Cake’s Cosmetic Pack

Cake’s Cosmetic Pack is a one of a kind pack that adds 5 new cosmetics along with 5 slots for your own cosmetics.
Here is a preview of the available cosmetics.
The original cosmetic from when it was a backpack cape.
Modern Backpack:
A sleeker version of the backpack.
For royal players only. Or if you want to look fancy.
Perfect for music listeners. (Also has a black version in the files!)
To change the colour, remove the current texture being used (custom.png) and rename the black texture to custom.png.
Shows the flexibility of the cosmetic pack for creators. Animated and changes elytra to match the wings.
How does this work?
This pack changes the cape’s model to the desired cosmetic. It also heavely uses the render controller for certain cosmetics. Not only that, the pack is made with compatibility in mind, allowing animation packs to keep their animations as an example.
Changing cosmetics
To change cosmetics, you can use the subpack button (gear icon) to select one of the 10 available slots. 5 are for the base cosmetic and 5 are for custom cosmetics.
Companion packs
Companion packs are a way to support updates to the pack without updating the main pack. To use one, activate the pack above the main pack for the cosmetic to properly appear in-game. All other packs should be below other packs.
Custom Cosmetic tutorial
Here is a tutorial on how to create custom cosmetics, as shown here. The tutorial model is also in the files if you are curious.
Creating a custom model may seem daunting, but it isn’t so bad once you figure it out. For this tutorial, I will be using Blockbench to create the model on iOS, which means that im on mobile. If you’re curious, the whole pack is made on mobile.
1. Locate the “(pack name once imported)” folder in the “resource_packs” directory. Use the following file path to find it with a file editor: (screenshot only shows iOS filepath)
- iOS: On My iPhone/Minecraft/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake’sCosm
- Android: Android/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake’sCosm
- Windows: C:/Users/(your pc username)/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake’sCosm
- Console: Good luck
We don’t need to tweak any code in this tutorial. There are plenty of editors available on mobile, but I prefer a well-known one on Android and the default Files app on iOS.
2. Inside the pack’s contents, select a custom slot inside the “subpack” folder. These slots are numbered from 1 to 5. For this tutorial, I will use slot 1.
3. Import the model to Blockbench. On iOS and Windows (not sure about Android), you can drag and drop the “mobs.json” file inside the “models” folder, which contains the placeholder model.
4. View the model. The first thing you’ll notice is that the model resembles the default player model. This is just a placeholder.
Important Notes:
• Do not remove any of the bones as this can cause issues. Bones are marked as folders inside Blockbench.
• When making anything for the chest, ensure it is inside the “cape” bone and positioned in front. This ensures compatibility with Aspects. You can verify the orientation by checking the XYZ arrows, which should appear like this when facing north:
• At any point in the tutorial, you can undo mistakes by pressing this icon:
5. Prepare the model. Remove the cubes from the placeholder model. Keep any necessary cubes as a guide, if desired. For this tutorial, I’ll keep the chest cube for visualization purposes.
6. Now it’s time to model it!
• To add a cube: Press the three-lines menu > Edit > Add Cube.
• To move the cube: Drag one of the three arrows to move along the X, Y, or Z axis.
• To resize: Use the resize tool and drag one of the 6 ends.
7. Assign cubes to bones. Before painting, ensure the cubes are placed in the appropriate bone. For example, anything intended for the head must be in the “head” bone so it moves with the head. Otherwise, it will float and not follow the head.
8. Paint your model.
• Create a texture by pressing this icon:
• Ignore additional options and simply press “confirm”.
• Switch to the Paint tab (press the cube icon)
• Press the “Paint” icon to begin.
9. Adjusting colors.
• Use the palette icon to access colors. Adjust the slider below to add more colors.
• Experiment with the tools on the right (Mobile) before starting.
10. After that, it's time to paint for real. To colour a pixel on the model, just press on that pixel.(For this tutorial, I will not include the painting process. Just know that there are tutorials for certain thing not mentioned in this tutorial.)
11. Export your model and texture.
• Save your texture by navigating to File > Save Model. A prompt will appear asking where to save it.
• Save it to the following path:
- iOS: On My iPhone/Minecraft/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake'sCosm/subpack/custom1-5/textures/entity
- Android: Android/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake'sCosm/subpack/custom1-5/textures/entity
- Windows: C:/Users/(your pc username)/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake'sCosm/subpack/custom1-5/textures/entity
- Console: Good luck
12. Update the texture. Delete the old texture and rename the new one to "custom.png".
13. Export the updated model. Repeat Step 11, but this time save the model to the following path:
- iOS: On My iPhone/Minecraft/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake'sCosm/subpack/custom1-5/models
- Android: Android/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake'sCosm/subpack/custom1-5/models
- Windows: C:/Users/(your pc username)/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/Cake'sCosm/subpack/custom1-5/models
- Console: Good luck
• Replace the old file and rename the new one to "mobs.json".
14. Test your model in-game. If the model appears as desired, you’re done! Enjoy the game with your new cosmetic.
• If there are leftover cubes from the placeholder model, remove them to avoid rendering issues like Z-fighting (when two elements render simultaneously).
Final Notes:
If anything is unclear, check out additional Blockbench tutorials online.