Total Carnage

I think this is the addon that took me the longest to make. Almost 3 years in and finally completed it, the long awaited Carnage update! This new version of Carnage adds another 100 mobs into the game, most monsters have unique behaviors and their abilities range from puny to outright devastating! This new version adds a variety of new items, decorations, structures, and next time, biomes. Keep in mind that some monsters won't spawn naturally at the moment as I figure out how to make mobs who live in the void spawn. But nevertheless, this is definitely one of the addons of all time!
Table Of Contents
- Info
- Videos
- Mobs
- Bosses
- Weapons
- Sceptre of Sands
- Void Signal
- to be continued..
- Notes from the author
- Notes from ModBay
- Files
Creator: CodanRaigenXXI
Permission for ModBay:
Requires active all experimental options.
See how much features there is in the addon:
One thing to keep in mind, majority of these monsters will fight each other to the death! Why? because it's TOTAL CARNAGE!! On that note, there's too many mobs to describe in detail so here's a list of all of them instead!
- Undead coral
- Spin-jack
- Murmur
- Lost Hunter
- Block of Flesh
- Rupture Bug
- Whisper
- Rampage
- Pyrodactyl
- Discarded Sword
- Lava Cube
- Soot-hugger
- Jiangshi
- Gastric Sprout
- Spectre-cast
- Redstone Rusher
- Orbiter
- Crooked
- Living Mercury
- Obsidian Disaster
- Ash Walker
- Coldcutter
- Vile Rodent
- Bitterwhip
- Canker
- Melon-head
- Rags
- Tall Mimic
- Solid Phlegm
- Runimon
- Tusoch
- Jade Bruiser
- Ocula
- Slit-streak
- Bad-apple
- Gintoro
- Shivers
- Freon
- Cold-stone
- Polar Tyrant
- Bottom-feeder
- Gloom
- Lurker
- Razor
- Jailbreaker
- Embers
- Sulokh
- Moghes
- Shellcut
- Meltdown
- Crimjaw
- Searcher
- Gorge
- Cerebroid
- Clay-maul
- Naverin
- Quicksand
- Unsomnia
- Dune-rider
- Torrid Xeromancer
- Lasher
- Karkaros
- Spore-blast
- Long-spine
- Skinner
- Killer-stream
- Hermit
- Smiles
- Patch warden
- Torch Giant
- Hellifish
- Cyclonous
- Mustard
- Gored
- Guest
- Blood-jacket
- Backstar
- Gasher
- Penumbra
- Grand Hammer
- Venomite
- Indactma
- Growlim
- Mist wraith
- Wrathen
- Scourgeon
- Brimmeth
- Tremor
- Necromancer
- Fossil Titan
- Screamer
- Rumbler
- Cutter-squall
- Depth-gripper
- Vauldrum
- Hiveminded
- Geosuchus
- Bloodbath
- Graveripper
- Vastatos
- Goblin
- Shroombit
- Fictos
- Ramwolf
- Bloodshed
- Black Grime
- Gut Gel
- Severed
- Hobgoblin
- Vained-time
- Noir
- Cursed Tome
- Riptide
- Muckwater
- Rotscade
- Dead Vele
- Parakyte
- Phantas
- Gargoyle
- Dynamo
- Dead Crusader
- Spitblot
- Hollow Ent
- Rotten Jack
- Black Snowman
- Anvil-eater
- Shadow
- Undead Livestock
- Zlato
- Goblin Champion
- Blood-stained
- Land Leech
- Fire Maiden
- Fly Dragon
- Gravedigger
- Sgouger
- Rootling
- Lunarid
- Giant Scorpion
- Moth Mother
- Funghoul
- Shellbit
- Terra-terror
- Shroombie
- White Lady
- Dusty Paladin
- Shulker Warrior
- Cursed Armor
- Skulldozer
- Blitzir
- Bloodcurdle
- Kurozakal
- Solarid
- Dune Maiden
- Quakemight
- Cindermite
- Bone Eater
- Land Shark
- Scarecrow
- Infaminous
- Lustrebone
- Dullahan
- Deadhound
- Ivywake
- Torchure
- Abboh
- Land Sludge
- Chorupse
- Irican
- Sonaga
- Wood Crab
- Citroid
- Bird-brain
- Headless Chicken
- Headless Horse
- Mootaur
- Vee-Hex
- Stone Warrior
- Inferno
- Inigtau
- Cannibal
- Vanta-ray
- Studbark
- Grass-gulper
- Megapod
- Crude
- Iriditite
- Rockram
- Nullen
- Gravitite
- Hailrog
- Cataclashm
- Smogmaul
- Sting-face
- Afterburn
- Calyero
- Corpse-crawler
- Ringwyrm
- Ovex
- Fallen Summoner
- Karkaros (Bull)
- Karkaros (Saw)
- Karkaros (Mako)
- Karkaros (Blue)
- Karkaros (Hammerhead)
- Karkaros (Tiger)
- Karkaros (Goblin)
- Karkaros (Great White)
- Undead Livestock (Chicken)
- Undead Livestock (Cow)
- Undead Livestock (Pig)
- Undead Livestock (Sheep)
You should know a thing or two before you start fighting these things. One of these guys really really aren't messing around when it comes to it.
Vained Time
- Attacks vary; damage depends on number struck, ranges between 5-60 seconds (5 seconds to 1 minute).
- Attacks inflict either slowness, weakness, mining fatigue, or wither; duration  and amplifier depends on number struck, duration ranges between 5-60 seconds (5 seconds to 1 minute) and amplifier ranges between 1-12.
- Passively inflicts weakness and mining fatigue nearby.
- Immune to fire, lava, wither, magic, fall, and suffocation.
- Attacks are modular.
