Creeper Overhaul Resource Pack

This pack is a bedrock port of the Creeper Overhaul Java Resource Pack that brings the Creeper Overhaul mod pack mobs in the form of a resource pack to be able to enjoy with achievements enabled. The Mod version of this pack already has a Bedrock port, so better check it out!
This pack adds 16 different creeper texture variants that are randomized upon spawning. Biome dependency is not included in this pack since it requires toggling on the experimental features, and toggling this on is not a survival-friendly choice. Also, this pack is not associated with the creeper Overhaul bedrock port add-on.
- Ported by: Parzival_
- Created by:
- Josh/Joosh - Art
- GogoMines - Creating the resource pack
- JuceDoesThings - Fabric compatibility
- Java Edition pack
- Parzival_ Discord Server