Pumped Desert 2

It all started as a Java mod, made by my friend Steve, when he made the first version of the Pumped Desert mod, but he eventually discontinued it and later on made Pumped Desert 2, and we've decided that I will make a Bedrock version of the mod, and then, after some time, the whole lead of the team was given to me, though mostly all the credit goes to my friend Steve Rybakov for the main idea of the mod! So be ready to pump up your deserts with new cactuses, mobs, unique items, and more! This add-on was getting several updates, but before posting it, we wanted to make the last (major) update for the add-on, and in the latest update, v1.0.4, the add-on and mod visuals got completely overhauled by me! Though there would still be technical updates to the add-on if game-breaking changes were brought to Minecraft!
Also, my friend asked me to credit everyone who works not only on the Bedrock Version, but on the Java version too, so they are: Steve Rybakov, dominator_iris, Cavaliera
- Ostrich! Tame it (and also bread) with wheat seeds and use saddle to ride on it!
- Rhino! Breadable with carrots, and they drop Rhino Horns, which can be crafted into a new weapon!
- Mummy! They spawn in night time and have a chance to clone themself when attacked by a player!
- Tumbleweed! Spawns randomly from Tumbleweed Block and drops sticks!
- Fennec! A new desert fox variation! Bread them using eggs!
- Desert Turtle! Bread them using seagrass, and wait for the baby Desert Turtle to grow up! It will drop Desert Turtle Scute, which can be used to craft new armor set!
- Sandstorm! They are randomly spawned by Sandstone Giant and drop Sand Charges!
- Sandstone Giant! It is spawned from Desert Altar, when player uses fire charge on it! It has 2 attack modes: Ranged Attack - it shoots fire balls at player when it is quite far away from it; Melee Attack - It switches to a strong melee attack when player is close enough to it! Sandstone Giant drops Heart of the Sandstone Giant and 4 Desert Keys!
v2.0.0 Update Content
- Scorpion! They shoot the player with Fatal Poison!
- Saxaul Jay! This is a Desert Variation of Parrot! They mostly stay around the Dead Tree!
- Supreme Mummy! New Boss! It spawns in the cented of Mummy Chamber when all 4 Trial Spawners in the Mummy Chambers were compleated! It has 400 HP and have 3 attacks: Ranged Attack - its summons a line of fire in the direction of Player; Spawn Entity - when Player gets close to the Supreme Mummy it spawns 3 Mummy; Knockback Attack - when player gets too close to the Supreme Mummy, it releases a Knockback Attack! Supreme Mummy drops Supreme Mummy Soul!
- Desert Guard! 2 Desert Guards are spawned when player uses Supreme Mummy Soul while wearing a full set of Mummy Bandage Armor! Desert Guards protect the player, are invincible, and go trougth walls! They despawn after 3 minutes!
- Wild Skull!
- Mini Rocks! To get the block itself, use Silk Touch!
- Mini Cactus!
- Flowering Mini Cactus!
- Big Cactus!
- Tumbleweed! They will randomly or if you break it turn into Tumbleweed entity!
- Dead Tree Wood Set! This set excludes Sign, Hanging Sign, Pressure Plate and Button! Note, to change stair's shape, sneak and interact with empty hand with stair!
- Cobbled Sandstone! Crafted from 1 Sandstone!
- Desert Altar! It can't be picked up, even with Silk Touch!
- Quicksand! Be careful!
v2.0.0 Update Content
- Spinifex and Red Spinifex! A dead grass variation!
- Limestone Block Set!
- Sandstone and Red Sandstone Bricks and Tiles!
- Tall Lush Bush!
- New Painting! "Sandstone Giant Creation", can only be found in Mummy Chamber Vaults!
- Red Quicksand!
- Desert Turtle Scute!
- Desert Turtle Scute Armor! It has the same durability as the Iron Armor and it's Protection is 1 point more than Netherite Armor! Wearing a full set will give you Water Breathing! it can also be trimmed!
- Rocks! You can throw them!
- Ostrich Paw! Eating it will give player Speed for some time!
- Rhino Horn! Has 3 points of damage!
