The Battleaxe Addon!

The Battleaxes in this addon are based on the ones found in one of my previous maps, Raid Arena. This vanilla friendly addon adds a new weapon and tool to the game: the Battleaxe. Battleaxes have very high damage and durability, but can also chop trees and wooden blocks as fast as normal axes! They can also be enchanted with all the enchantments that normal axes can get too!
As both a tool and a weapon, Battleaxes are very different from Minecraft's other tools. The Battleaxe attempts to do two things: firstly, to give an equivalent of both the sweeping edge enchantment and the high damage axes found in the Java edition. Bedrock has no real substitute for sweeping edge, and the axes in Java are nothing like the axes in Bedrock, so the Battleaxe is able to hit multiple targets like sweeping edge and has very high damage like the Java axes.
The second thing the Battleaxe attempts to do is give the player the option to use damage enchantments other than sharpness on their swords. Let's face it: out of smite, sharpness, and bane of arthropods, sharpness is the definitive enchantment to use. Non-undead mobs like creepers, enderman, and pillagers simply pose more of a threat than zombies and skeletons do, and it's vital that the player is able to kill all these mobs quickly, not just the undead ones. But no one wants to carry around two swords. There are only nine slots in your hotbar, and you really want to use one as a backup sword? Of course not! The Battleaxe, though, is able to fill both the role of an axe and a high damage weapon, and so the player will be able to enchant his or her sword with smite (or bane of arthropods if they're insane) while not hurting their ability to kill non-undead mobs.
The Battleaxes:
Wooden Battleaxe
- Damage - 5
- Hit Slowness - Slowness I (0:01)
- Hit Weakness (Self) - Weakness III (0:01)
- Swing Damage - 6
- Swing Range - 1.5 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 3 second
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness I (0:01)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness I (0:02)
- Mining Speed - 6
- Durability - 120 hits
Stone Battleaxe
- Damage - 6
- Hit Slowness - Slowness II (0:01)
- Hit Weakness (Self) - Weakness III (0:01)
- Swing Damage - 8
- Swing Range - 1.9 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 5 seconds
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness II (0:02)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness III (0:03)
- Mining Speed - 8
- Durability - 264 hits
Iron Battleaxe
- Damage - 8
- Hit Slowness - Slowness II (0:02)
- Hit Weakness (Self) - Weakness III (0:02)
- Swing Damage - 10
- Swing Range - 2.5 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 7 seconds
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness III (0:03)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness IV (0:04)
- Mining Speed - 10
- Durability - 500 hits
Golden Battleaxe
- Damage - 5
- Hit Slowness - Slowness I (0:01)
- Hit Weakness - Weakness III (0:01)
- Swing Damage - 6
- Swing Range - 2.9 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 1 second
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness I (0:01)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - None
- Mining Speed - 20
- Durability - 150 hits
- Better enchantment luck
Diamond Battleaxe
- Damage - 9
- Hit Slowness - Slowness III (0:02)
- Hit Weakness (Self) - Weakness III (0:02)
- Swing Damage - 12
- Swing Range - 2.6 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 9 seconds
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness IV (0:04)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness V (0:05)
- Mining Speed - 12
- Durability - 2000
Netherite Battleaxe
- Damage - 12
- Hit Slowness - Slowness III (0:03)
- Hit Weakness (Self) - Weakness III (0:03)
- Swing Damage - 15
- Swing Range - 2.9 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 12 seconds
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness V (0:05)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness VI (0:06)
- Mining Speed - 15
- Durability - 4000
Copper Battleaxe
- Damage - 6
- Hit Slowness - Slowness II (0:01)
- Hit Weakness (Self) - Weakness III (0:01)
- Swing Damage - 8
- Swing Range - 2.5 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 16 seconds
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness II (0:02)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness III (0:03)
- Mining Speed - 8
- Durability - 300 hits
- Summons lightning when swung
Emerald Battlaxe
- Damage - 7
- Hit Slowness - Slowness II (0:02)
- Hit Weakness - None
- Swing Damage - 7
- Swing Range - 2.5 blocks
- Swing Cooldown - 9 seconds
- Swing Slowness (Self) - Slowness III (0:02)
- Swing Slowness (Enemies) - Slowness IV (0:03)
- Mining Speed - 10
- Durability - 600
- Gain XP on each hit
- Cannot be enchanted
Updated on October 14
- Bug fixes.
- Fixed durability bug.
- Updated icon picture.
- Updated to 1.21.21.
- Fixed a bug where the swing attack did not work.
- Battleaxes now give weakness when you hit mobs to better resemble Java combat and to balance them with swords.