
Avatar Addon 1.21.20

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This addon adds the four nations bending abilities from the show Avatar the last Airbender (ALTA or atla)! Create realms, and customize the addon to fit your playstyle using the in-game settings.

When you start out, nothing will happen. First, you will have the bending scroll in your hotbar upon entry into the world. After that, you can choose your bending by opening it (long press or right click). The options are avatar, fire, earth, water, air, and human (normal vanilla Minecraft, with the ability to learn chi-blocking).

Perhaps the most significant change was the migration of the previous 4 slot system to the now 9 slot + slot binding system like the one used in project korra! Each new slot corresponds to a position in your hotbar (1-9). To use a move, select the corresponding slot and then punch, right-click, or double sneak. You can customize each slot with different activation methods. Hovering over a slot shows the associated move, and performing the correct action triggers the move. Here's an example: Let's say you learn a move called "Air Blast" and want to use it. Open the scroll menu, go to "Slot Choice," and select Slot 1. Then choose "Air Blast" from the options and set the activation method to "Sneak & Punch." Submit your selection, and you'll see a chat message confirming it. To use the move, select the first hotbar slot and sneak and punch at the same time. The same can be done for every other slot, and you can activate them all differently. Slot 1 could be right click, because you always have a sword there, and slot 5 could be double sneak.

Each type of bender will have a different moveset, and each individual bender will have an even more varied set of moves. As you level up, you get access to more moves. To level up, simply go about as normal - using moves will help you level up, but donโ€™t try to afk, it wonโ€™t work. Sometimes, bending can get annoying while just going about your normal tasks, so you can turn it off for a bit by holding arrows in your off-hand, or by typing right clicking/long pressing the scroll and then clicking/tapping settings and clicking/tapping the button that says "Enable Bending".

The main thing this update adds is a new skill tree system for upgrading and unlocking new moves and abilities. The system is pretty simple. Progress outward by choosing unique skills along your path, each gives you a boost in overall bending skill also. Once you choose a branch from any node other than the start, the alternate paths from that node lock permanently. Choose wisely to specialize in specific abilities. Embrace your chosen path! Since I added 60+ abilities, you'll need to find them out yourself!

Have fun playing!

New UI!

Main Menu: Screenshot 1

Main Menu: Screenshot 2

Choose Bending

Bending Style Menu: Screenshot

Choose Slots

Slot Choice Menu: Screenshot


Settings Menu: Screenshot


See Player Stats Menu: Screenshot

Bending Info

Bending Info Menu: Screenshot


Home Menu: Screenshot

Pai Sho

Pai Sho Menu: Screenshot 1

Pai Sho Menu: Screenshot 2


Movement Menu: Screenshot


Shop Menu: Screenshot 1

Shop Menu: Screenshot 2

Shop Menu: Screenshot 3

Admin Menu

Admin Menu: Screenshot 1

Admin Menu: Screenshot 2

Admin Menu: Screenshot 3

Admin Menu: Screenshot 4

Special Chat Features:

Special Chat Features: Screenshot


To block, just sneak right before your opponent uses a move. Sometimes the gap is shorter (harder to block) like for sniper moves, and sometimes itโ€™s long (easy to block) for moves with no aim like fire finder or shockwave moves.


Airbenders: Screenshot

Airbenders: Diagram


Airbenders are centered around avoiding and then countering with a powerful counterattack. It concentrates on speed and evasion, forgoing a strong offense for a greater defence. Your moves are super strong (although not exactly good for offence), but you have little health, so speed, evasion, and redirection are important.


