
Coordinates HUD MCBE

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Coordinates HUD is a Resource Pack that shows coordinates, direction and time on top of the hotbar. This pack is inspired by Coordinate HUD Vanilla Tweaks. It's also not finished (still can't be used when flying and riding)


  • Turn on Molang Experimental Features to enable ENTITY COUNTER
  • Please use this ModBay link, don't create your own links!


Emotes Menu

Client Menu:

Client Menu

Press the emote button above the screen or press "B" on the keyboard

Note: The client menu automatically adjusts to the available content

Advancement Mode

Coordinates HUD (Screenshot 1)

Coordinates HUD (Screenshot 2)

Coordinates HUD (Screenshot 3)

Now it will Remain Active while Riding:

Coordinates HUD (Screenshot 4)

Improvements in Crawling Position:

  • Added text Shadow and Always Active Directional HUD
  • Added Directions:
    • North West
    • North East
    • South West
    • South East

Desktop UI:

Hotbar with Coordinates

FPS Stats

Coordinates HUD (Screenshot 5)

Pocket UI:

Coordinates HUD with Pocket UI (Screenshot 1)

Coordinates HUD with Pocket UI (Screenshot 2)


  • Coordinates (Always Active)
  • Direction (N, S, W, E) (Always Active)
  • Time (minecraft time) 24am
  • Mini Debug HUD (FPS, Day, Speed, Move Direction, Entity (experimental))


  • Coordinates HUD only (Coordinates, Direction, Minecraft Time) + (Can Connect With Day & Entity Counter and Biome Check)
  • Without experimental (Coordinates HUD & Mini debug screen)
  • Experimental (Coordinats HUD & Mini debug screen + entity counter)

How to Enable Experimental Mode While Keeping Achievements Active

Shader in Photos: YSSBE Renderdragon

Updated on November 25

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed UI not showing in Minecraft Beta/Preview 1.20.40
Download links
Download for Minecraft Beta/Preview 1.20.40++
Download MCPACK (Linkvertise)
Download ZIP (Linkvertise)
Supported versions
1.20.30 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16
6 137
1 comment
  1. No avatar image Faci
    Is this possible on version 1.21+?