OG Graphic Pack (Supports RenderDragon and FPS friendly)

Make your gameplay more vibrant and colorful while adding some tweaks to the game, such as more transparent water and better sun and moon textures, etc.
OG Graphic Pack also offers subpacks settings, you are able to access the double cloud settings with this.
I really recommend to apply Saturated while playing with OG Graphic Pack for a global saturation effect.
Wanna know more about what's new? Check it out at the changelog!
Lastly, you must agree to following terms before download this resource pack.
- You shall not re-upload OG Graphic Pack resource pack file to any platforms, websites, application or social media, and that includes Minecraft China ver.
- If you are a content creator, you are allow to review and use this resource pack, but if you want to review this resource pack please mention the link of this resource pack without changing the URL.
- No, NO and NEVER reuse any of my textures for your shader, graphic pack, texture pack or whatever it is if you want to launch it to any online platform. You can only use it privately. If you find any of my texture used by other creator, a report is appreciated.
After installing the pack, it means you totally agree with the terms above.
Thank you, and have fun using this resource pack.