
Giant Reptiles V1.5: Boa vs. Python

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Discover the world of giant reptiles in Minecraft! Take on colossal creatures like the fearsome Titanoboa and the legendary Anacondas from the movies. These giant snakes will bring new challenges and adventures to your world. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Hello and good afternoon, night or day.

You will see that this is the first version of the addon, and it will be updated and polished as much as possible with the updates that will arrive, so it is possible that it has one or another error. Also, please read the warning that will appear until the end of all this. So without anything else to say, let's begin.


You will see how you read in the title that this addon is about creatures from movies, so at the moment, only 4 of the 2 are from movies and the other two are not, which are the following:

Anaconda 4: Trail of Blood

This is the Anaconda that appears in the last film of the Anaconda film franchise, which is Anaconda 4: Blood Trail.

Anaconda 4: Trail of Blood: Screenshot

In the movie, it is just a snake. Here is a brief explanation of the movie:

After the events of the movie Anaconda 3, the boss named Mr. Murdock (I don't know how to spell it) hires a man.

to continue the research in search of a cure for cancer, always experimenting with anacondas and orchids. After several experiments, he manages to find the cure, but he makes a mistake, and that is that the cage that kept the anaconda he was experimenting with escaped because I didn't reinforce the cage, and the anaconda escapes, killing the person. Amanda, our protagonist, who survived the events of Anaconda 3, goes in search of the person the boss hired to destroy the research and stop the experiments. What she did not expect was that she would come across an anaconda that was very different from all the others since it had the ability to regenerate regardless of damage. Will Amanda fulfill her goal and destroy the immortal Anaconda?

  • ATTACK: 40
  • HEALTH: 120
  • GENERATION: It only appears at night on the surface.
Anaconda 3: Offspring

This is the Anaconda that appears in the Anaconda movie franchise, specifically in season 3.

Anaconda 3: Offspring: Screenshot

It is based on a black anaconda. For those who do not know anything about this, I will give you a brief explanation: this is an anaconda that escapes from a laboratory that was looking for a cure for cancer, and for that, they experiment with snakes and create two, but due to the boss's recklessness, the two snakes escape, creating a massacre.

  • ATTACK: 40
  • HEALTH: 120
  • GENERATION: It only appears at night on the surface.
Anaconda 2: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid

This is the Anaconda that appears in the Anaconda movie franchise, specifically in season 2.

Anaconda 2: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid: Screenshot

It is based on a black and white anaconda that eats the brunette in a bamboo house. For those who don't know anything about this, I will give you a brief explanation:

A group of researchers rent a boat to go to the Amazon in search of a flower that blooms every few years so they can search for a cure for cancer and other diseases and become rich, but they have a problem when their boat falls over a waterfall and they have to go on foot through the Amazon without realizing that an anaconda has been following them, and things get worse when they realize that they are right in the season when anacondas are looking to mate.

  • ATTACK: 25
  • HEALTH: 100
  • GENERATION: Abundant both during the day and at night.



New Anaconda 2 Model: Screenshot


Titanoboa: Screenshot

It is not based on any movie, this is a real snake that became extinct millions of years ago. The Titanoboa was similar to a current boa constrictor; however, the jungle environment of so many millions of years ago reveals that it behaved like an anaconda. That is, it moved easily in both river currents and swamps.

  • ATTACK: 80
  • HEALTH: 200
  • GENERATION: It only appears at night on the surface.

Anaconda: Screenshot

It's a normal, ordinary anaconda, it's not from any movie, I just took it from the image you'll see.

  • ATTACK: 15
  • HEALTH: 60
  • GENERATION: It only appears during the day on the surface.

Human: Screenshot 1

Human: Screenshot 2

They are humans that I believe are not from any movie, image, or game, they were originally made by me. Their names are Steve and Juliet, and at the moment they do nothing but run away from the monsters and the anacondas.


