
Nico's More Dungeon (v1.3.10)

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Nico's More Dungeon is an add-on will bring new and large dungeon that generates around the world. Dungeons are filled with dangerous mobs, chest loots, and each dungeon is guarded by a boss that wandering around the dungeon.


Nico's More Dungeon Logo



New Updates:


Version: 1.3.10


  • Updated for compatibility with Minecraft version 1.20.81.
  • All the custom blocks and custom item function events are now run by scripting.


  • Fixed the cooked and smelted drop of mobs.

Brute Zombie:

  • Melee attack effect duration has been increased from 0:30 to 1:30.
  • Can now also break torches.

Piglin Chief:

  • Will now only avoid the Soul Fire Bird and Nether Soul Wisp variant.

Cobbled Deepslate Golem:

  • Will no longer be able to float on water.
  • Will no longer take damage from sweetberry bush.
  • Will no longer target or attack your other vanilla-tamed mobs when you hit them.


  • Fixed drop of the block of rotten brute flesh.


  • Curserer Staff - Increased the projectile distance range and increased the projectile velocity underwater.
  • Piglin Fire Staff - Increased the projectile velocity.
  • Piglin Sledge Hammer - Increased the weakness effect level applied to the user.

"New Additional & Changes"


  • Improved item durability damage caculation. Using an item in an inappropriate way will now increase the durability damage.
  • Piglin Fire Staff - Using the piglin fire staff as a melee weapon, the target will now be set on fire for 2 seconds.
  • Piglin Fire Staff - Using it as your melee weapon it may now only apply 1 damage to Blaze and 2 damage to other fire-type mobs.
  • Piglin Sledge Hammer - Will now have an extra 5 melee damage toward any golem-type mobs.




Rats Dungeon:

Rats Dungeon

Rats Dungeon: Screenshot 1

Rats Dungeon: Screenshot 2

Rats Dungeon: Screenshot 3

Rats Dungeon: Screenshot 4

  • Generate in Plains, Snowy Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Jungle, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Cherry Grove, Meadow, Savanna, Badlands, & Mushroom Fields surfaces.

Zombie Dungeon:

Zombie Dungeon

Zombie Dungeon: Screenshot 1

Zombie Dungeon: Screenshot 2

Zombie Dungeon: Screenshot 3

Zombie Dungeon: Screenshot 4

  • Generate in Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Taiga, Jungle, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, & Savanna surfaces.

Deepslate Catacomb:

Deepslate Catacomb

Deepslate Catacomb: Screenshot 1

Deepslate Catacomb: Screenshot 2

Deepslate Catacomb: Screenshot 3

Deepslate Catacomb: Screenshot 4

  • Generate in all deepslate underground.

Piglin's Dungeon:

Piglin's Dungeon

Piglin's Dungeon: Screenshot 1

Piglin's Dungeon: Screenshot 2

Piglin's Dungeon: Screenshot 3

Piglin's Dungeon: Screenshot 4

  • Generate in all Nether biomes.






Rat Curserer (Mini Boss)

Rat Curserer

(Mini Boss)

Rat Curserer: Screenshot

  • Hostile Mob.
  • Spawn only inside the Rats Dungeon.
  • Health: 200
  • Speed: 0.25
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.5
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Drop: Leather & Curserer Staff.
  • Aggressive toward: Players, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Villager, & Wandering Trader.
  • Equipped Weapon: Curserer Staff
  • Melee Attack Damage: 9-10
  • Ranged Attack Damage: 6
  • Shoot: Curserer Magic Missile
  • Summon Mob: Cursed Rat
  • Can transform a wild rat into a cursed rat.
  • Can broadcast their enemies to the nearby cursed rats.

Brute Zombie (Mini Boss)

Brute Zombie

(Mini Boss)

Brute Zombie: Screenshot

  • Hostile Mob.
  • Spawn only inside the Zombie Dungeon.
  • Health: 240
  • Speed: 0.25
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Drop: Rotten Brute Flesh
  • Aggressive toward: Players, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Villager, & Wandering Trader.
  • Melee Attack Damage: 12-13
  • Melee Attack Effect: Hunger (1:30)
  • Can break crops, plants, leaves, cobweb, & torches.

Elder Golem (Mini Boss)

Elder Golem

(Mini Boss)

Elder Golem: Screenshot

  • Hostile Mob.
  • Spawn only inside the Deepslate Catacombs.
  • Health: 380
  • Speed: 0.23
  • Knockback Resistance: 1.0
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Can breathe in solid blocks: YES
  • Can breathe underlava: YES
  • Can breathe underwater: YES
  • Fire Immune: YES
  • Drop: Cobbled Deepslate & Diamonds.
  • Aggressive toward: Players, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Villager, & Wandering Trader.
  • Melee Attack Damage: 10-11
  • Can break crops, plants, leaves, cobwebs, & torches.

