Nature Golems 2 - Java & Bedrock/PE

Nice to see you on my texture pack page! This pack will replace the textures of the iron golem with 45 different textures of the stone golem, the appearance of which will be completely randomized. To get a specific golem texture, you can use a specific name on nametag.
- Creator: Parzival_
- Parzival_ Discord Server
- Parzival_ on Planet Minecraft
- Do not repost.
- You are not allowed to change anything or add some tweaks to this pack and then post it to claim it as your own.
- If you are showcasing this texture pack, please give me proper credit.
Golem textures
Below are all versions of the texture pack. Newer versions include older releases, meaning 2.0 includes textures from both 1.5 and 1.0!
Stone Golem
Helmeted Stone Golem
Slabbed Stone Golem
Light Golem
Helmeted Light Golem
Slabbed Light Golem
Dark Golem
Helmeted Dark Golem
Slabbed Dark Golem
Moss Variants:
This includes 27 new iron golem variations that are a part of spawn randomization but also obtainable by using specific nametags. Get the following textures using these steps:
- Head Types - Slabbed & Helmeted (skip this for the default head type)
- Golem Overlay - Mossy
- Golem Types - Stone Golem, Dark Golem, and Light Golem
- Moss Levels - 1, 2, and 3
Some examples of naming: 'Mossy Dark Golem 3', 'Helmeted Mossy Light Golem 1', 'Slabbed Mossy Golem 2'.
Sample models:
Newly Added Variants (v2.0):
These golem versions are also part of the overall randomization, you can get certain looks using the following name tags:
- 'Azalea Golem'
- 'Horned Azalea Golem'
- 'Copper Golem'
- 'Horned Copper Golem'
- 'Brown Mushroom Golem'
- 'Red Mushroom Golem'
- 'Horned Dark Golem'
- 'Horned Light Golem'
- 'Sculk Golem'
Updated on February 17
- Now Available for Java Edition
- Some Description Changes
- New Pack Thumbnail