Truly Bedrock+ v1.1.4 & 5 (GUI Overhaul & Hotfix Update)

Truly Bedrock+ Texture Pack – Redefine Your Minecraft Experience!
Take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with Truly Bedrock+, the ultimate texture pack that brings over 100+ incredible features to enhance your world. This pack is built for players who value both stunning visuals and functional customization.
What Sets Truly Bedrock+ Apart?🌟
- 9 Unique Subpacks: Customize your experience like never before. Choose cleaner blocks, immersive mob textures, sleek UI changes and much more!
- Block Changes: Enjoy clean, directional, and detailed textures for blocks like Redstone Dust, Hopper Blocks, Suspicious Sand, and more. Features include borders, smoother surfaces, and fixes to improve gameplay clarity.
- Mob Glowing & Variants: Over 100+ glowing mob textures make visibility easier, alongside aesthetic changes like Red Petal Golem Flowers and unique zombie variants.
- PvP Enhancements: Gain an edge with clearer tool indicators, shorter shields, visible arrow effects, and cleaner UI elements designed for better combat visibility.
- Visual Improvements: Immerse yourself in polished textures and sounds, such as Java crit sounds, unobtrusive particles, and colorful enchanting table effects.
Whether you’re a casual builder, an adventurer, or a Redstone expert, Truly Bedrock+ gives you the tools to make Minecraft truly your own.
**Main-pack Features**
- Updated Observer Top Texture
- Directional Observer Blocks
- Directional Hopper Blocks
- Visible Sticky Sides
- Visible Back Pistons
- Clean Redstone Dust
- Unlit Redstone Ore
- Visible Tripwires
- Inner Piston Fix
- More Transparent Nether Portals
- Visible Lit & Unlit Furnaces
- Fully Aged Amethyst Cluster
- Visible Nether Wart Stages
- Visible Full Honey Stages
- Suspicious Gravel Border
- Gilded Blackstone Border
- Budding Amethyst Border
- Unobtrusive Scaffolding
- Suspicious Sand Border
- Fully Aged Crop Marker
- Directional Lodestone
- Clean Stained Glass
- Clean Tinted Glass
- Shorter Tallgrass
- Clean Concretes
- Brighter Nether
- Anvil Indicator
- Glass Trapdoors
- Shorter Grass
- Bordered Wool
- Aged 25 Kelp
- Ore Borders
- Glass Doors
- Clean Glass
- Lower Fire
- Consistent Blank Decorated Block
- Soul Soil Soul Campfire
- Darker Dark Oak leaves
- Unbundled Kelp Blocks
- Accurate Scaffolding
- Alternative Bedrock
- Unbundled Haybales
- Nicer Fast Leaves
- Circular Log Tops
- Cactus Bottom Fix
- Smoker Bottom Fix
- Different Stems
- Cocoa Beans Fix
- Double Slab Fix
- Cherry Picking
- Lapis Intergraded Enchanting Table
- Directional End Portal (Non-Animated)
- Directional End Portal (Animated)
- Visible Snow Powder (Less Blue-ish)
- Visible Snow Powder (Blue-ish)
- Visible Snow Powder (Bordered)
- Purple End Portal
- Hanging Sign Logs
- Smoother Oak Log
- Smoother Stones
- Painted Pottery
- Softer Wool
- Bordered Infested Blocks (Item)
- Bordered Waxed Blocks (Item)
- Clean Maps
- Splash Bottle o' Enchanting
- Consistent Tadpole Bucket
- HD Shield Banner Pattern
- Brighter Rib Armor Trim
- Java Enderdragon Ball
- Accurate Wheat Seeds
- Plain Leather Armor
- Consistent Buckets
- Consistent Helmets
- Accurate Spyglass
- Flint Tip Arrows
- 3D Mace
- Hoe Fix
- Classic Style Netherite Armor
- Visible Tip Arrows Effects
- Legacy Dried Kelp Texture
- Candle-shaped Sea Pickles
- Legacy Console Snow Ball
- Visible Potions Effects
- Vertical Iron Nugget
- Dragon Elytra Wings
- Crossbow Indicator
- Crown Gold Helmet
- Primitive Tools
- Bow Indicator
- Short Shield
- Short Tools
- Unique Dyes
- End Crystal Optimizer
- Glowing Mobs (100+ Mobs)
- Red Petal Golem Flowers
- Villager Cloak Fix
- Aesthetic Zombies
- Blaze's Rods Fix
- Drowned Skin Fix
- Variated Villagers
- Smiley Axolotls
- Green Axolotl (Replaces Blue Axolotl)
- No How To Play Button
- Translucent Tooltips
- No Spyglass Overlay
- No Pumpkin Overlay
- Clear Background
- Numbered Hotbar
- Quick Crafting
- Trading Helper
- Quick Settings
- Brewing Guide
- Chat Tweaks
- No Vignette
- Quick Move
- F1 Button
- Brewing Stand Icons Fix
- No Touch Circle
- Rabbit Stew Hunger Bar
- Clearer Wither Hearts
- Lime Hotbar Selector
- Plus Dot Crosshair
- Transparent UI
- Dark UI (New)
- Music Disc Redstone Level Preview
- No Falling Pale Leaves Particles
- No Falling Cherry Particles
- Unobtrusive Rain & Snow
- No Render Distance Fog
- Unobtrusive Particles
- Back Person Free Look
- Visible Particles
- Hunger Preview
- Clearer Water
- Bedrock Edition Title
- Arabic Numerals
- Java Boom
- Colorful Enchanting Table Particles
- Unique Enchantment Colors Text
- Colored Coordinates
- Circular Sun & Moon
- Golden Savanna
- 3D Sun & Moon
- Quieter Minecarts
- Quieter Phantoms
- Quieter Sniffers
- Quieter Thunder
- Quieter Rain
- Quieter Bats
- Quieter Bees
- Java Crit Sounds
**Optional-Pack Features**
- Invisible Item Frames
- Particle & Flipbook Remover
- White Outline Selection
- Different Fonts
Quality of Life Block Textures:
- Fun Fact: Circular Logs supports the Creaking Heart!
