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T-REX Addon

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This addon adds a new dinosaur to Minecraft, which is the T-REX. The T-Rex is one of the most dangerous dinosaurs. You can find this dinosaur in the jungles of Minecraft. This dinosaur is totally hostile as it will attack several creatures, like: cows, pigs, sheep, horses, and monsters, but can be tamed with some beef.


Wild T-Rex

Health: 100
Attack damage: 18
Domesticated with: Beef
Itโ€™s totally hostile
Attacks: Player, Monster, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Wolf, Horse, Villager

Wild T-Rex: Screenshot 1

Wild T-Rex: Screenshot 3

Wild T-Rex: Screenshot 2

Wild T-Rex: Screenshot 4

Domestic T-Rex

Health: 150
Itโ€™s peaceful
You can put a saddle on it
Can be assembled

Domestic T-Rex: Screenshot 1

Domestic T-Rex: Screenshot 2

Domestic T-Rex: Screenshot 3

Domestic T-Rex: Screenshot 4

Download links
Download .mcaddon (My website)
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0