
More Sign Variants

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With this addon, you can find signs better than vanilla Minecraft signs. For details, you can see the description below. These signs are very better.

Example Signs (Improved)

Sign with bread: for kitchen

Sign with bread: Screenshot

Sign with chest: for storage

Sign with chest

Sign with furnace: for blacksmith

Sign with furnace: Screenshot

Sign with pets: for pet house

Sign with pets: Screenshot

Sign with armor: for armor collection

Sign with armor: Screenshot

Sign with sword: for tools collection

Sign with sword: Screenshot

Sign with books: for enchanting room

Sign with books: Screenshot

Sign with pickaxe: for mining area

Sign with pickaxe: Screenshot

Sign with coin: for villager trader

Sign with coin: Screenshot

Sign with shield: for safety base

Sign with shield: Screenshot

That's all :)

Updated on August 16

  • Added sign with bread
  • Added sign with pets
  • Added sign with pickaxe
  • Added sign with coin
  • Improved all other signs
Download links
Improved More Sign Variants[mcaddon, 615.07 Kb]
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60