Advanced Location Track Update | Location Diary 1.3

Hello, I'm ZorroCraft from India 🇮🇳. The Location Diary Addon lets players record and label specific coordinates in Minecraft, making it easy to revisit important spots later.
1.21.60 supported!
Check this video:
You have any problem, comment on this video for quick reply:
Submit UI:
Main UI:
- Open the Diary: Craft or obtain the location diary item.
- Submit a Location: Stand at a spot you want to save, open the diary, and select the option to Submit the current coordinates.
- View Locations: Open the diary anytime to see saved spots and easily navigate back to them.
It requires a compass and book and quill to craft.
Multiplayer/Addon Compatibility
Not sure, try & give me feedback!
Comment your feedback!
If you can't understand, just check my YT video:
Updated on February 27
- Fireworks at marked locations.
- Distance detection.
- Better code structure.
- Change diary texture.
- Add location type tags.
- Fixed the addon not working on 1.21.50 update.
- Fixed not working on server, so now you can mark your secret location.
- Changed base tag into secret base.