The Katana Addon!

The Katana addon adds a new weapon to the game: The Katana. Katana's are meant to be a true alternative to the sword (because let's face it: no one actually uses tridents or axes in place of a sword). Katana's deal less damage and have less durability than their sword counterparts, however you are able to use them as a form of mobility via dashing! Just right click and you instantly dash foward a couple blocks. Dashing is meant to be slower than horses and elytras, but easier to obtain and use. Personally, I find dashing to be very useful when exploring large caves or climbing mountains. Dashing also can break your fall too!
The Katanas:
Wooden Katana
- Damage - 3
- Dash Range - 4 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 5 seconds
- Durability - 20 hits
- This Katana is not very good, but it still can be used to break your fall at least. Plus, it's cheap to craft!
Stone Katana
- Damage - 4
- Dash Range - 5 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 4 seconds
- Durability - 60 hits
- This Katana also is not very good, but it still also can be used to break your fall, and it's cheap to craft.
Iron Katana
- Damage - 5
- Dash Range - 8 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 3 seconds
- Durability - 125 hits
- This Katana is decent. It's definitely usable, but there are just better options. Still, it's relatively cheap to craft and easier to obtain than the upcoming Katanas.
Diamond Katana
- Damage - 6
- Dash Range - 10 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 2.5 seconds
- Durability - 700 hits
- This Katana is great! Obviously, the Netherite Katana is better, however the diamond Katana will last awhile and is a great choice if you don't want to use the Netherite required for a Netherite Katana.
Netherite Katana
- Damage - 7
- Dash Range - 12 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 2 seconds
- Durability - 1500 hits
- This is the best "normal" Katana. It has the best durability, the highest damage, and the second best range and cooldown in the addon. Overall, a great choice.
Golden Katana
- Damage - 3
- Dash Range - 15 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 1 second
- Durability - 100 hits
- Better Enchantment Luck
- Golden weapons have always had a bad reputation in Minecraft, and for good reason: they just aren't worth it. Their durability is just too low to justify enchanting them. This addon tries to fix this. The Golden Katana still does have a low durability, but it's not the worst, and its upsides make up for it. The Golden Katana has the highest Dash range and lowest cooldown in the pack. Additionally, I tweaked this items' enchantment luck to be comically high, so it has amazing enchantment luck.
Emerald Katana
- Damage - 5
- Dash Range - 8 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 2.75 seconds
- Durability - 125 hits
- Gives XP when attacking
- Cannot be enchanted
- The Emerald Katana is very unique. It's not really intend to be used as a main weapon, rather it's supposed to be used to easily get some extra XP when grinding for enchants. I don't really like Minecraft's XP grind (Getting to level 30 is an absolute pain), so this item was made to help with that.
- Also, if you're wondering, it grants 1 XP per hit.
Copper Katana
- Damage - 4
- Dash Range - 8 blocks
- Dash Cooldown - 4 seconds
- Durability - 45 hits
- Strikes all mobs in a five block radius with lightning.
Updated on October 14
- Fixed durability bug.
- Updated icon picture.
- Updated to 1.21.21.
- Fixed texture bug.
- Updated to 1.20.80.
- Increased Copper Katana dash range to 8 blocks.