DyingDayZ Lite 1.0 (1.21+ Update)

Hi guys, welcome back to the DyingDayZ addon again. Due to the 1.21+ update, everything's ruined and doesn't work anymore, but now I'm back again with the DyingDayZ Lite version that supports the 1.21+ update (recommended version 1.21.30). Why the lite version? Because everything needs to be recoded and revamped, and it will take a very, very long time to complete, so I decided to make a lite version first with added, changed, revamped, removed some things from the 1.4 update before, and fixed some bugs too. Don't worry, all features from the update before will be added to future updates step by step. So, let me introduce what DyingDayZ Lite 1.0's like.
Thirst bar is now improved (not using title actionbar anymore) and more variation of drinkable items. Once you drink, your thirst level will not decrease instantly.
Once your thrist bar reaches only half bar, you will get a massage, "You're thirsty, get some drink", and if you let your thirst bar empty, you will get nausea, blindness, and hunger effects. This won't stop until you drink some water. You can find drinks on the structure's loot blocks like mineral water, coke, beer, and energy drinks; each drink gives a unique effect after a drink.
Each food and baverage gives a different value of hunger saturation, eat time and thirst level; most of it can't be crafted and is only obtained from loot structures. You can also cook raw food, coffee, and dirty water.
You can craft dirty water from glass bottles and coarse dirt, and you can also cook a water bottle to get clean water.
Some drinkable items give you effect after drinking it, like hot coffee that gives night vision effect for a while and UHT milk that removes all effects once you drink it.
For now, there are only 3 medicines on this addon.
- Bandage: Slowly regenerating your health for 10s. (using time: 3 seconds)
- Painkiller: Giving you more health/absorption effect for 60s. (using time: 4 seconds)
- Medkit: Instantly heal your health fully. (using time: 6 seconds)
You can get all that medicine from loot / trading with medic (entity), which will be described below.
The Wasteland biome replaced the desert biome and turned it into a dirt-dried surface with black ash as a pollution. There are some creatures that only spawn in this biome, which will be described below.
Once you start your world with this addon in survival mode, you'll get a starter kit (Sawed-off Shotgun, Basic Vest, Canned Beans, Clean Water, Basic Helmet, Sawed-off Bullet, and Bandage).
In this post apocalyptic world, you have to arm yourselves in order to survive; down are descriptions of all guns. Guns are now craftable and will be described at the bottom. (Sneak, then attack to peak), you now can reload by pressing the attack button (only when your bullet isn't empty).
As you can see in this hotbar image, there are a silencer scope and a foregrip. It means which attachments you can put on your gun while holding it; to equip the laser/flashlight, put the attachment on your offhand slot while holding your gun; and to reload the Purifier/M203, put the grenade bullet/gas on your 6th hotbar slot. I know this system is kind of weird and eats your hotbar storage; this is just a test of the 1.21.22 update.. and still being considered. Maybe next update I will bring the old attachment system like before.
- Holographic Sight: Gives you 2x zoom.
- Magnifier Scope: Gives you 4x zoom, put holographic sight first, then put magnifier to use.
- Red-Dot Sight: Gives you 2x zoom (handguns only).
- Tactical Sight: Gives you 4x zoom.
- Optic Sight: Gives you 6x zoom.
- Flashlight: Lights your surroundings.
- Foregrip: Removes the recoil shake of your gun.
- Laser: Increases accuracy.
- M203: Grenade launcher, to use, put a grenade bullet onto your off-hand slot, then sneak to reload it, once reloaded, sneak to shoot that grenade launcher.
- Purifier: Shoots fire that burns in small range.
There are a total of 4 grenade launcher bullets.
Grenade Bullet: Shoots a grenade that causes an area explosion. (THE GUN IS REMOVED, BUT THE M203 WAS STILL HERE!)
Fire Bullet: Shoots a grenade that causes a small area explosion but summons a fire area.
Poison Bullet: Shoots a grenade that causes poison gas in a large area.
Infected Eraser Bullet: Shoots a grenade that causes all infected to melt in a small radius. (REMOVED)
All of those bullets cannot be crafted, only obtained by trade with mercenaries (new entities), which will be described later, except the Grenade bullet that can be obtained from the attachment box.