Piglin Chief

Piglin Chief

(Mini Boss)

Piglin Chief: Screenshot

  • Hostile Mob
  • Spawn only inside the Piglin's Dungeon.
  • Health: 300
  • Speed: 0.25
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.6
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Fire Immune: NO
  • Drop: Piglin Sledge Hammer, Piglin Fire Staff, Netherite Scrap, & Gold Nugget.
  • Avoid: Soul Fire.
  • Aggressive toward: Player, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Villager, & Wandering Trader.
  • Equipped Weapon: Piglin Sledge Hammer & Piglin Fire Staff.
  • Melee Attack Damage: 26
  • Ranged Attack Damage: 7
  • Ranged Attack Effect: Fire
  • Shoot: Fire Spike Magic Missile
  • Can give a weakness effect toward their nearest enemies.
  • Can broadcast their enemies to the nearby Piglins.




Rat: Screenshot

  • Passive Mob.
  • Spawn in Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Taiga, Jungle, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, & Savanna surfaces. And also in all underground.
  • Health: 6 (Wild) | 20 (Tamed).
  • Speed: 0.30
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Healable: Most of the Food.
  • Breedable: Most of the Food.
  • Ageable: Most of the Food.
  • Tameable: Pumpkin Pie
  • Can sit & stay: YES (Once it's tamed)
  • Drop: Raw Rat.
  • Avoid (if it wild): Players, Cat, Fox, Ocelot, Villager, Wandering Trader, & Wolf.
  • Avoid (if it tamed): Monsters.
  • Wild rats can pick up items and eat them.
  • Wild rats can destroy crops.

Cursed Rat

Cursed Rat

Cursed Rat: Screenshot

  • Hostile Mob.
  • Spawn in Plains, Snowy Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Jungle, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp & Savanna.
  • Summon by Rat Curserer.
  • Health: 16
  • Speed: 0.25
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Can pickup items: YES
  • Drop: Raw Rat
  • Avoid: Any mob wielding a curserer staff.
  • Aggressive toward: Players, Iron Golem, & Snow Golem.
  • Melee Attack Damage: 2-3
  • Cursed rats can pick up items and eat them.
  • Cursed rat can destroy crops.

Cobbled Deepslate Golem

Cobbled Deepslate Golem

Cobbled Deepslate Golem: Screenshot

  • Hostile Mob.
  • Spawn only inside the Deepslate Catacombs.
  • Health: 60 (Wild)
  • Speed: 0.20
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.5
  • Can breathe in air: YES
  • Can breathe in solid blocks: YES
  • Can breathe underwater: YES
  • Healable: Deepslate & Cobbled Deepslate.
  • Drop: Cobbled Deepslate & Diamond.
  • Aggressive toward: Players, Iron Golem, & Snow Golem.
  • Melee Attack Damage: 7-8
  • Cobbled Deepslate Golem can't despawn from a distance.



Rotten Brute Flesh

Rotten Brute Flesh

Rotten Brute Flesh


Rotten Brute Flesh Recipe

Dropped by:

Brute Zombie

  • Rarity: Common
  • Craftable: YES
  • Stackable: 64
  • Eatable: YES
  • Food nutrition: 4
  • Status effects: Strength (2:00), & Hunger (0:30)
  • Recipe ingredients for: Block of Rotten Brute Flesh

Raw Rat

Raw Rat

Raw Rat

Dropped by:


Cursed Rat

  • Rarity: Common
  • Craftable: NO
  • Stackable: 64
  • Eatable: YES
  • Food nutrition: 2
  • Add status effect: Hunger (0:30) [30% chance]
  • Cookable in: Furnace, Smoker, & Campfire.
  • Recipe ingredients for: Cooked Rat

Cooked Rat

Cooked Rat

Cooked Rat


Cooked Rat Recipe (Variant 1)

Cooked Rat Recipe (Variant 2)

  • Rarity: Common
  • Craftable: YES
  • Stackable: 64
  • Eatable: YES
  • Food nutrition: 4

Curserer Staff

Curserer Staff

Curserer Staff

Curserer Staff: Screenshot

Dropped by:

Rat Curserer

  • Rarity: Common
  • Craftable: YES
  • Stackable: 1
  • Equippable: YES
  • Durability: 96
  • Melee Damage: 5
  • Shoot: Curserer Magic Missile
  • Projectile Damage: 8
  • Cooldown: 2.2 (sec)
  • Enchantable: YES
  • Repairable item: Curserer Staff.
  • Use to repel any nearby cursed mobs, just by wielding it.

