Raiyon's Glowing Ores

Are you looking for an addon for Minecraft? Bored of mining and not seeing ores in deep caves? If so, this addon is for you, making the ores more visible!
Add-on Overview
- Non Experimental Addon.
- This is an addon, not a resource pack.
This addon makes all kinds of minerals more visible, this is because it makes those emit light.
This helps a lot in the gameplay in general and makes mining less tedious since after the cave update it became more tedious.
Works with render dragon, which means it will most likely work as the game is updated.
Ores emit light like redstone and if you want them to turn off, just hit the block. If you want the block to emit light again, you need to hit the block again.
Updated on March 01
- Added support to current version.
- Removed a dummy entity "test" of the files.
- Added support for newer versions.
- The respective sound effects have been added to the glowing ores, these being deepslate or normal stone.
- The tier of the item's tool in your hand can influence the mining speed.
- Added "Glow" to the coal ore and redstone ore (when generating).
- Changed block light emission of 0.6 to 0.7 to match redstone ore.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Added compatibility with 1.21.0.