  • Air Artillery - Shoots a blast of air that locks on to the closest entity, and does damage on impact!
  • Air Asphyxiation - Allows you to choke out your opponent by ripping the air from their lungs.
  • Air Launch: Launch yourself into the air!
  • Air Scooter: Jump on a bubble of air you can control! If you ram into entities, it does damage.
  • Air Escape Launch all entities near you 20 blocks away.
  • Air Blast: Shoots a focused beam of air that does damage and knockback.
  • Air Vanish: Allows you to vanish in a cloud of smoke.
  • Air Rush: Shoots you forward fast.
  • Air Shockwave: Shoots out a shockwave that does damage.
  • Air Blade: Shoot out a massive blade of air that you can steer by moving left and right.
  • Air Artillery: Shoots a blast of air that locks on and targets the closest entity.
  • Air Push: The opposite of air pull, pushes all nearby entities away from you.
  • Air Pull: The opposite of air push, pulls all nearby entities close to you.
  • Air Dodge: Blast yourself over 4 blocks to the side to dodge other moves.
  • Triple Air Blast: Send curving blasts that do major damage. Punch use the next combo piece.
  • Air Spirit: Become a spirit and float through blocks!
  • Air Sniper: Shoots a focused beam of air that does damage and knockback, but at a super long range. It only works if your cursor is perfectly aimed.
  • Air Puff: Blow a continuous blast of air that pushes back opponents!
  • Air Plume: Get the high ground on a pillar of air!
  • Air Leap: Fling yourself into the air at high speeds by pushing off the ground.
  • Air Slam: Blast yourself straight down in a shockwave blast on impact. This moves comes in clutch while falling, and works well with Air Launch!
  • Air Tornado: Summon out a tornado of air that you can steer by moving left and right. It pulls in and does damage to nearby entities.
  • Sensory Breath: Displays the basic stats of all players in a 250 block radius.
  • Purifying Breath: By harnessing the power of air, you can rid yourself of harmful substances and maintain your physical health and well-being: wither, blindness, and posion.
  • Air Finder: Shoots a blast of air that locks on to the closest entity and shows their location. It doesn't do damage, but it looks scary!
Air Skill Tree


Earthbenders: Screenshot

Earthbenders: Diagram


Earth is the element of substance, while the people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse, strong, and enduring. The key to earthbending is utilizing neutral jing, which involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively. In other words, earthbenders generally endure their enemies' attacks until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself.


  • Earth Big Spike: Summons a big spike five blocks out from the player, which launches the nearby players and does damage.
  • Earth Burrow: Burrow 2 blocks under the ground to escape enemies, and look like you just teleported.
  • Earth Headbutt: Run fast and deal damage to nearby players!
  • Earth Lift: Lifts a huge chunk of earth up with you.
  • Earth Pillar: Lift the earth under you 4 blocks up.
  • Earth Search: Search the blocks under you and one block in each direction for diamonds (1000 blocks total).
  • Earth Shield: Protect yourself from damage!
  • Earth Shove: Blasts a shockwave and does lots of damage to nearby players. Can also stop you from taking damage.
  • Earth Spikes: Summons spikes in a line out from the player, which can be steered by moving.
  • Earth Throw: Summons a piece of ice you can aim by looking around. Punch to fire, or just wait till your cooldown is up.
  • Earth Top: Go to the highest block above you. Useful for getting out of caves or escaping!
  • Lava Blast: Shoots a focused beam of magma!
  • Magma Floor: Replaces the floor in a circle 8 blocks nearby with lava that eventually turns back to the original block!
  • Magma Fissure:
  • Metal Blast: Shoots a focused beam of metal that does damage (with no max damage cap) and knockback, as long as you have more than 4 iron in your inventory. Almost no cooldown because it consumes iron instead!
  • Metal Powerup: Gain resistance by converting 2 iron ingots to defence! Almost no cooldown because it consumes iron instead!
  • Ultimate Rock Blast: Summon chunks of earth that target nearby entities. Punch use the next combo piece.
  • Metal Hook: Grapple onto trees and structures and pull yourself towards them at rapid speed!
  • Earth Rend: Create a fissure in the earth in front of your feet to trap opponents underground.
  • Earth Spike Wave: Send a shockwave of spikes out in every direction to push back opponents or just deal heavy damage.
  • Seismic Sense: Displays the basic stats of all players in a 150 block radius along with their location!
Earth Skill Tree


Firebenders: Screenshot

Firebenders: Diagram


Firebending is known for its intense and aggressive attacking style and general lack of adequate defensive moves, although firebenders can modify offensive maneuvers to function as a defense, like triple firewall.


