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How to install Minecraft maps on Windows 10 & 11

Thumbnail: How to install Minecraft maps on Windows 10 & 11

This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for Windows 10 and 11. We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar extensions and templates in .mctemplate extension.

Table Of Contents

.mcworld installation

If you install Minecraft from the Microsoft Store, then the mcworld files will be highlighted with the icon from the Game.

File with mcworld on Windows

Double-click the file (Enter) to launch its import into the Game. If you have both Minecraft and Minecraft Preview installed, select the desired version by doing the following:   right-click → Open With.

Open world with Minecraft on Windows

Importing the World may take some time.

World import started

After the import is completed, there will be a corresponding message. And you’ll see the map in the list of Worlds.

Imported Minecraft world on Windows

.mctemplate installation

The installation of .mctemplate files for Windows 10/11 is very similar to the installation of .mcworld files, the only difference is the order of creating the World.

On the screen with the list of Worlds, click the Create New button.

The create new world is selected

You’ll see a list of templates. Then you should scroll down to Imported Templates.

Create new world with templates list

Then find the imported template of the World and click it.

Imported templates

It’s not recommended to change the World’s parameters conceived by the map’s author. You should click the Create button.

Create a world from a template

.zip and .rar installation

Open the downloaded archive (.zip, .rar) with the World with the help of a file archiver (7-Zip or WinRar).

Minecraft world in zip file

Then you need to unpack the folder with the World into

  • %LocalAppData%\-Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds.

For the Minecraft Preview version, this folder is located at

  • %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftWindowsBeta_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds.

If the archive with the World doesn’t have a root folder, you should create it (in the first place).

Create new folder in File Explorer

Unpack the archive content into the created folder.

Unpacked Minecraft world on Windows

After unpacking the World, launch Minecraft. Find your World in the list of Worlds and launch it.

Window with imported worlds
