Crossbow Frenzy - More Crossbows

This Add-On introduces 9 new crossbows to the game, including 4 enhanced versions of the original crossbow and 5 elemental crossbows, each with its own unique abilities, all of them capable of having modified attributes with the new Crossbow Station, and being fully compatible with all vanilla crossbow enchantments.
The Crossbows
These crossbows are conventional crossbows that only vary in their initial stats, otherwise their functionality is the same as the vanilla crossbow.
Basic Crossbow
Just a normal crossbow, this is a cheap way to get into the new features the Add-On provides.
Damage: 9 || Durability: 264 || Reload: 1.25
Iron Crossbow
More durable and more lethal, a perfect middle ground.
Damage: 13 || Durability: 634 || Reload: 1.25
Golden Crossbow
Slightly more powerful than the basic crossbow, but it has a very fast reload speed, being the crossbow with the fastest reload. Make it even shorter with Quick Charge!
Damage: 10 || Durability: 264 || Reload: 0.7
Diamond Crossbow
Good damage and good durability, and a slightly faster reload time.
Damage: 15 || Durability: 1254 || Reload: 1.0
Amethyst Crossbow
Not a high durability, and an average reload time, but this is the crossbow with the highest damage in the Add-On
Damage: 17 || Durability: 386 || Reload: 1.25
These crossbows have somewhat average stats, however, when attacking enemies, they have special and unique abilities that will harm targets in different ways.
Scorching Crossbow
Damage: 9 || Durability: 386 || Reload: 1.25 || Special: Sets entities in a range of 5 blocks on fire || Bonus: When used in the Nether, it will deal more fire damage and the fire effect will last longer.
Aquatic Crossbow
Damage: 9 || Durability: 386 || Reload: 1.25 || Special: Throws enemies within a radius into the air || Bonus: When used while it's raining, the impulse enemies receive will be stronger.
Frost Crossbow
Damage: 9 || Durability: 386 || Reload: 1.25 || Special: Deals +2 damage to enemies in a 4 block radius along with a variant slowness effect || Bonus: When used during rain or a storm, it will deal more freezing damage, and the slowness effect will last longer.
Electric Crossbow
Damage: 9 || Durability: 386 || Reload: 1.25 || Special: Deals +5 lightning damage to entities in a 4 block radius, and if the weather is that of a thunderstorm, it has a chance of summoning lightning bolts || Bonus: When used during a thunderstorm, it has a chance of spawning lightning bolts on the targets.
Void Crossbow
Damage: 9 || Durability: 386 || Reload: 1.25 || Special: On hitting a block or entity, the player will be teleported to the location of the arrow, along with a small negative side effect || Bonus: When used in The End, users will not receive any negative effects for using it.
Crafting The Crossbows
To get the new crossbows, you have two ways to do it, first being a conventional crafting recipe in the crafting table, and the second being crafting them in the brand-new crossbow station, which allows to customize some of the attributes of the crossbow as well as crafting the elemental crossbows.
If you do not want to engage with the whole perks and attributes system, you can craft SOME of the new crossbows in a crafting table, you simply need the materials from the recipes and you're good to go!
Basic Crossbow
Iron Crossbow
Golden Crossbow
Diamond Crossbow
Amethyst Crossbow
If you decide to use the crossbow station, you will be compensated with the possibility to make your crossbows stronger as well as crafting the elemental crossbows.
NOTE: All the features listed in this section are exclusive to the new crossbows, vanilla crossbows do not work with the crossbow station.
When you use the crossbow station you will see the following menu, select Craft to make a new crossbow, select Modify to change aspects of one you've already made.
If you select the option to craft, you will see all the options you can choose, which are the following:
- Body Material: Determines the material the crossbow is made of, which sets some of the base stats, such as reload speed, durability and base damage (you can read in detail in the previous section of the article). This is also how you can craft elemental crossbows, by selecting the corresponding element in this field.
- String Material: Determines the tension the crossbow will have when you load an arrow into it, in other words, it will increase the damage dealt by the arrows you shoot.
- Perks: Give an extra feature to the crossbow, you can have a main one or secondary one, which are functionally identical, which means you can have 1 or 2 perks at the same time, you can also choose to not have any perks if you wish
- Name Tag: Give a name to the crossbow you are going to craft, if you want.
Once you confirm all the attributes you want for your crossbow, you will see a confirmation screen, which will tell you what you will be crafting along with the materials you will need to do so:
Now simply press the confirm button and if you have all the ingredients your new crossbow will be crafted!
If you select the option to modify, you will be presented with a menu that will allow you to change some aspects of a crossbow you have already made
- String: Allows you to further upgrade the string material of your crossbow
- Perks: You can change or remove the perks you have for your crossbow
- Rename: Change the name of your crossbow, for no cost!
- Burst Shot: [Requires: Dispenser] You can shoot 3 arrows in succession, this will, of course, require you to load 3 arrows into the crossbow.
- Whiplash: [Requires: Piston] This will make entities you hit with an arrow to receive a knock back, similar to the punch enchantment from bows.
- Critical: [Requires: Quartz] When you shoot an arrow, there is a random chance it will deal extra damage, which is also randomized, it can go from +2 damage up to +5 damage.
- Hunting: [Requires: Spyglass] When you crouch, you will be able to see further away.
- Flame: [Requires: Blaze Powder] Arrows will set targets on fire. This is different from the effect of the scorching crossbow, since this only affects entities directly hit and the fire effect is shorter.
- Swift Arrow: [Requires: Feathers] Arrows will not be affected by gravity and will travel faster
- Strider Arrow: [Requires: Lapis Lazuli] Arrows will not slow down on water along with and additional +1 damage bonus
- Crafting crossbows (without any perks) is cheaper in the crossbow station
- Adding or modifying perks to an existing crossbow costs more than crafting the crossbow with the same perks
Using The Crossbows
- The crossbows added by the Add-On work just like the vanilla crossbows, to load them, you simply need one or more arrow in your inventory as you use the crossbow. Hold it for the reload duration and done, now simply use it again to shoot the arrow loaded.
- You can also use tipped arrows in these crossbows, you load them just the same as normal arrows. Similar to vanilla crossbows, the priority of what tipped arrow to use is, first, the arrows in your offhand, and second, the arrows in your inventory, so if you have several tipped arrows and you want to specifically use one of them, put it in your offhand.
- All crossbow enchantments work exactly as they work on the vanilla crossbows.
Position Fix
In vanilla Minecraft, crossbows are supposed to be positioned at the center of the screen when loaded, however, in Bedrock Edition because of the bug MCPE-95929 this does not happen. This can be fixed with resource packs however, and if you want these new crossbows to be centered correctly then simply download the "Position Fix" resource pack down below, place it above the base resource pack, and you will be good to go.
Vanilla Position [Bugged]
Intended Position [Fixed]
Remember to place the resource pack above the resource pack of the add-on in your world configuration:
If you would like to have this visual bug fixed with vanilla crossbows as well, check my profile, where I have a resource pack dedicated to the fixing of the bug on vanilla crossbows.
Elemental Crossbows and Perks Showcase
Credits & Notes
- All crossbow textures were made by @Sam_BakJoh
- CREDITS TO Ewan Howell, who made the plugin for generating Minecraft style titles, used in the featured image. You can find the plugin and his socials here: Minecraft Title Generator - Ewan Howell
- All particles were made with Snowstorm, as well as the textures used in them were made by Snowstorm in the example particles.
- This was only tested on a Windows 10 computer, compatibility with other platforms is expected but NOT verified.
- If you encounter any issues or bugs, please let me know through a Twitter DM (@gv_roy) so I can know ASAP.