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ZReplica Deferred Sky (Preview Exclusive)

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Makes your deferred shader gameplay look even more gorgeous with sky textures in the preview version!


This pack only offers cubemap textures and does not work independently. It needs to be placed above packs with deferred shading attributes for it to work. This means that this pack does not use any codes and textures from other packs so it's not affiliated with supported deferred packs and works as an add-on resource pack.

3 important things to know

Supported packs:

This pack is currently still under development and only supports 3 deferred graphic packs :
- Luminous Dreams
- Odyssey
- Prizma

Supported packs: Screenshot

They use different sky textures which can be change with subpack settings.


ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 1

ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 2

ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 3

ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 4

ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 5

ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 6

ZReplica Deferred Sky: Screenshot 7

Lastly, you must agree to the following terms before you download this resource pack.

  • You shall not re-upload this resource pack file to any platforms, websites, application or social media, and that includes Minecraft China ver.
  • If you are a content creator, you are allowed to review and use this resource pack, but if you want to review this resource pack please mention the link of this resource pack without changing the URL.
  • No, NO and NEVER reuse any of my textures for your shader, graphic pack, texture pack or whatever it is if you want to launch it to any online platform. You can only use and modify it privately. If you find any of my textures used by other creators, a report is appreciated.

After installing the pack, it means you totally agree with the terms above.
Thank you, and have fun using this resource pack.

Download links
Supported versions
1 022
  1. PL3Y profile avatar PL3Y
    For those who don't understand the basics of coding: just rename and remove the ".zip" and you're done.
  2. mediafire dosent let it be a .MCPACK or a .MCADDON
    1. B00G13-eat-grass profile avatar B00G13-eat-grass Author
      .mcpack might be rename to .zip for some browsers such as chrome in mobile, try to use other browser to download it, it might solve the problem
  3. The .MCPACK file download downloads it as a .ZIP