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V9 Multidimensions Addon ("infinite" dimensions and quests)

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Multidimension Addon adds 6 new dimensions in which you can visit and get valuable resources and fight new bosses. The new ore can be used not only to get into the dimensions, but also to craft new items.

Table Of Contents


  • Creator: RocketwayAv57
  • Discord server
  • YouTube
  • Activate all Experiments in the world settings
  • If you get into another dimension and then build a portal to another and get into it, you will still return to the original dimension (It is recommended to play only in the new world)

Part of the text of this post is combined with the original text of RocketwayAv57. Wherever you see "I" these are RocketwayAv57's words. The addon doesn't belong to us, and we only published it after getting the permission. — ModBay

Permission for ModBay:

Multidimension permission for ModBay

Key Master

In Overworld you will be able to find a new structure.

Key Master structure

To get the Portal Key, you will need to defeat the Key Master.

Key Master mini boss

Multidimensional Rock

This rock has dimensional properties and is found through all main dimensions (Overworld, Nether, End).

Multidimensional Rock

The new Dimensions

These dimensions all have their lore, you may find out. However, there are 2 quests in this addon you can obtain. Quests are gained from an NPC in the Algids, who if you talk to, will eventually give you quest books that, once held, will assign you to a quest, like this:

These 2 quests, which I will not spoil, lead to 2 different rewards, which again, I will not spoil.

If you wish to watch a showcase for this addon, I have made one with a deepfried mic.

I will not spoil the rest.

The old bosses have basically been replaced with skyrim-type dragons:

The only reward you get from them is their soul, if you are on the Eyes of the Fallen quest.

Try this addon for yourself.

The Cave Dimension

To get into the Cave dimension, you need to craft Multi-Inflicted Lava Bucket.

Multi-Inflicted Lava Bucket recipe craft

After that, throw the item into the portal from the cobblestone.

The Cave Dimension portal

When you enter into the Cave Dimension, you will be greeted by a lot of ores, but a ton of Wither Skeleton spawners. Spiders also spawn here naturally.

The Cave Dimension

Spider in the The Cave Dimension

Zombies in the The Cave Dimension

The Skylands Dimension

To get into the Skylands Dimension, you need to craft Multi-Inflicted Torch.

Multi-Inflicted Torch recipe craft

After that, build a portal of quartz blocks and throw a torch into one of the corners.

The Skylands Dimension portal

The Skylands Dimension

The Zombie in the Skylands Dimension

The Temple Dimension

To get into the Temple Dimension, you need to craft Multi-Inflicted Flint.

Multi-Inflicted Flint recipe craft

After that, build a portal of sandstone blocks and throw a flint into one of the corners.

The Temple Dimension portal

The Temple Dimension

The Zombie in the Temple Dimension

The Ruins Dimension

To get into the Ruins Dimension, you need to craft Multi-Inflicted Lapis.

Multi-Inflicted Lapis recipe craft

After that, build a portal of stone bricks blocks and throw a lapis into one of the corners.

The Ruins Dimension portal

The Ruins Dimension

The Golem in the Ruins Dimension

The Winter Dimension

To get into the Winter Dimension, you need to craft Multi-Inflicted Snowball.

Multi-Inflicted Snowball recipe craft

After that, build a portal of Shroomlight blocks and throw a snowball into one of the corners.

The Winter Dimension portal

It always snows in this dimension, but there is a small village with villagers here! Many useful potions can be found in the chests of the Algid's village.

The Winter Dimension

House in the Winter Dimension

Nuclear Dimension

A new dimension introduced in the Add-on starting from v8.

To get into the Nuclear Dimension, you need to craft Multi-Inflicted Ender Pearl.

Multi-Inflicted Ender Pearl craft

After that, build a portal of Mossy Cobblestone blocks and throw a Multi-Inflicted Ender Pearl into one of the corners.

Nuclear Dimension portal frame

Nuclear Dimension

New Armor

You will be able to create new armor from various new materials. They are interesting for collecting and also give various effects and abilities.

New Armor in Multidimension Addon

Multidimensional Armor


Multidimensional Armor can be crafted from Multidimensional Rocks.

Gives Speed II and Jump Boost II effects.

  • Multidimensional Helmet
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 180
  • Multidimensional Chestplate
    • Protection: 7
    • Max durability: 270
  • Multidimensional Leggings
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 245
  • Multidimensional Boots
    • Protection: 2
    • Max durability: 215

Multidimensional Armor recipe crafts

Cavern Armor


Cavern Armor can be crafted from a Cavern Orb that drops from a Cave Walker.

  • Cavern Helmet
    • Protection: 3
    • Max durability: 180
  • Cavern Chestplate
    • Protection: 7
    • Max durability: 270
  • Cavern Leggings
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 245
  • Cavern Boots
    • Protection: 2
    • Max durability: 215

Cavern Armor recipe crafts

Algid's Armor


Algid's Armor can be crafted from an Algid's Ice that drops from an Algid Stray.