Small Changes to Armor Textures:
- Fun Fact: It may not appear in the screenshot, but Netherite Armor has a similar texture to diamond when the PVP Subpack is Enabled.
Mob Glow Ups:
- Fun Fact: Glowing Mobs are toggleable via Subpacks.
- Note: The Brewing UI is different when Dark UI is Enabled.
- Powdered Snow now has Blue-ish color to easily differentiate snow with powdered now!
- Fun Fact: Powdered Snow has a different texture when PVP Subpack is Enabled.
- The Enchanting Table now has lapis design to connect it to lapis lazuli. (Invisible Item frames are included here, as well as armor stands)
- You can now tell which direction the End Portal Frame Faces! (Invisible Item frames are included in the screenshot)
- Non of this is possible without these Awesome Creators.
Most of the Textures of TB+ came from Bedrock
By: DrAv0011
Bedrock Tweaks: (Bedrock)
By: NSPC911
Bedrock Edition Community Tweaks:
By: Xisumavoid
Vanilla Tweaks: (Java)
Accurate Wheat Seed: From Updated Seeds
By: Sadlittletree
Visible Potion & Tip Arrow Effects & Crit Sounds & Glass Pale Oak Door & Trapdoors: From Ultimate Survival Texture Pack
By: Sunbun123
Transparent UI: From Trivial Tweak
Anvil UI: From Floating Texts
By: Death_Aruban
Clean Maps: From D°Uzi Maps
By: D°Uzi
Visible End Portals: From Directional End Portals
(Original Creator, Java)
By: Jubean
(Bedrock Port)
By: Regrify
Visible Powdered Snow: From XR's Powder Snow
By: ImXR24
F1 Button: From Gote Supporter
By: Yuuhaland
Primitive Tools: From Improved Armory
By: IronDuke
Candle Pickles: From Candle Shaped Sea Pickles
Quick Move: From Ty-el's UI Pack
By: Real_tlgm
Particle & Flipbook Remover: From Performizer+
By: Legendary Creeper
Clear Background: From Clear Backdrop
By: Blockify
Painted Pottery: From Painted Pottery Sherds
By: Lazercraft32
Circular Creaking Heart Top: From Circular Creaking Heart Tops
By: SkylimitPanda
Purple End Portal: From End Portals Recolored
By: xAssassin
Cryatal PVP Optimizer: From Crystal Optimizer
By: Bladimir II
Back Person Free Look: From Free Look Resource Pack
By: Mod MCPE
Visible Particles: From Invisible Hider Resource Pack
Improved Quick Settings: From Quick Settings
By: Sanidya Not
Gui Overhaul: From Gui Overhaul
By: Notnicto
- Non of this is possible without this Awesome Creators:
**Terms of Use**
⚠️ Notice ⚠️
These terms may change without notice:
Now this pack is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- Realms & Servers: You are may use this in any server or realm as long you credit the owner (Doesn't need a Permission)
You are not allowed to:
- Resell: You may not resell, redistribute, or claim ownership of the textures.
- Code Modification: You may not modify or redistribute the code within the texture pack without permission.
- False Claims: You may not claim ownership of the texture pack or its content.
- Other Links: You are not allowed to post this content on other websites, without my permission.
By using this texture pack, you agree to these terms.
**For more details, contact me through discord CodeRed#1385 (NonpausebleMC) or through twitter @DeniPlayz5103**
Follow this order to when using my Extensions for Truly Bedrock+
How to Install:
- Download Truly Bedrock+
- Find the downloaded pack(s) in (File Manager+ in Android), (Files in iPhone and iPad), or (File Explorer in Windows).
- On Android: Tap the selected pack in File Manager+ and a menu should pop up and tap Minecraft.
- On Windows: Click the selected pack in File Explorer and Minecraft should open.
- On iPhone and iPad: Tap the selected pack in the Files app, and Minecraft should open.