- Rhino Hammer! Crafted from 2 Sticks and 1 Rhino Horn! It has 9 points of damage and 128 points of durability! It can be enchanted like a sword!
- Heart of the Sandstone Giant!
- Dead Sapling! Found in desert village chests!
- Sand Charge! You can shoot them, and when they land, they will spawn a 3x3 sand cube!
- Fire Staff! It is crafted from 1 Heart of the Sandstone Giant and 1 Blaze Rod! It shoots exploding fireballs and has 64 points of durability!
- Music Disc! A new Disc made by Steve Rybakov, and is called "The End Adventure"! Can only be found in the Vaults in Desert Arena!
- Desert Key! Used to open Vaults in Desert Arena!
v2.0.0 Update Content
- 3 New Pottery Sherds! They can be found in Desert Ruins! The Patterns are: Guard, Cactus, and Wild!
- Scorpion Tail! You can shoot Scorpion Poison Drops from it, but the Tail has a small cooldown!
- Scorpion Poison Drop! This is a Fatal Poison! Used to shoot entities from Scorion Tail!
- Supreme Mummy Soul! Usage explained in MOBS section!
- Mummy Bandages! Droped from Mummies, used to craft Mummy Bandage Armor!
- Mummy Bandage Armor! Used only for summoning Desert Guards! Has no durability and protection!
- Ostrich Meat!
- Ancient Ring! When placed to Offhand, on attack, Player releases a Knockback Wave, damaging everyone the player in 3-block-radius! It loses durability when Knockback Wave is released!
- Desert Blade Hilt! Found in Desert Arena Vaults!
- Desert Blade Part! Found in Mummy Chamber Vaults!
- Desert Blade! When attacking the entity, entity may sometimes get submerged into the Quicksand, making the entity unable to move if it falls through the Quicksand!
- Mummy Key! Used to open Mummy Chamber Vaults!
- Dead Tree!
- Mini Cactus!
- Flowering Mini Cactus!
- Tumbleweed!
- Mini Rocks!
- Wild Skull!
- Big Cactus!
- Quicksand!
v2.0.0 Update Content
- Desert Arena!
- Spinifex!
- Tall Lush Bush!
- Red Quicksand!
- Desert Ruins!
- Mummy Chamber! NOTE: Because of the generation issues and size of the structure, structure is generated only in fully loaded chunks, and also, one thing can happen, when exploring the Desert, Chamber may generate right below you! This will be fixed when Jigsaws will become stable!
- Sandstorm! Sandstorm appears when it'sThundering in Desert or Badlands! In the Sandstorm, Player gets fog effect, Sand Particles fly around the player, most of the Entities get pushed, and Sandstorm Entities spawn around the Player!
- Pumped Desert 2 has been updated to support the PBR! Blocks, Entities, and Armor now look amazing! You can check out a couple of screenshots with Shaders in a spoiler below! In these screenshots, I've used Poggy's Luminous Dreams Deferred Pack, but you can use ANY Deferred Pack you like! =D
- NOTE: The shaders currently work only in the preview version of Minecraft! You need to install the add-on to the preview version, and before making the world, turn on render dragon experimental toggle! You can watch videos on YouTube on how to use the deferred setting for Minecraft bedrock.
- New Main Menu Panorama!
- New Main Menu Title!
- New Soundtrack! It sometimes plays in deserts!
v2.0.0 Update Content
- Bug Fixes and improvements!
- New Ostrich and Rhino sounds!
- Mini Cactuses can now be planted into Pot!
- And even more!
(Also, a prove my friend allowed me to post the add-on, because the support team asked me to show it, don't mind our language)
- Click the Download link!
- On LootLabs Page, click on Watch Video, watch it for around 30 seconds
- Go back to LootLabs page and go to Mediafire Download page
- When Add-On has downloaded, find it in your file explorer!
- Open file in Minecraft!
- Note: The Add-On doesn't require any experimental toggles!
- Add BP and RP to your world, and creat world!
- Enjoy! =)
Updated on March 06
- Updated the download link to use LootLabs, which is (as of what i heared) more user friendly
- If on the LootLabs page it says "Download an App" (Thought I have setted "Trending and Recommendations"), reload the page a few times to get the "Watch a video" action appears!
- Fixed the download links.