Creates blocks of ice under your feet when you walk on water.

  • Cavern Helmet
    • Protection: 3
    • Max durability: 180
  • Cavern Chestplate
    • Protection: 7
    • Max durability: 270
  • Cavern Leggings
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 245
  • Cavern Boots
    • Protection: 2
    • Max durability: 215

Algid's Armor recipe crafts

Ruined Armor


Ruined Armor gives the effect of Fire Resistance II, which allows you to stay in the lava without taking damage.

  • Cavern Helmet
    • Protection: 3
    • Max durability: 180
  • Cavern Chestplate
    • Protection: 7
    • Max durability: 270
  • Cavern Leggings
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 245
  • Cavern Boots
    • Protection: 2
    • Max durability: 215

Ruined Armor recipe crafts

Skyland Armor


Skyland Armor gives a Slow Falling effect. If you look up, you will also get a Levitation effect that allows you to fly (look down to disable the ability).

  • Cavern Helmet
    • Protection: 3
    • Max durability: 180
  • Cavern Chestplate
    • Protection: 7
    • Max durability: 270
  • Cavern Leggings
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 245
  • Cavern Boots
    • Protection: 2
    • Max durability: 215

Skyland Armor recipe crafts

Temple-akin Armor


Creates sand under your feet when you move.

  • Cavern Helmet
    • Protection: 3
    • Max durability: 180
  • Cavern Chestplate
    • Protection: 7
    • Max durability: 270
  • Cavern Leggings
    • Protection: 5
    • Max durability: 245
  • Cavern Boots
    • Protection: 2
    • Max durability: 215

Temple-akin Armor recipe crafts

New Tools

Multidimensional Tools

Multidimensional Rock can also be used to craft new tools.

Multidimensional tools recipe crafts

Cavern Staff

Drops out from the Ancient Cavern Spider boss.

When held, it gives the effect of Resistance, if you use it, it will shoot an explosive web and cause the effects of Slowness and Poison.

Cavern Staff

Skylands Staff

Drops out from the Ancient Cavern Spider boss.

When held, it gives the effect of Slow Falling. Use it to summon lightning bolts.

Skylands Staff

Temple Staff

Drops out from the Ancient Cavern Spider boss.

When held, it gives the effect of Speed II. Use the Temple staff to throw Temple Spit and get the effects of Regeneration II and Invisibility II. When hit, it will create a poison effect and a small explosion (blocks don't explode).

Temple Staff

Ruins Staff

Drops out from the Ancient Cavern Spider boss.

When held, it gives the effect of Resistance. Use the Ruins staff to throw a Ruin Fireball. When hit, it will create a cloud of Potion of Harming, causing damage to mobs.

Ruins Staff

New Potions

You can also brew new potions.

All new potions in the Multidimension Addon

Multidimensional Potion

If you drink the Multidimensional potion, you will get effects for 1 minute.

Multidimensional Potion brew

Templar's Potion

If you drink the Templar's potion, you will get effects for 1 minute: Strength V, Nausea V, Invisibility II.

Templar's Potion brew

Cavern's Potion

If you drink the Cavern's potion, you will get effects for 1 minute: Speed III, Haste IV, Jump Boost II, Blindness II.

Cannot be brewed due to a bug in the code.

Algid Potion

If you drink an Algid potion, you will get effects for 30 seconds: Slowness II, Strength II, Resistance II, Slow Falling II.

Algid Potion brew

Multidimensional Jukebox

A Multidimensional Jukebox can be created from 8 boards and 1 Multidimensional Rock.

Multidimensional Jukebox recipe craft

It can be used to enable new music discs that you will get from bosses.

The Skeletal Dragon boss

This is all the addon offers for now. I do hope to expand upon it with maybe enough support. These dimensions may be small, but they are still challenging, rewarding, and explorable. It adds a bit of extra tension to your game. I wish you luck! (please do not redistribute as your own, however, you may use the dimension code!)

- RocketwayAv57

Updated on May 4

  • Better dimensions
  • Better dimension system
  • Replaced all bosses
  • Replaced all loot
  • 2 new quests
  • Added an NPC
  • Complete rework
Download links
Download Multidimension Addon v9
Supported versions
1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70
9 089
  1. tengo una pregunta porque cuando uso el mod no me carga la textura de los items, y las dimensiones no funcionan quisiera saber como solucionarlo. buen complemento
  2. Bidizzle profile avatar Bidizzle
    His work is incredible! Can't wait to try out the new version!
  3. No avatar image Flipy027
    I wish Mojang would finally add custom dimension Support and custom biomes back
    Good Addon :)