a ghost of a woman that wears a nurse outfit and has their leg chopped off. Its origin is undetermined, but rumours that spread lead to the belief of Suster Ngesot's existence.

Kuyang / Krasue


Health: 30 HP (15 hearts)

Damage: 3-5 HP (deals ranged damage)

Aggression: Hostile

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) This spirit moves about by hovering in the air above the ground, for it has no lower body. The throat may be represented in different ways, either as only the trachea or with the whole neck. The organs below the head usually include the heart and the stomach with a length of intestine, the intestinal tract emphasizing the ghost's voracious nature. It is also known as the Krasue. When the sun starts to rise, Kuyang will transform into Black Magic Practitioner.

Black Magic Practitioner
Black Magic Practitioner

Black Magic Practitioner

Health: 20 HP (when hurt, will drink health potions)

Damage: 3-5 HP (deals ranged damage)

Aggression: Neutral

Short Description: Black Magic Practitioner is a woman who have learned the arts of black magic and uses it for various selfish reasons. She can trade with the player, trading things such as rotten flesh, human hair, emerald, and currently the only way to obtain the Keris. When the sun dawns, she will turn into a Kuyang.



Health: 100 HP (50 hearts)

Damage: 7-10 HP (10 when leaping)

Aggression: Hostile

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) Genderuwo is a Javanese myth about a kind of genie or subtle creature that is a human-like ape that is large and well-built with a reddish black color, his body is covered in thick hair that grows all over the body. Genderuwo is known most in society on Java Island, Indonesia. Genderuwo is believed to be able to communicate and make direct contact with humans. Various legends mention that genderuwo can change its appearance following the physical form of a human being to tempt fellow humans.

Note: It has a special behavior, that is it will leap to the target when the target is far away.

Keris - Weapon


Damage: 6 (+3 damage to undead/black magic mobs)

Durability: 1050

Short Description: (Source: Wikipedia) The kris or keris is a Javanese asymmetrical dagger with a distinctive blade-patterning achieved through alternating laminations of iron and nickelous iron. The kris is famous for its distinctive wavy blade, although many have straight blades as well, and is one of the weapons commonly used in the pencak silat martial art native to Indonesia. Kris has been so embedded in a mutually-connected whole of ritual prescriptions and acts, ceremonies, mythical backgrounds and epic poetry as in Central Java. The kris itself is considered as a cultural symbol of Indonesia and also neighbouring countries like Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.

And more to come soon, so try the addon now!

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1.20.70 1.20.60
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  1. No avatar image wka geng Guest
    Wow keren ma
  2. Good Addon
  3. FelixChats profile avatar FelixChats Author
    Planning to update the addon here earlier than the one in MCPEDL.