Now you can put your gun on your character by holding the gun in slots 1 & 2 of the hotbar (for rifles, pistols and snipers only).
A common weapon that deals enough damage to help you make your way through infected.
- Damage: 1-15 (Shoot rapidly to increase damage)
- Bullets: 12 (9mm)
- Attachment: 9mm Silencer, Red-Dot Sight, and Flashlight
- Inspect Animation: Yes
2. HKG36C
I like this one so much... This gun looks sexy on top for me. Only obtainable by buying it from a hazmat soldier (entity) that can only be found in the desert (wasteland) biome.
- Damage: 2-20
- Bullet: 30 (5.56mm)
- Attachment: Laser, M203, Tactical Scope, Holographic Scope, Magnifier Scope, & Suppressor Purifier (new)
- Inspect Animation: Yes
3. HK417
Rifle that has the highest damage on this addon, but low ammo and also high recoil too.
- Damage: 4-22
- Bullet: 25 (7.62mm)
- Attachment: Foregrip, M203, Laser, Tactical Scope, Holographic Scope, Magnifier, & Suppressor. Purifier (new)
- Inspect Animation: 2 (loaded & not)
4. Double Barreled Shotgun
You can only get it from the starter pack, starting your world with survival mode. (Uncraftable)
- Damage: 35-50
- Bullet: 2 (Gauge Shell)
- Inspect Animation: No
5. Vector
It's now revamped (thanks to CatCute for the model), and now you can put attachments on it.
- Damage: 1 - 30
- Bullet: 30 (.45ACP)
- Attachment: Supressor, Tactical scope, Holographic Scope, Magnifier, Foregrip, Laser
- Inspect Animation: No
6. AWP
First sniper in this lite version, deals very high damage and has high accuracy, but you need an Optic Sight to make it work properly.
- Damage: 45
- Bullet: 6
- Attachment: Suppresor, Optic Sight, Holographic Sight
7. Flaregun
Right-click/hold to use, when used, it will suddenly call an airdrop from the sky. An airdrop will give you various loot like guns, armor, and food.
That Sawed-off and Mac-10 models are not from me, it's @lis1k6672's models, and we have his permission to use them.
Weapons are classified into rare and common weapons; rare weapons are uncraftable and unobtainable; common weapons are craftable. First, you need to craft a workbench using an iron block, smithing table, fletching table and crafting table, then craft the weapon's blueprint; all the recipes will be shown there; you just need to collect and craft some material, such as brass ingot and steel ingot. But you need to collect some material first to unlock the recipe or the recipe won't unlock whetever you are in creative mode.
After creating a weapon, craft their magazine and their bullet, then craft the full mag using the right magazine and the right ammo. Once you have a loaded mag, you can reload your weapon. Remember, sniper ammo cannot be crafted and is only obtained from loot.
All melee weapons now got nerfed, decreasing durability massively.
Battle Axe:
- Damage: 12
- Damage: 10
Baseball Bat:
- Damage: 5
No picture, sorry.
Just like simple warfare 2 military knives, deals 10 damage.
Any other melee weapon you can find from the loot structure block, explore it by yourself.
Armor Sets:
All armor is uncraftable and obtained only from loot, and all armor now has low durability so you may need to collect and save more armor in survival mode. This is a picture of armor in this addon from weak (left) to stronger (right), stronger armor doesn't mean it has strong durability too.
Police Armor:
Construction Armor:
Basic Armor:
Advanced Armor:
Tactical Armor:
All armors are rendered in the first person too!
Special Armor (Suit):
Hazmat Armor protects you from the poison effect. Also, you can hear breathing sounds while equipping the helmet.
Now for the entity description, I'm not descripting so much detail like animation such as skill animation, reload animation and more, you can find it by yourself by trying this addon on your own world. And all vanilla Minecraft entities were removed to make this addon more apocalyptic. We have a fog so better keep your eye on the entity behind the fog.