  • Fireball: Launch a fireball in the direction you're looking!
  • Fire Blast: Shoots fire 10 blocks in front of you!
  • Fire Boosters: Lets you fly by shooting out fire! If you ram into entities, it does damage.
  • Fire Charge: Invigorate yourself mid fight with fire to get a few extra hearts!
  • Fire Circle: Set the area around you on fire in the shape of a circle, and push back nearby players!
  • Fire Finale: Punch a massive combustive impact into the ground, killing you and all nearby entities, but with a five second fuse!
  • Fire Finder: Shoots a blast of fire that locks on to the closest entity, and does damage on impact!
  • Fire Shield: Block all incoming blasts with the power of fire!
  • Fire Shockwave: Explodes out a shockwave of powerful fire that does damage.
  • Fire Smite: Set all entities near you on fire and do some basic damage!
  • Fire Sprint: Sprint so fast you leave a trail of fire in your wake!
  • Triple Firewall: Shoot up a wall of flames that does major damage. Punch use the next combo piece.
  • Combustion Blast: Shoots out a beam (with a huge range) that explodes when it hits either players or blocks!
  • Combustion Pop: Shoot enemies away with a small explosion or yourself up into the air!
  • Dragon of the West: The most famous move of all! Maybe.
  • Fire Dodge: Dodge all incoming blasts with the power of fire!
  • Fire Finder: Shoots a blast of fire that locks on to the closest entity, and does damage on impact!
  • Fire Spear: Summons a line of fire directly out in the direction you are looking.
  • Fire Spread: Spreads a large amount of fire directly out from the player. It's a surefire way to damage your opponents.
  • Flame Wave: Send a line of fire out in every direction to push back opponents or just deal passive damage.
  • Lightning Burst: Shoot a shotgun style blast of lightning good for close encounters and movement!
  • Lightning Discharge: Charge and release a shockwave sphere of lightning on multiple enemies in a radius of up to 8 blocks out!
  • Lightning Strike: Shoot an arc of lightning directly forward, which will stun the first 2 entities it touches for 2 seconds.
  • Thunderclap Bolt: A powerful move meant for only the firebender royal family. Channel all your power into one super powerful bolt of lightning!
Fire Skill Tree


Waterbenders: Screenshot

Waterbenders: Diagram


Waterbenders are extremely adaptable and versatile. Waterbending concentrates on the flow of energy, focusing less on strength and more on turning the opponent's own energy against them, so most moves directly counter other bending style's moves.


  • Water Flood: Floods a nearby area, and does a small bit of damage to players
  • Water Launch: Launch yourself into the air on a blast of water - about 25 blocks!
  • Water Rush: Speed toward the nearest entity, it will stop you 3 blocks away.
  • Water Shield: Protect yourself from damage!
  • Water Spear: Shoots a focused beam of water that does damage and knockback.
  • Ice Spike: Blast mobs up into the air on a spike of ice!
  • Frost Walker: Walk on water for a until your cooldown is up.
  • Ice Cage: Lock away all entities in a radius of 5 blocks in a cage of ice.
  • Ice Throw: Summons a piece of ice you can aim by looking around. Punch to fire, or just wait till your cooldown is up.
  • Water Splash: Pushes all nearby mobs and players away with a wave of water.
  • Water Wake: Shoot yourself over 5 blocks to the left side to dodge other moves.
  • Water Blade Boost: Boost yourself away from danger and do damage. Punch use the next combo piece.
  • Healing Cloud: Bend the water vapor in the air to heal everything around you.
  • Healing Focus: Heal everyone in a radius of 2.
  • Blood Bending: Pick up entities and launch them into the distance! Only works on full moons.
  • Frost Breath: Breath ice cold air that freezes nearby opponents for a few seconds, however, they can still take damage. Are they about to mlg? You can stop that.
  • Hydrated Shockwave: Blast out a powerful wave of water that consumes all the water you have, with the damage and range scaling the more water you had.
  • Vine Snare: Slow and poison your enemies in a 15 block radius by trapping them with vines that damage and prevent movement!
  • Vine Grapple: Use your vines to grapple onto nearby blocks and pull yourself toward them!
  • Vine Hook: Grab and drag nearby enemies toward you with vines that deal thorn damage!
  • Water Vanish: Poof away in a cloud of fog and water vapour!
  • Water Vortex: Get the high ground on a spinning vortex of water!
  • Water Whip: Hit your opponent and pull them backwards and into the air!
  • Jetstream: Propel yourself backwards with a jet of water!
Water Skill Tree

