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Neo Texture Pack

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Best texture pack and shader for MCPE 1.19. This pack will provide you lagless experience in your minecraft world. There are custom swords, cool ores textures, particles, breaking animations, kill blood effects, quick crafting, chat helper and many more. This pack will help you to boost FPS in Minecraft 1.19. It has a lot of features. Some are shown under.


Main menu with the Neo Texture Pack

In-game UI with the Neo Texture Pack

Fire with the Neo Texture Pack

Crafting Table UI with the Neo Texture Pack

Cehst UI with the Neo Texture Pack

Chat UI with the Neo Texture Pack

Screenshot with the Neo Texture Pack

Screenshot with the Neo Texture Pack

Screenshot with the Neo Texture Pack

Screenshot with the Neo Texture Pack

Neo Texture Pack main screen

Showcase Video

Download links
Download Neo Texture Pack
Supported versions
1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0