Texture Packs for Minecraft PE 1.21.0 - Page 13

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Null Gamerz profile avatar
Null Gamerz

Asthetic Sounds v1

"Aesthetic Sounds" is a Minecraft PE resource pack that introduces a hall effect to every sound, creating a rich acoustic experience. It also features unique sounds for block breaking

Thumbnail: Asthetic Sounds v1
1 734
Dimzcraft profile avatar

Chunk Viewer

Are you having trouble finding slime chunks in your world? Use this resource pack, which can display chunk borders, slime chunk and chunk coordinate information!

Thumbnail: Chunk Viewer
15 256
Blockify profile avatar

GUI Revision

This resource pack enhances the user interface's visual appearance while preserving the game's original aesthetic and style. It has been ported for MCPE and Bedrock Edition.

Thumbnail: GUI Revision
6 526
TheOGBoiii  profile avatar

Newb X Blissful Shader

Newb X Blissful is a simple, beautiful and aesthetic shader that offers amazing light and colors with amazing water, clouds, lighting, shadows and so much more.

Thumbnail: Newb X Blissful Shader
2 299
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RGB Nether Portals

This texture pack changes Minecraft's default nether portal texture & adds a rainbow animation to it, there is also a ray tracing version if you wish to use it with Minecraft RTX.

Thumbnail: RGB Nether Portals
2 166