- Strategic measures are required; there is little to no cooldown between attacks, fight at your own risk.
- Immune to drowning, magic, wither, explosions, fire, suffocation, and freezing.
- Strategic measures are required; contact with water will fatally damage anyone in a 20 block diameter area.
- Attacks are modular.
Goblin Champion
- Attacks vary; damage depends if it uses weapons.
- Strategic measures are required; all attacks cause destruction.
- Attacks are modular.
Moth Mother
- Melee by default and ranged at random times.
- Takes heavy damage from fire and lava.
- Summons live temporarily; moth minions last 15-30 seconds.
- Attacks are modular.
- Ranged by default.
- Immune to fire.
- Attacks are modular.
- Strategic measures are required; Very vulnerable in closed spaces, all attacks cause great destruction.
- Strategic measures are required; this monster inflicts fatal hunger.
- Immune to everything.
- Attacks inflict hunger for 40 seconds.
- Damage dealt from vanilla food or within the add-on is based on their saturation points.
- Attacks are modular.
- Ground entity by default and flies when changing frequencies.
- Immune to suffocation.
- Attacks are modular.
- Strategic measures are required; All attacks cause great knockback.
- Immune to fire, suffocation, projectiles, and fall.
- Passively gains resistance from water or rain.
- Takes constant damage in the Nether.
- Passively inflicts damage nearby.
- Attacks are modular.
- Immune to fire and knockback.
- Takes heavy damage from explosions.
- Damage dealt from vanilla pickaxes or within the add-on is 2 times greater.
Fallen Summoner
- Strategic measures are required; has 3 phases and each summoned monster's difficulty will depend on the phase.
- Attacks are modular.
- Immune to lightning.
Discarded Sword
- Has 2 phases; second phase is an enhanced version where it can summon lightning bolts.
- Kites when attacking.
Obsidian Disaster
- Heals from fire.
- Attacks are modular.
- Strategic measures are required; contact with lava causes it to upgrade to a glowing variant.
- Stats are increased when it upgrades to the glowing variant; attack is 2 times greater, knockback resistance is increased by 50%, and health as well as scale are 4 times greater.
- Has 2 phases; 1st phase is stationary and 2nd phase is mobile.
- Strategic measures are required; the healers that surround the monster needs to be destroyed first.
- Attacks are modular.
Polar Tyrant
- Has 3 phases; Each phase is stronger than the last.
- Passively inflicts debuffs; debuffs depend on phase, inflicted debuff duration is constant. Phase 1 inflicts nausea and poison. Phase 2 inflicts nausea 2, poison, weakness, and mining fatigue. Phase 3 inflicts nausea 2, fatal poison, weakness, mining fatigue 2, and slowness.
- Strategic measures are required; Final mutation will cause great destruction.
- Attacks are modular.
Torrid Xeromancer
- Summons healers before combat.
- Passively generates a sandstorm that lasts 60 seconds (1 minute) to inflict slowness for 60 seconds (1 minute).
- Strategic measures are required; the healers that surround the monster needs to be destroyed first.
- Summons live temporarily; scarabs last 15 seconds, twisting sands last 10 seconds, and husks last 15 seconds.
- Drops Sceptre of Sands.
Torch Giant
- Takes heavy damage from water or rain.
- Passively gains resistance and regeneration health is below 50%.
- Damage dealt from vanilla axes or within the add-on is 2 times greater.
- Strategic measures are required; All attacks cause fire.
- Immune to fire.
- Attacks are modular.
Grand Hammer
- Passively gains damage reduction; damage reduction depends on health. Gains 25% damage reduction when health is below 75%. Gains 50% damage reduction when health is below 50%. Gains 75% damage reduction when health is below 25%.
- Attacks are modular.
Fossil Titan
- Strategic measures are required; there is little to no cooldown between attacks, fight at your own risk.
- Damage dealt from vanilla pickaxes or within the add-on is 5 times greater.
- Immune to suffocation.
- Attacks are modular.
- Sizes vary; attributes depend on level. Each level is advanced after getting killed. Each level adds 4 more damage, 1 more scale, and 1000 more health. Scale is capped at 10.
- Takes heavy damage from the void.
- Passively immune to everything when eating and roaring.
- Attacks are modular.
- Strategic measures are required; All attacks cause destruction and fatal after 8.
So far we have described only two subjects, but to be continued.
Sceptre of Sands
This is a magic scepter that drops from Torrid Zeromancer.
Activate it. Cooldown 25 seconds.
- It will summon sandstorm
- You will get the Speed IV effect for 10 seconds
- You will get the Hunger II effect for 10 seconds
- Who is nearby will get the Weakness III effect for 10 seconds
Void Signal
A dangerous item that can destroy the area around.
Set Void Signal to ground. Upgrade it using up to 10 of Null Fragment. Activate it with Nether Star. Now just see what happens:
The Void Signal can be created using the following craft recipe. It requires:
- 4x Crying Obsidian
- 2x Nullen Core
- 1x Beacon
- 2x Bedrock
Null Fragment and Nullen Core can be obtained using Antilight Fragment. Take this item in your hands and interact with the entities.
1. To get a Null Fragment, interact with Kurozakal:
2. To get a Nullen Core, interact with Nullen:
Notes from the author
- If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit CodanRaigenXXI in the video/description.
- Don't use your own link, use the proper link on ModBay or MCPEDL.
- Make sure to turn on ALL experimental gameplay features to enjoy this add-on to the fullest.
- If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
- Do NOT upload a direct link.
- You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish.
Notes from ModBay
We always try to improve the published content. This time the addon is so big that we can't study and work it out completely. Later we will improve the article and supplement the content.
Do you have a preference for what to describe first? Write about it in the comments.