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1.3.2 UPDATE! | Alylica's Dragons Addon!

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Have you ever wanted to raise a dragon from an egg? Well, now you can, my friend. This is my dragon addon where you can hatch dragon eggs into 16 different species, and then you can fly these dragons around and nurture them, or use their scales to craft powerful armor.

How to train your dragon?


In order to get a dragon egg in survival mode, you will need to defeat the ender dragon (and then craft a hatchable egg with the one from the end) or find an egg in a chest, they can be found in Jungle Temples, Mineshafts, Ancient Cities, Desert Temples, Dungeons, Bastions, Nether Fortresses and End Cities.

The Dragonborn might sometimes sell them too, for a hefty price.


When you have an egg, you can place it down in the world, to begin hatching it you must interact with it (like opening a chest) this will cause it to begin hatching, but be careful! monsters will try to attack it so you must keep your eggs safe!

After a little while your egg will produce bright particles and change colour, this means it has chosen a dragon breed it will hatch into, depending on the biome, if its unable to pick a breed in the current biome it will start shaking slightly, so watch out for that.

All Dragon Eggs: Screenshot

All 16 dragon egg types, from top left to bottom right:

Void, Forest, Fire, Tide, Snow, Sky, Echo, Mycelium, Nether, Ghost, Bamboo, Common, Enchanted, Night, Quake & Deadly.

Eggs listed in bold must be obtained through the Dragonborn, in trade for dragon rubies!

What biomes for what eggs
  • In forests, plains, lush caves and jungles eggs will become Forest Dragon Eggs
  • In oceans, beaches and rivers eggs will become Tide Dragon Eggs
  • In deserts and badlands eggs will become Fire Dragon Eggs
  • In the end, eggs will become Void Dragon Eggs
  • When above Y=255, eggs will become Sky Dragon Eggs
  • When in snowy areas, eggs will become Snow Dragon Eggs
  • When in the deep dark, eggs will become Echo Dragon Eggs
  • When in the nether, eggs will become Nether Dragon Eggs
  • When in mooshroom islands, eggs will become Mycelium Dragon Eggs
  • When below Y=-60, eggs will become Ghost Dragon Eggs
  • In bamboo jungles, eggs will become Bamboo Dragon Eggs

After a longer period of time, the egg will begin to rock left and right, moving slower when its health is lower, this means it's only a few minutes until it hatches!

Dragon Egg: Screenshot

Dragon eggs do take a while to hatch, on average around 25 minutes, so make sure no monsters destroy them!


Not native to our world, there are 5 special dragon types you must purchase from a wandering Dragonborn using dragon rubies.

These dragons are strong and mysterious, except for common dragons, they have nothing special about them! ;)

Exotic Dragon Egg: Screenshot


When your dragon has hatched it will take quite a long time to grow up, but you can feed it cod or salmon to speed up the process, when fully grown your dragon must be tamed, so feed it more fish to earn its trust!

Tamed Dragon: Screenshot 1

Tamed dragons can fight for you like wolves and can be sat if you interact with them while sneaking, you can also ride them, but you need a special saddle to control them!

Tamed Dragon: Screenshot 2

Each type of dragon has a unique effect, read this to see each one!

Dragon Powers

Void - Stronger Attacks

Tide - Faster Swimmer, Harder to drown

Fire - Immune to Fire

Forest - More health

Snow - Walks Faster, Cannot Freeze

Sky - Flys Faster

Echo - Slightly stronger attacks, no vibrations when not ridden

Nether - Slightly stronger attacks, Immune to Fire

Mycelium - Weaker Attacks, much more health

Ghost - Projectiles pass through

Bamboo - Faster Flight, Stronger Jump, Less Health

Common - Nothing Special

Enchanted - Immune to Slowness, Weakness & Poison

Night - Slightly Stronger Attacks, Slightly more Health

Quake - 50% Melee damage is blocked, Weaker Jump and Ground Speed

Deadly - Much Stronger Attacks, Faster Flight, Less Health, Harder to tame


You can ride any tamed dragon, but to control it requires a special saddle, the Dragon Saddle! It can be obtained in a few ways, it can be crafted with a saddle, iron, and leather, it can be found in fishing, villager trading, and also chest loot!

Dragon Saddle

When you have saddled your dragon, you are free to move around, and if you jump up into the sky, you will take off. When in the air, you can control your height by where you look, looking up causes you to ascend and looking down causes you to descend, looking straight ahead causes you to float.

Flying on a Dragon: Screenshot


The Dragonborn: Screenshot

The Dragonborn are mysterious hybrid creatures, corrupted by the monstrous dragon energy confined within the rubies.

They will sometimes be found in your world, just like the wandering trader, and will come with a set of trades, they will either be requesting overworld goods in exchange for some of their rubies or requesting rubies in exchange for some of their own items.

Notably, the Dragonborn will sell the 5 Exotic Eggs mentioned further up the page, they will also sell the Dragonsbane, a magical weapon that deals huge damage towards dragons and can be used on your own tamed dragons to harvest their scales safely.


Dragon Scales Armors: Screenshot

Dragon Scales Blocks: Screenshot

When a (non ghost!) dragon dies, it will drop a lot of scales, these can be used to make blocks or (along with side rubies) special suits of armor. These sets of armor have equal defense as diamond; more knockback resistance but a little less durability. Having all 4 pieces of the same set equipped gives a boost!

Dragon Armour Boosts

Void - Strength boost

Tide - Water breathing

Fire - Fire immunity

Forest - Boosted regeneration speed

Snow - Resistance boost (+20%)

Sky - Speed boost (+20%)

Echo - Night vision

Mycelium - +4 absorption health when killing mobs

Nether - Fire immunity

Bamboo - Large sprinting speed boost (+40%), slightly less defence

Common - Nothing Special

Enchanted - Positive potion effects become stronger.

Night - Crouching boosts move speed and makes you fully invisible

Quake - Mining speed boost (+40%)

Deadly - Damage taken is dealt back to attacker, less defence

That is pretty much everything. There are a few misc blocks, like dragon nest blocks, which help you build fun dragon structures. I hope you have fun with my addon, and feel free to join my Discord for help and more addon news!

Dragons: Screenshot

This photo doesn't include all the species, mind you.

Updated on August 23


=== NEW ===

  • Updated to 1.21.20.

=== CHANGED ===

  • Adjusted the rate of which custom loot occurred.
  • Dragon armour has been reworked, with new effects that are telegraphed through an ingame prompt.
  • Dragon armour now boosts defence by around 25% more on average.
  • Dragonborn now spawns more often.
  • Trial Chambers now contain dragon eggs in vaults.
  • Adjusted block mine speed.

=== FIXED ===

  • Fixed a lot of the lag, I hope.
  • Deadly Leggings now use the correct texture when equipped.
  • Helmets no longer render above 3D skin layers.
  • Quake Dragons equip saddles on their model again.
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Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
1 053