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Samtiaka profile avatar

Sword Art Online V3

Welcome to the exciting world of your Sword Art Online Minecraft map! In this epic adventure, you'll journey through 10 unique floors, each featuring its own boss fight and unique challenges!

Thumbnail: Sword Art Online V3
1 575
D profile avatar

Dynamic Third Person Camera

The dynamic third-person camera is an addon that makes your camera perspective more immersive with some dynamic algorithm to make a magnificent experience.

Thumbnail: Dynamic Third Person Camera
2 152
Tropical-Fauna profile avatar

Tropical Fauna Version 2

Let me tell you all about our Minecraft addon's new version, which adds 30 new animals. With the introduction of more amazing reptiles, birds, amphibians, custom mob loot, animal sounds, and way

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MMB Battles profile avatar
MMB Battles

Hellfire Mage Boss

Hellfire Mage is inspired by the Chaos Mage by Modman Production, shout out to him. Hellfire Mage is a mage that controls a massive amount of fire elements. You'll see what I mean.

Thumbnail: Hellfire Mage Boss