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Custom Craftable Tree

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Custom Craftable Tree is an addon that adds 12 custom trees which you can use to get valuable blocks and items.


Enable Experiments before using this Add-on.

Each tree also has a hidden barrel in which there is the best loot.

Example of a Redstone tree loot

Copper Sapling

Copper Sapling recipe

A lot of copper blocks!

Copper tree

Iron Sapling

Iron Sapling recipe

Don't want to waste time searching for iron ores? Place this sapling.

Iron Tree

Gold Sapling

Gold Sapling recipe

A great source of gold to quickly craft yourself a gold equipment and keep the Piglins away from yourself.

Gold tree

Diamond Sapling

Diamond Sapling recipe


Diamond tree

Netherite Sapling

Netherite Sapling recipe

Need a lot of Netherite? Place a Netherite Sapling and grow a tree.

Netherite tree

Emerald Sapling

Emerald Sapling recipe

Villagers often sell useful resources for too many emeralds. It's time to build an emerald farm!

Emerald tree

Lapis Sapling

Lapis Sapling recipe

Quite useful for enchanting!

Lapis tree

Amethyst Sapling

Amethyst Sapling recipe

Amethyst geodes are quite difficult to find, but if you find it, you can craft an Amethyst Sapling and create an amethyst farm!

Amethyst tree

Redstone Sapling

Redstone Sapling recipe

Need a lot of Redstone? Well, this is a great source if you want to build a Redstone mechanism!

Redstone tree

Coal Sapling

Coal Sapling recipe

A simple coal tree.

Coal tree

End Sapling

End Sapling recipe

An easier way to get to the End faster!

End tree

Obsidian Sapling

Obsidian Sapling recipe

It consists of Obsidian, Crying Obsidian and Nether Portal frames.

Obsidian tree

For redistribution or downloading link "Give Official Link Only"

If you are making content/public server using this addon give credit to @Not Tilak

Free to use in single player and private servers.


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