The Copper Tools Addon!

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Have you ever wished that there was an armor weaker than iron but better than leather? Let's face it: a leather set of armor is too tedious, and iron is too easy to obtain to make crafting leather armor worth it. Copper, however, is very easy to obtain (easier than iron) but serves little function outside of decorative blocks. The copper tools addon fixes this by providing the ability to make copper tools and armor, which act as an in-between tier from leather and stone to iron. The copper tools have more durability, speed, and damage than stone and leather, but less than iron. They also have bad enchantment luck since they are so easy to get.



Copper Sword

  • Damage: 5
  • Durability: 160

Copper Sword

Copper Axe

  • Damage: 4
  • Durability: 191
  • Mining speed: 5

Copper Axe

Copper Pickaxe

  • Damage: 3
  • Durability: 191
  • Mining Speed: 5
  • Mining Power: It can mine everything a stone pickaxe can

Copper Pickaxe

Copper Hoe

  • Damage: 3
  • Durability: 160
  • Mining Speed: 10

Copper Hoe

Copper Shovel

  • Damage: 2
  • Durability: 191
  • Mining Speed: 5

Copper Shovel

Copper Helmet

  • Protection: 1
  • Durability: 82

Copper Helmet

Copper Chestplate

  • Protection: 4
  • Durability: 120

Copper Chestplate

Copper Leggings

  • Protection: 3
  • Durability: 112

Copper Leggings

Copper Boots

  • Protection: 1
  • Durability: 80

Copper Boots

Download links
Download Version 2.0[mcaddon, 644.17 Kb]
Download Version 1.0[mcaddon, 644.29 Kb]
Supported versions
1 comment
  1. Reiko profile avatar Reiko
    Cool add-on. But the chestplate cannot be enchanted. But after I changed from armor_chest to armor_torso, it worked :D