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How to install Minecraft maps on Android

Thumbnail: How to install Minecraft maps on Android

This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for Android. We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar extensions and templates in .mctemplate extension.

Table Of Contents

.mcworld installation

Please open the file manager and then open the folder with the downloaded .mcworld file (this folder is usually called Downloads).

Download manager

Open this file via Minecraft (Open As → App → Minecraft). After that, the import of the World will be launched.

Open as on Android

Open with Minecraft

If you install it for the first time, it’ll be necessary to provide the Game with access to the files.

Allow Minecraft to access media

Wait for the import to be completed.

Level import started

Well done! Please click the Play button and launch the imported World.

Imported My World

.mctemplate installation

The installation process for .mctemplate files on the Android platform is similar to .mcworld files, the only difference is the order of creating the World.
So, open the file manager and then the folder with the downloaded .mctemplate file (this folder is usually called Downloads).

Download Manager with mctemplate

Next, open this file via Minecraft (Open As → App → Minecraft). The import of the template will be launched.


Open mctemlate with Minecraft

When installing for the first time, you’ll need to give the game permission to access the files.

Allow Minecraft to access mctemplate

Wait for the template to be successfully imported.

Successfully imported template world

Click Play on the main screen, then click Create New and scroll down. You’ll see the installed World template.

World template in list

To start creating the World, click the installed template.

Create world from template

.zip and .rar installation

This format isn’t often used since the installation process for zip and rar formats isn’t convenient.
Please download the archive. Open the file manager and go to the folder with the downloaded .zip or .rar file (this folder is usually called Downloads).

Download Manager with zip

It’s necessary to unpack the archive into a particular folder in the Game directory. Long press the archive, then click the Extract button (buttons may have different names in different file managers).

Extract zip archive

Unpack the archive into the minecraftWorlds folder, the location of which is as follows:

  • for versions earlier than 1.18: /games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/;
  • for 1.18 and later versions: /Android/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.-mojang/minecraftWorlds/.

Move world to minecraftWorlds  

Extract Minecraft world to

Decompressed Minecraft world

Unpacked Minecraft world on Android

After unpacking the archive with the World, launch Minecraft. Then open the list of Worlds, find the desired one and launch it. It’s done!

Imported zip world

  1. Hello, I'm Alternative Diversity Studios! I'm making Bedrock and Java port addons and updated maps!
  2. Are you ready for sprunki adventure?
  3. Welcome to my user!
  4. You don't have to unzip .zip or .rar. You can just rename from .zip or .rar to .mcworld.
    1. D profile avatar D Author
      Yes it is, we will update our guides in the future and supplement them. Thank you! ❤️
      1. You're welcome