Piglin Fire Staff

Piglin Fire Staff

Piglin Fire Staff

Piglin Fire Staff: Screenshot

Dropped by:

Piglin Chief

  • Rarity: Common
  • Craftable: NO
  • Stackable: 1
  • Equippable: YES
  • Durability: 192
  • Melee Damage: 6
  • Melee Effect: Fire Effect (0:02) [Scripting events only]
  • Shoot: Fire Spike
  • Projectile Damage: 7
  • Projectile Effect: Fire Effect
  • Cooldown: 2.2 (sec)
  • Enchantable: YES
  • Repairable: Piglin Fire Staff.
  • Using this as your melee weapon it may now only apply 1 damage to Blaze and 2 damage to other fire-type mobs. [Scripting events only]




Piglin Sledge Hammer

Piglin Sledge Hammer

Piglin Sledge Hammer

Piglin Sledge Hammer: Screenshot

Dropped by:

Piglin Chief

  • Rarity: Common
  • Craftable: NO
  • Stackable: 1
  • Equipable: YES
  • Durability: 256
  • Mining Speed: 0
  • Melee Damage: 20
  • Added effects to user after a hit: Weakness V (0:04), & Slowness III (0:04).
  • Enchantable: YES
  • Repairable: Piglin Sledge Hammer.
  • Using this as your melee weapon to any golem-type mob will take an additional 5 damage. [Scripting events only]




Block of Rotten Brute Flesh

Block of Rotten Brute Flesh

Block of Rotten Brute Flesh: Screenshot


Block of Rotten Brute Flesh Recipe


Known Issues/Bugs

Known Issues/Bugs:


Missing Dependencies:
  • Missing dependencies are a very common issue with add-ons; even marketplace add-ons have them.
  • The issue is pointing out that the pack can't find the associated pack (either the behavior or resource pack) of the add-on.
  • This issue doesn't really affect the add-on, because when you apply the add-on pack to your world, the associated pack will automatically apply too.
  • To help resolve this issue, please vote on the bug on Mojang: MCPE-38529




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Add-On Notes

  • Add-ons may only be compatible with Minecraft version 1.20.80 or higher.
  • This add-on is NOT using a 'player.json' file.
  • This add-on is mostly compatible with other add-ons.
  • Add-on will work on the realm or server; just make sure you install the correct file and enable the experimental gameplay options correctly.
  • Add-on is not tested yet on the beta and preview versions of Minecraft, so expect some bugs if you are using those versions.
  • Remove the old packs before installing the new version of the packs.
  • If you make a review, gameplay, or showcase about the add-ons, please don't forget to give credit or put the original link (this ModBay page).
  • Do not provide the direct link (mediafire) or any other download link that I didn't provide.


Download Guide

  1. Click the download option below 'Nico's More Dungeon (v1.3.10) [Behavior]'. It will lead you to the Boostellar site.
  2. On the Boostellar site, find and click 'Click on Ad'.
  3. An ad article will pop up. After 15 seconds, just go back or close the ad page.
  4. On the Boostellar site again, find and click 'Unlock Content'. This will take you to the Mediafire site.
  5. On Mediafire, click the download button to download the file.



  • Toggle OFF the creator setting options, this may prevent some lag in your gameplay and also keep the error logs from popping up.

Disabled Creator Settings

  • Make sure that you download and install both the behavior and resource packs of the add-on.
  • Subpacks settings:

Available Resolutions for Nico's Mobs Addon

  • None Scripting Events: The default option. On this option, custom items and custom blocks don't use scripts for events to function. This is much more stable and has fewer bugs than the scripted events. But some of the additional functional events can't be applied on this.
  • Fully Scripting Events: On this option, all the custom item and custom block events will be run by scripting. This option adds a few more functional events than non-scripting events. But it may also add a few bugs, like some custom blocks will always act like interactable blocks and can't place a block on them. The only way to place a block on them is when the player is sneaking. Also, this option is not really recommended if you are playing on Windows because it causes more bugs than playing on a phone.
  • Don't forget to turn on these experimental gameplay options:

Required Experiments for Nico's Mobs Addon

  • Aternos server installation:

Aternos Server: Installation

  • You must turn ON all of these experimental options before entering your world:

Aternos Server: Required Experiments

  • Download both the 'Behavior Pack [BP]' and the 'Resource Pack [RP]'.
  • Use the 'Server Pack' just in case the 'BP' or 'RP' don't work on servers or realms.
Download links
Nico's More Dungeon (v1.3.10) [Behavior Pack]
Nico's More Dungeon (v1.3.10) [Resource Pack]
Nico's More Dungeon (v1.3.10) [Server Pack]
Supported versions
12 062
  1. 292 profile avatar 292
    Can you make the staffs have a + in the middle for aiming like when shooting the bow
  2. I hope one day you create a Dungeon inspired by the trial chambers, and that the new mob is "boss breeze brute" It would be very cool
  3. The brute zombie boss, more than 50% of the time, is surveyed or tortured in the hallways and especially on the iron bars (I even take away everything around him and he does not free himself if he is still close to a iron bar block) when entering the dungeon many times I find it stuck and this can be used to cover it even more or proceed to kill it easily
  4. A great and brutal update, although it would be great if the rat boss and the zombie boss could remove the torches too
  5. ; No 1.20.41?
  6. DeathGod profile avatar DeathGod
    Can you add more Boss and creature. And i love yours other mode.