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Biological Infestation

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Biological Infestation is an addon in development that transforms your world into a nightmare terrain, filled with infected creatures and dangerous infested structures. With evolving mobs, threat-generating blocks, and a hostile environment that will test your survival skills, this addon is designed to offer you an intense and challenging gaming experience. Immerse yourself in a world where every step can be your last!



Genetic Infiltrator:

Genetic Infiltrator: Screenshot

This parasite seeks to infect others, it disappears when it kills an entity. They are very fast and their sight range is 25 blocks away.

  • Life: 10 hearts
  • Damage: 4 hearts

Infected Human:

Infected Human Stages: Screenshot

A zombie that was infected. They are not as fast as parasites.

Stage 1:

  • View range: 15 blocks
  • 20% chance to go to stage 2 when killing an entity.
  • Evolves to stage 2 in 2 to 4 minutes if not otherwise.
  • Life: 15 hearts
  • Damage: 5 hearts

Stage 2:

In stage 2, they are a little faster, have level 1 regeneration, and their sight range is 20 blocks.

  • Life: 30 hearts
  • Damage: 10 hearts

Infected Pig:

Infected Pig: Screenshot

A pig that was infected as fast as a pig.

Stage 1:

  • Vision range: 15 blocks
  • 20% chance to progress to stage 2 when killing an entity.
  • Evolves to stage 2 in 2 to 4 minutes if not otherwise.
  • Life: 8 hearts
  • Damage: 3 hearts

Stage 2:

In stage 2, they are slightly faster, have level 1 regeneration, and their vision range is 20 blocks.

  • Life: 16 hearts
  • Damage: 5 hearts

Infected Cow:

Infected Cow: Screenshot

A cow that was infected as fast as a cow.

Stage 1:

  • Vision range: 15 blocks
  • 20% chance to progress to stage 2 when killing an entity.
  • Evolves to stage 2 in 2 to 4 minutes if not otherwise.
  • Life: 10 hearts
  • Damage: 4 hearts

Stage 2:

In stage 2, they are slightly faster, have level 1 regeneration, and their vision range is 20 blocks.

  • Life: 20 hearts
  • Damage: 6 hearts

Infected Tendril:

Infected Tendril: Screenshot

An entity with thorns. It is immobile and cannot be pushed. Be careful, don't get close, its spores can do a lot of damage.

  • Waiting time to use spores again: 1.5 seconds
  • Attack range: 1.5 blocks
  • Life: 15 hearts
  • Damage: 8 hearts


Regeneration Infected Block:

Regeneration Infected Block: Screenshot

A decorative block for the moment, designed for infested structures. Creates a dark and dangerous atmosphere.

Infested Core Block:

Infested Core Block: Screenshot

Be careful where you step! This block has a 25% chance to summon a Genetic Infiltrator if a player steps on it.

Infected Fungus:

Infected Fungus: Screenshot

They are small decorative mushrooms for now, perfect for adding a touch of infection to any structure.


Infested Grove:

Infested Grove: Screenshot 1

Infested Grove: Screenshot 2

Explore the world and discover the new structure that appears naturally on the terrain. You will encounter some Infected Tendrils protecting this dangerous area.

Prepare to face the infestation and survive if you can!

The addon is in development so not everything planned has been added yet and may have bugs. We would greatly appreciate it if you leave your suggestions in the comments to improve the experience.

Experimental Feature

Make sure you enable this experimental feature for the addon to work properly:

Required Experiments for Biological Infestation Addon

Updated on November 05

  • Support for realm was added.
  • Updated to the latest version.
  • Bugs were fixed.
  • Changes were made to the description.
Changelog for August 24 / Old Update
  • Added the Infected Pig stage 1 and stage 2.
  • Infected Cow stage 1 and stage 2 were added.
  • 4 new textures were added for the Infected Human.
Changelog for August 12 / Old Update
  • Genetic Infiltrator and Infected Tendril mobs were added.
  • Infected humans were improved, adding Stage 2 and the regeneration ability.
  • New Infested Grove structure introduced.
Download links
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Biological Infestation BEH
Biological Infestation RES
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
8 717
  1. No avatar image Phat Guest
    When I play this addon with other parasite addons I found out that this addon creature is invisible 😥
  2. No avatar image Darscat55 Guest
    I like those designs of infected entities
    My favourite is the stage 2 pig
    I hope to see more infecteds like chicken and sheep
    Also instead of making the infected tendrils a mob.can you make it a block
    It could reduce some lags
  3. VirtualBlack8 profile avatar VirtualBlack8 Author
    Due to the removal of "Holiday Creator Features" in version 1.21.20, I have updated the addon links. The plugin is now compatible only with version 1.21.20 or higher, and you need to enable the "Beta API" option in Experiments for it to work properly.
  4. No avatar image myrmeciastellaris Guest
    Can you make the blocks spread and make this into an infection add on?
    1. No avatar image myrmeciastellaris Guest
      Oh and i think you could make that work by making invisible entities, that walk around aimlessly and then despawn after like a second while spreading blocks underneath. The entites would only spawn on the infected blocks. an another solution is to make the entites immobile, and instead make them spread blocks in a few block radius, then despawn. in that case the entities would even make sense being visible, if they had a rising spawn animation and a sinking despawn one. i don't know how to code add ons, and maybe there are more efficient ways, but i think this should work. just note, that this would be unoptimised for bigger infection zones, so the immobile one would be better.
      1. No avatar image myrmeciastellaris Guest
        That way with the animated immobile ones it would feel more alive.
        1. VirtualBlack8 profile avatar VirtualBlack8 Author
          Good idea, I'll write it down.
          1. Oh and if so, make so that the infection needs something to happen, so that it can start. otherwise building your base accidentally near a structure would be game over. I think something like a starting block would work, so that the infection only starts, if you place down said block. i have no idea, how that would work, but this would prevent accidental world destruction :)
          2. oh sorry i'm the same person as on top, i just logged in on a different username
  5. No avatar image เมธัส เเน่นอุดร Guest