Updated on February 23
Version 1.1.4 & 5:
- Tenth & Eleventh Release
- GUI Overhaul & Hotfix Update (Merged Update)
- Added Improved Quick Settings
- Added GUI Overhaul
- Added No Falling Leaves
- Re-Added No Render Distance Fog
Updated Stuff & Features:
- Updated Free Look
- Updated Glowing Mobs for 1.21.70
- Updated Descriptions of In-game Screenshots
- Updated Credits & Permission
Fixed Stuff & Features:
- Fixed Quick Settings not working when Dark UI is Enabled.
- Fixed default3dark (Survival Mode Subpack) not having the correct file for executing the GUI Overhaul.
- Fixed default3dark (Survival Mode Subpack) not having the Truly Bedrock Logo.
Removed Stuff & Features:
- Removed Blockify's Quick cam
Note: Truly Bedrock+ No longer supports 1.21.30 below. :(
Known Bugs:
- Having Transparent UI turned on will make the dialogue ui transparent, that makes texts very hard to see. (I recommend using Compact Mode when using command blocks and NPC dialogues)
- The Custom Arrows textures may appear larger when hold in the main hand and offhand (currently unfixable)
- The F1 Button UI gets overlapped when "Show Camera Perspective" button is Enabled.
Version 1.1.2:
- Eighth Release
- Crystal Clarity Update
- Added Purple End Portal
- Added Clear Background
- Added Back Person Free Look
- Added Visible Particles
- Added Crystal PVP Optimizer
- Added Softer Wool
- Added Variated Villagers
- Added Quieter Thunder
- Added Quieter Minecarts
- Added Quieter Bats
- Added Quieter Bees
- Added Quieter Phantoms
- Added Quieter Sniffers
- Added Directional Lodestone
- Added Legacy Dried Kelp Texture (Item)
Updated Stuff & Features:
- Updated Features Tab (Webpage)
- Updated Optional Packs, and compact them into One pack for easy access
- Updated zombie.entity.json file
- Updated Circular logs now support the Creaking Heart
- Updated Opaque Leaves to support Pale Leaves
- Updated Lime Hotbar Selection
- Renamed Full Mode Subpack to Ultimate Mode
- Renamed Adventure Mode Subpack to Minimalist Mode
- Renamed Vanilla mode to Compact Mode
Fixed Stuff & Features:
- Fixed Non-animated end portal still being animated
Removed Stuff & Features:
- Removed Pop Sound
- Removed Enchanting Book Texture (Files)
Known Bugs:
- Having Transparent UI turned on will make the dialogue ui transparent, that makes texts very hard to see. (I recommend using Compact Mode when using command blocks and NPC dialogues)
- The Custom Arrows textures may appear larger when hold in the main hand and offhand (currently unfixable)
Version 1.1.1:
- Seventh Release
- Hotfix Update
Main Highlights:
- Updated In-game screenshots
- Added License to Truly Bedrock
- Added License to Truly Bedrock
- Added a fix for the Drowned Mob
- Added Bordered Snow Powder (PVP Mode)
Updated Stuff & Features:
- Updated In-game screenshots
- Updated Description to further clerify the pack's features
- Updated Pack's Icon (Again)
- Updated Website's Icon
Fixed Stuff & Features:
- Fixed Pack's name
Removed Stuff & Features:
- N/A
Version 1.0.9:
- Fifth Release
- PVP & QOL Update
- F1 Button
- Quick Move
- Clean Concretes (PVP Only)
- Bordered Wools (PVP Only)
- Pop Button Sound
- XP Enchanting Table Design
- Primitive Tools (Wood & Stone)
- Dragon Elytra Wings
- Classic Netherite Style Armor (PVP Only)
- Candle-shaped Sea Pickles.
- Optional Packs (Inspired from UTSP), which includes:
- Invisible Item Frames
- White Selection Box (Block Outline)
- Different Fonts (currently has 2 fonts)
Updated Stuff & Features:
- Updated Powdered Snow to be more Blue-ish
- Updated Description
- Updated Pack Icon
- Updated In-game Screenshots for better demonstration (will be updated again)
Fixed Features:
- Fixed Transparent UI on Full mode which cause the inventory to be broken (forgot to add :P)
- Fixed Glass Doors & Trapdoors not having a Glass textures (forgot to add :P)
- Fixed Waxed Copper Doors item not having a proper texture (forgot to add :P)
Removed Stuff & Features:
- Removed Blue Enchantment Glint
- Removed Old Versions of TB+
- Visible Back Pistons
- Visible Full Honey Stages
- Visible Lit & Unlit Furnaces
- More Transparent Nether Portals
- Blue Enchant Glint
- Smiley Axolotls :)
- Consistent Tadpole Bucket
- Clean Glass (Full Mode)
- Clean Tinted Glass (Full Mode)
- And many more!
- Darker Dark Oak leaves
- Music Disc Redstone Level Preview
- Hunger Preview
- 3D Sun & Moon (Full Mode)
- Bedrock Edition Title
- Java Boom
- And many more!