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I Want Scoreboards Like That Too!

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Have you ever looked at the Hive server and seen this at the top-right corner? Well, you can make them with this pack!

I Want Scoreboards Like That Too: Screenshot 1

Here is what it looks like with our pack!

I Want Scoreboards Like That Too: Screenshot 2

But does my pack support Pocket UI? Yes!

I Want Scoreboards Like That Too: Screenshot 3


Well, it is very simple. First, create a scoreboard objective with the prefix '.iwsltt_sidebar-' so for example, '/scoreboard objectives add .iwsltt_sidebar-CustomSB dummy' but you might say that is tedious so you can also do this '/scoreboard objectives add sbc dummy .iwsltt_sidebar-CustomSB'. There you have it! Now you just need to display it as a sidebar.

Note: You can't do '/scoreboard objectives add .iwsltt_sidebar-CustomSB dummy CustomSB', that will not work.

How would I hide the title?

Well, create an objective with the prefix '.iwsltt_sidebar-hide_title-' so it would look like '/scoreboard objectives add .iwsltt_sidebar-hide_title-CustomSB dummy'.

I Want Scoreboards Like That Too: Screenshot 4

How would I add a player without showing the score?

Well, you can hide the score by setting the score with '2147483647', so for example, it is '/scoreboard players set sbc 2147483647'.

Can I use /titleraw?

No, unfortunately it is not possible using vanilla scoreboards.

How many players can I add to the scoreboard?

About 4 players max will be shown, you can put more but it would not be visible.

Download links
IWSLTT (1.0.0) [LATEST][mcpack, 304.59 Kb]
Discord Server
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.16