Infected & Civiliants:
A normal infected that spawns from the ground, just like someone waking up from a grave, can also eat and infect dead civiliants and turn it into one of them. (NEW SKIN VARIATION)
You can also trade with civiliants for useful items for your survival, they need medicine and will give you lots of food.
- Health: 25 (both)
- Spawn: Overworld
For now, there are only 3 factions of mercenaries, and 1 of them is evil.
These epic clips are from CreatorCrafter321:
Tough Guy:
An old mercenary guy who works together and protects people from infected. Can get infected too if they're dead and get eaten by the infected or get beaten by an infected juggernaut.
They are Tough Guy factions, you can find them at day or sunset in the overworld. Some of them are medics and engineers (the ones who wear glasses). You can trade with them medicine and attachment weapons. Remember to unlock the attachment trades you need to trade first and upgrade the trade to get all attachment trades.
- Health: 40
- Spawn: Overworld
Those who survived the DyingDayZ Lab incident became a group and formed a faction called the Whitelanders, most of them are scientists who defected from lab experiments helped by bandits and now work together.
- Health: 40 (both)
- Spawn: Overworld
Assasin (Beta):
He works alone and you can pay him with gold to protect you, he can also heal when his HP is low.
- Health: 45-50
- Spawn Overworld, at night
Reminder, he can only heal when there is no enemies surround him.
Infected Juggernaut (Special Infected):
In this mode, the juggernaut became stronger, has more attack damage and has ability to growl and fly every entity near him. He can also destroy blocks and turn every civiliant into infected when he steps at them.
- Health: 200
- Spawn: Overworld (only at night)
- Drop: Rotten Flesh & Lots of Gunpowder
Infected Hazmat Officer (Special Infected):
This infected is using a hazmat suit and has the ability to summon dangerous radiation effect gas in his area, which makes him hard to see while fighting. Make sure to use a hazmat helmet while facing him to avoid his poison, but you will still get that nausea effect. He also gives high damage melee attacks and turns every dead civiliant into an infected civiliant.
- Health: 180
- Spawn: Desert (wasteland), only at night
- Drop: Hazmat Armor and Rotten Flesh
Only Fregon (the orange one) can be found in survival... Unlike the other vehicles that blew up and became car corpses, once destroyed fregon can still be repaired using 10 steel plates, there will be destroyed animation on fregon. You can only find this fregon at abandoned garage structures!
A block that describes all of the items that are contained in this addon, whether they are obtainable or not and will answer every item that you do not understand here. All recipes are shown here.
It can be crafted using 4 blocks: crafting table, smithing table, fletching table, and iron block (also shown at the crafting recipe).
Loots, Structures, Blocks and more:
This addon also has apocalypse decorative blocks that you can use to decorate your map. You can also find these blocks (loots and decorative blocks). Here are some previews of DyingDayZ structures.
Decorative Blocks:
Careful with the wires because they will damage anything near them and slow it.
There are many structures with different loot rarity, such as abandoned warehouse, abandoned garage, prison, market, old building, clinic and much more. You can explore them by yourself.
Download the both RP and BP (mcpack) files, then open them using Minecraft. This addon only works on Minecraft bedrock 1.21.22+ below that version is not recommended. Activate Beta APIs and disable View Bobbing before playing!
Preview of the next update:
Please read and follow our terms. Respect to the creators and all of those participating in it.
You are allowed to:
- Using & sharing this addon/content as long as you give proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- Change or edit some stuff in this content for your personal use only.
You are not allowed to:
- Change the original link from the creator, if you are showcasing or using this addon, use the ModBay link or link that was already given by the creator before. Relinks are not allowed!
- Claim this addon is yours.
- Take stuff from this addon for your own addon without permission. No permission = stealing!
Big thanks to all of these guys who are helping and participating in addon development.
Models & Textures:
Code & Animation: (Creator)
Structure Building:
- Some members and helpers of SW Company server!
DyingDayZ Lite © 2024 by Menkrep P is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
Updated on October 14
- Because of the crash issue, I added a new mobile version, hoping it will optimize for mobile users. Note: The original version may be a little better than the mobile version (for BE Win10 Edition only).