Water Skill Tree: Core Skill

Water Skill Tree: Water Jet Rush Skill

Water Skill Tree: Fire Extinguisher Skill

Water Skill Tree: Squid Shield Skill

Water Skill Tree: Waterwash Skill

Water Skill Tree: Healing Focus Skill

Water Skill Tree: Healing Cloud Skill

Water Skill Tree: Water Vortex Skill

Water Skill Tree: Icy Aura Skill

Water Skill Tree: Water Conduit Skill

Water Skill Tree: Hydrated Shockwave Skill

Water Skill Tree: Frost Breath Skill

Water Skill Tree: Vine Grapple Skill

Water Skill Tree: Moisture Drain Skill

Water Skill Tree: Blood Bending Skill

Water Skill Tree: Vine Hook Skill

Water Skill Tree: Plant Snare Skill

Check out the video below for a sneak peek of some of the moves!

New additions: TEA!

Tea Variants: Screenshot

This update adds a variety of new custom brew tea! Each cup has different bonuses, from Chi Tea which regenerates your cooldown and cures chi blocking; all the way to Hot Blooded Nephew, a chai base that either gives strength or weakness depending on the drinker. I encourage you to try each of them, or make a quaint little tea shop!

New additions: SKY BISON!

Thanks to VelVoxelRaptor! Check him out, we're working together to make this addon the best it can be!

Sky Bison: Screenshot 1

Sky Bison: Screenshot 2

Sky Bison: Screenshot 3

Required Experiments



Required Experiments for Avatar Addon

Updated on August 23

1.21.20 Changelog:

Minor Changes:

  • Update items to the new interface after holiday creator features were removed.
  • Dark avatar (tag only, 4 new supercharged moves and full new skill tree).
  • Updated for version 1.21.20.
Changelog for June 18 / Old Update

1.21.0 Changelog:

Minor Changes:

  • Sky Bisons were added thanks to VelVoxelRaptor!
  • Balance changes for water and earth, to keep them more in line with their desired class types.
  • Updated for version 1.21.
Changelog for April 02 / Old Update

1.20.72 Changelog:

  • Updated and fixed for version 1.20.70, minor patch.
Download links
๐Ÿ™‚ | Free Download
๐Ÿ’Ž | Discord Server! (Best link for updates)
๐Ÿ’ต | My Patreon! (Bonus stuff too)
๐Ÿค– | Github download and source code!
๐Ÿ† | How does it all work? (Tutorial Video)
Supported versions
8 542
  1. No avatar image WerewoofClaws28
    Please Updated to 1.21.30
  2. No avatar image jeooo
    I tried putting moves in the slots and it didnt work, is there a way to fix this?
  3. Please continue developing.
  4. No avatar image blacknight
    Greatest mod I've ever seen on bedrock!!!
  5. No avatar image lancy890
    Omg thank u thank u
  6. 1.21.0 please
  7. weeweeman profile avatar weeweeman
    Glitchyturtle can you update the version to the latest 1.20.50.
  8. Sabiour profile avatar Sabiour
    When Iโ€™ll it be updated
  9. Not work in me๐Ÿ˜ญ
  10. No avatar image Quill
    One of the best mods I've ever played The controls are easy, and it's so easy to understand how to play.
    1. Thank you!
  11. No avatar image sleepy
    mod is a major W and def worth it ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
    1. That's great to hear!