Welcome to version 1.5.0 of my addon, inspired by the exciting and wild movie "Boa vs. Python"! In this update, we immerse ourselves in a world of reptilian titans and epic battles that will take your gaming experience to a new level of intensity and adventure.

This update adds and improves the following:

  1. Improvements to the animations of all snakes in attack, spawn, death, and movement.
  2. 10 new creatures added.
  3. Creature spawns were changed and improved.
  4. Now you have the chance to tame an anaconda.
  5. Voices added to humans in Spanish.
  6. Added original sounds to all snakes.


Boa: New Alcatraz

Boa: New Alcatraz: Original

Boa: New Alcatraz: Screenshot

A maximum security prison has been built in the Arctic to house those considered the most dangerous criminals of the last millennium. Human presence has awakened a gigantic killer boa from its slumber.

  • ATTACK: 70
  • HEALTH: 150
  • GENERATION: Only appears in caves from layer -40.
Python 2000

Python 2000: Screenshot

A python of enormous dimensions, the result of a genetic experiment, escapes after the plane where it was being transported crashes. The victims begin to follow one another and special agents try to capture it, among them Dr. Rudolph, responsible for the creature.

  • ATTACK: 70
  • HEALTH: 150
  • GENERATION: Only appears in caves from layer -40.
Boa vs. Python

Boa vs. Python Banner

An eccentric American businessman buys a gigantic python. During transport, the snake manages to escape and starts killing people. An FBI agent and a herpetologist set out to capture the animal and decide to release a boa of similar proportions, created by genetic engineers, to kill the python. Meanwhile, a group of hunters will try to hunt the python to keep it as a trophy.


Boa: Original

Boa: Screenshot

  • ATTACK: 50
  • HEALTH: 130
  • GENERATION: Only appears in caves from layer 40.


Python: Original

Python: Screenshot

  • ATTACK: 60
  • HEALTH: 140
  • GENERATION: Only appears in caves from layer 40.

She is the possessor of the celestial orchid. It's not from any movie.

  • ATTACK: 0
  • HEALTH: 20
  • GENERATION: Only appears in the cherry tree biome.

It's not from any movie.

  • ATTACK: 200
  • HEALTH: 600
  • GENERATION: Only appears in the nether.


Anaconda 1997

Anaconda 1997: Original

Anaconda 1997: Screenshot

A television crew travels to the Amazon, where they meet an individual obsessed with capturing the largest snake in the world: the anaconda.

  • ATTACK: 20
  • HEALTH: 70
  • GENERATION: It only appears during the day on the surface.
Anaconda 2024

Anaconda 2024: Screenshot

The film is a remake of the original 1997 film, which told the story of a group that enters the jungle due to a scientific expedition. But what they didn't know they were going to find was one of the deadliest creatures in the world.

  • ATTACK: 20
  • HEALTH: 70
  • GENERATION: It only appears during the day on the surface.


Taming Anacondas


STEP 1: Get an egg.

STEP 2: Put the egg on the ground and then hit it. After that, it will start to hatch.

STEP 3: Once the snake hatches from the egg, you will have to tame it with raw chicken. It can only be cured with raw chicken.


  • When the snake is born, you will have around 20 seconds to tame it. If you do not tame it in that time, you will no longer be able to tame it, and the snake will attack you.

STEP 4: The anaconda will take about a minute to reach its adult stage; after that, you can ride it.


  • When the snake reached its adult stage, it could only be one of the following anacondas: Anaconda 1997, Normal Anaconda, and Anaconda 2024
  • Unfortunately, the snake does not teleport to its owner when you go too far away but to take it away you can ride it.
  • (In all phases, the anaconda can only be tamed with raw chicken and can only be cured with raw food)


  • For your anaconda to be able to take on larger anacondas, you will need to evolve it. The evolution process is as follows:
  • To make your anaconda stronger, you will need an orchid. There are around 4 orchids, each with a different effect and for it to work, you must have evolved your anaconda with a specific orchid before using the next one.
  • The process is as follows: first you will have to use the bloody orchid, then you will have to use the infernal orchid, then you will have to use the gloomy orchid. The celestial orchid does not evolve into the snake since the orchid is pure without any evil, which is something else.


