XP Books

This addon adds 5 rarity books that gives XP. They drops from mobs, can be found in the chests of structures, obtained by fishing.
Book of Experience
Not all Mobs drop a legendary XP book except for the warden 40%, elder guardian 25%, and the wither 100%, most mobs can only get common to rare and for some tough mobs can get an epic.
- Common (
4 Levels) (4 Experience Points) - Uncommon (
8 Levels) (8 Experience Points) - Rare (
12 Levels) (12 Experience Points) - Epic (
16 Levels) (16 Experience Points) - Legendary (
20 Levels) (20 Experience Points)
- Blaze "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Cave Spider *added "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
Cat Gifts- Creeper "Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic"
- Drowned "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Elder Guardian "Rare, Epic, Legendary"
- Enderman "Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic"
- Evoker "Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic"
- Ghast "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Guardian "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Hoglin "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Magma Cube *added "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Phantom *added "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Pillager "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Raiders "Rare, Epic"
- Ravager "Uncommon, Rare, Epic"
- Shulker "Uncommon, Rare"
- Skeleton "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Slime *added "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Spider "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Stray "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Vindicator "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Warden "Epic, Legendary"
- Witch "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Wither Boss "Legendary"
- Wither Skeleton "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Zoglin "Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic"
- Zombified Piglin "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
- Zombie "Common, Uncommon, Rare"
Abandoned MineshaftAncient CityBastion BridgeBastion Hoglin StableBastion OtherBastion TreasureBuried TreasureDesert TempleEnd City TreasureIgloo ChestJungle TempleMonster RoomNether FortressPillager OutpostRuined PortalShipwreck TreasureSimple DungeonStronghold CorridorStronghold CrossingStronghold LibraryBig Underwater RuinWoodland Mansion
Fishing (Treasure / Junk)Suspicious Block (Cold Ocean Ruins / Desert Temple / Desert Well / Trail Ruins Warm Ocean Ruins)
XP Sword
- Damage: 3
- Durability: 30
- Ability: Every hit gives holder 1 experience point
Advance Book
- Can only be used when the holder has 30 Experience Levels.
- Advance Book will take 30 Levels per use, and if the book has glints when used, it will give holder 30 Levels.
Enchanted Book (Experience I-IV)
- Each level of the book +3
- Enchant or level up the enchanted book using the crafting table.
- Dropped by Evoker "0.01"
New XP Books Textures:
Updated on April 29
- Added new enchantment
- Added new weapon
- Added advance book
- Changed obtaining of XP Books
- Changed XP book textures