TLOU Bloater V1.1

A first take on, "The Last of Us" concept by adding a fresh non-vanilla texture on the warden entity. Going from a weird, hooded, soul creature to a much more horrifying and menacing beast. In addition, this detailed resource pack completely changes the sculk to a cordyceps infestation. Don't really know what else to say besides this texture pack is pure nightmare fuel if you plan on using this in a survival world.
- Detailed Bloater Mob
- 6 New Cordyceps Blocks + Animations
- 6 New Cordyceps Related Particles
Warden > Bloater
Bloaters are the fourth, rarest, and most dangerous stage of the Infected, taking several years to develop and reach this stage after years of exposure to the Cordyceps Brain Infection. Furthermore, Bloaters are incredibly strong and are covered in thick fungus that effectively acts as armor plates. Therefore, their skin forms large patches of scale-like tissue that glow in the dark, which form their mycotoxin pouches and engulfs their entire body that they use as a long-ranged weapon, replacing the warden's sonic explosion attack.
Screenshots of model:
Left Side
Right Side
Top Back
Top Front
Sculk > Cordyceps Mycelium
Like Sculk would, this cordyceps fungus will grow in size and spread when a mob dies on it, mimicking a fungal infestation, and creating large networks that are menacing in look.
Sculk Catalyst > Fungal Catalyst
This new and improved catalyst will consume organic matter greatly increasing its size while having a detailed particle animation.
Sculk Shrieker > Puffball Mushroom Spore
This mushroom is similar to a real-life fungus called "Puffball". It opens a hole where it will release spore particles alerting a bloater.
Sculk Sensor > Cordyceps
Similarly, to the cordyceps in, "The Last of Us" series for HBO, they create large networks of cordyceps tendrils. When it senses movement, the cordyceps tendrils begin to thrash around, alerting the nearest mushroom spore.
Calibrated Sculk Sensor > Calibrated Cordyceps
Basically, buffed sculk sensor for redstone.
Sculk Vein > Cordyceps Tendrils
This block appears to spread fungal tendrils, using it as a substrate feeding off of its nutrients to further advance its infection of the world.
Shaders Used: F.O.G Shader v1.5.3 | More FOG Update | Minecraft PE Texture Packs (mcpedl.com)
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- DO NOT create your own download links for my addon in hopes of earning money off of my work.
- Please do not provide a direct link to MediaFire.
- Instead, use my MCPEDL addon page for credits.
DO NOT steal, distribute, &/or modify my RP unless you credit using MCPEDL link, use for personal use, or have full permission.
Updated on August 03:
- Added New Sculk Sensor Texture
- Added New Sculk Catalyst Texture
- Added New Calibrated Sculk Sensor Texture
- Added New Sculk Shrieker Texture
- Brand New Thumbnail
- Brand New Pack Icon
- Updated New Pictures of Textures
- Added Animation Gifs
- Added New Sculk Charge Particle
- Added New Sculk Charge Pop Particle
- Added New Sculk Soul Particle
- Added New Sculk Shrieker Shriek Particle
- Removed Unnecessary Files
- Fixed Small Texture Error on Bloater
- Tweaked the Vibration Signal Particle
- Fixed an Error on the Sonic Explosion Particle