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Smooth & Colorful Fonts 64x | Total 10 Colors!

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The classic Minecraft font does fit with the UI and the concept of the game. But let's be honest... We wanna try new things—new fonts, new features and stuff in anything. And that's the purpose of addons. Similarly, this resource pack adds a custom smooth font that looks clear and smooth and fits the classic Minecraft UI. And not just that, it also offers colored fonts, which can be switched from the subpacks setting. Currently, it has 10 colored fonts.


This texture pack supports all the versions of Minecraft from 1.16 to the latest (1.21 right now). It works on both Minecraft bedrock and Minecraft pocket edition. It is also compatible with other texture packs (but make sure you place this above any texture pack that edits font texture). Also, as it is just a resource pack, you don't need cheats enabled or experimental features.


  1. You are allowed to make video on the texture but give credits in the video description.
  2. You are allowed to edit the texture for personal use.
  3. You are allowed to edit and publish it on the internet, but only with my permission. Discord username: grumm7613
  4. You are not allowed to publish the texture on any other website and claim it as yours.

Discord: I am looking to build a Discord server for our community and looking for some moderators. If you want to help me out building a hige Minecraft community, then contact me on Discord: grumm7613

Enjoy it!


Smooth & Colorful Fonts: Screenshot 1

Smooth & Colorful Fonts: Screenshot 2

Smooth & Colorful Fonts: Screenshot 3

Smooth & Colorful Fonts: Screenshot 4

Updated on January 16

  • Changes in the manifest.
  • Tested in the latest version of Minecraft, and it works!
Changelog for November 20 / Old Update
Added a new separate resource pack containing only colorful fonts with the default Minecraft font. Note: The smooth and colorful font resource pack still works perfectly.
Download links
Smooth & Colorful Fonts v1.3.mcpack
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16
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