  • Each orchid implies a danger for the owner of the snake. What I mean is that when you make it evolve with an orchid, it will enter a state of inactivity for a few seconds. During that period, you will have to tame it again with chicken but if not, If you succeed, the snake will no longer recognize you as its owner and will kill you because the orchids are full of evil, each one more than another. But calm down, not everything is lost if that happens because there is a solution: to return to your anaconda to normality. You will have to kill it, then approach it with the celestial orchid and put it near the corpse of your anaconda. What it will do is revive it but it will start in a state of zero since it was a baby and you will have to tame it again with chicken and start the evolution process again.
  • (If you want to know more about orchids, see the orchids section)


Bloody Orchid: Screenshot


  • Will make the Anaconda able to face Anacondas 2: The Hunt.


  • You will have a maximum time of 15 seconds to tame your anaconda again with raw chicken.
  • The probability of taming it is also decreased.


  • To obtain this orchid, you will have to kill the Anaconda 2.


Infernal Orchid: Screenshot


  • It will make the Anaconda able to face Anaconda 3: Offspring and Anaconda 4: Trail of Blood.


  • You will have a maximum time of 10 seconds to tame your anaconda again with raw chicken.
  • The probability of taming it is also decreased.


  • To obtain this orchid, you will have to kill the Anaconda 3.


Shadow Orchid: Screenshot


  • It will allow the Anaconda to confront Boas, Pythons and Titanoboas.


  • You will have a maximum time of 6 seconds to tame your anaconda again with raw chicken.
  • The probability of taming it is also decreased.


  • To obtain this orchid, you will have to kill an indura.


Celestial Orchid: Screenshot


  • Will revive your Anaconda.


  • Due to the purity of the orchid, the snake will revive without the effects of the hellish, gloomy, bloody orchids.


  • To obtain this orchid, you will have to kill a fairy named Ana (if you want to know more about Ana, go to the human section).


  • To make the anacondas wings evolve, simply come up with your orchid and put it on the wing and it will do the rest. To take the orchid away, simply hit it.

Egg: Screenshot

Obtained by killing the Titanoboa.

If you want to see what anacondas look like visually and how the domestication process is done, I leave you my YouTube video.



  1. Before you continue, you have to know something, and that is that I am just beginning to understand and make addons. Well, you see, I have never been good at many things, so I did the best I could to create these snakes in BlockBench, and well, I apologize if the anacondas don't look like the movies, if they look ugly, or if they don't have good behavior since I'm not good at modeling or programming.
  2. The addon will not focus only on anacondas; the title it has is temporary. I plan to add other creatures, such as the meg or giant spiders from movies and possibly the tripod from The War of the Worlds, but for the moment, all the anacondas from movies will be introduced first, followed by the next creatures. The creatures that I will introduce with future updates will be mainly from killer animal movies.
  3. The addon was made in official PC version 1.20.73 and was also tested in the latest version, which is 1.21.0, on a Galaxy A03s cell phone, which is a low-end phone and the addon works perfectly.
  4. It is not necessary to activate the experimental options; the anacondas will appear the same without those options.
  5. The addon has only been tested in official versions; I don't know if it works in betas.
  6. If you are going to use this in a video or share it, please use the link on this ModBay page. Thank you.
  7. Well, that's all. See you soon!


  • There are 4 links; the first two are .mcaddon, simply press the RP and open it with Minecraft, and the import will begin. And do the same with the BP.
  • If in this case there is an error when importing them into mcaddon, there are the other two links that are zip files, simply unzip the resource package and the behavior package and transfer them to their respective folders:
    • The behavior pack in data/com.mojang/behavior packs
    • The resource pack in data/com.mojang/resource packs
  • If there is any problem, tell me.
Download links
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70