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Firstly: There is a legacy version of Rocks, the version from 1.16-1.19 and the Modern one created using the latest features in 1.21!

Rocks: Legacy Version, with over 130 structures!

Rocks Modern: Revamped and Renewed but with fewer structures right now!

Both versions work on 1.21 and will work 1.21 beyond!

No toggles are needed for this addon, just activate the behavior pack and thats it!

If you would like to use this in an addonpack/modpack, please ask!

Rocks Modern

Adds about 5 structures/patterned generations that have 5-12 variants of each! You will see different sized rocks based on their rock size. Larger rocks are significantly rarer.

Rocks Modern: Screenshot

Rocks Modern Currently just adds structures that are not invasive to progress but adds that extra touch to your world.

Rocks Legacy (V7)

Rocks Legacy: Screenshot


This addon adds a whole load of new rock based structures with varying features! Adds structures to all biomes and dimensions! (Has quirks of 1.16-1.19 based structures!)

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 1

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 2

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 3

V1-V4 adds rocks specific to forests, Arid areas, snowy based areas, and underwater!

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 4

V5 adds rocks to the Nether/End!!!

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 5

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 6

V6 adds anomalies and Underground Caverns! Super Rare.

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 7

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 8

Also multiple misc, structures that are stone based.

Suggestion from DevastatorX5

Rocks Plus: Screenshot 9

Rocks Legacy has Subpack options!

Resolution: Base Pack

Resolution: With Anamolies

Resolution: With Caves

Resolution: Anomalies & Caves

Rocks Legacy was made using: Structure Feature Maker from Download/Tutorial (Machine Builder)

Download links
Rocks+ Modern
Rocks+ Legacy V7
Supported versions