Slimecraft Addon

Slime in Minecraft has not so many uses. Do you want to expand its capabilities? With Slimecraft Addon, new ore, mobs, items, blocks and armor will appear in your world. And they all consist of slime!
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Use the recipe book to find out all the available recipes in this addon!
New Mobs
Passive Slimes and Slime Cows will spawn in swamp biomes.
Passive Slime
- Can be tamed with a Sticky Cookie
- Drops: Slimeball (the color depends on the color of the Slime)
Passive Slimes won't attack you and can be tamed with a Sticky Cookie. You can ride a tamed Slime!
Slime Cow
- Use a Bucket to get a Bucket full of useless slime
- Drops: Slimeball
Crystalized Slime Ore
This new Slime ore can be found in Swamp biomes between -8 and -64.
You will get Crystalized Slime from this ore.
Melt the Crystalized Slime in the furnace to get the ingot.
Items & Tools
Sticky Cookie
- You can eat it
- Nutrition: 1
- Effect: Jump Boost V (3 seconds)
They drop out of the Slimes (depending on the color), you can also craft them in the workbench using dye and vanilla slime. They don't have any functionality yet.
Slime Sword
- Damage: 11
- Durability: 700
Slime Pickaxe
- Damage: 2
- Durability: 700
Slime Armor
The new slime armor comes in 11 different colors. Get a jump boost effect by wearing slime boots.
Slime armor has a similar crafting scheme as other vanilla armor.
You can color this armor using any of the 11 dyes.
Slime Blocks
In the Swamps you can find Slime Piles. They're just for decoration.
The addon also has over 60+ new blocks: Vertical slabs, stairs, columns and much more! All of them can be crafted in the workbench.
Addon reviews
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
๐ฌ General questions
This addon supports the latest version of Minecraft, and I plan to keep it that way. I don't see the point in supporting outdated versions of the game, just update your Minecraft.
Yes, more content is planned. If you have any requests or suggestions, please comment on this page.
Yes, but only for private use or for experimenting. However, you are not allowed to put this addon in a pack you are planning to publish.
๐ฎ Gameplay questions
Yes, this addon is survival-friendly. All items and blocks can be obtained in survival mode.
Yes, this addon is multiplayer-friendly so you can enjoy it with your friends too!
๐ Technical questions
No, this addon doesn't modify the player.json file.
Yes, this addon should work fine with most other addons.