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How to install Minecraft maps on iOS

Thumbnail: How to install Minecraft maps on iOS

This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for iOS and iPadOS devices (iPhone & iPad). We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar extensions and templates in .mctemplate extension.

Table Of Contents

.mcworld installation

After downloading the World file in .mcworld format to your iPhone or iPad, please open the Files application. Next, open the Download Folder (Downloads).

World file on iOS

Click the file to launch it via Minecraft. Or, holding the file, select Share and Minecraft or Minecraft Preview.

The Game will be automatically launched, as well as the import, but it may fail. Skip if there is no error.

World import failed error on iOS

If you see such an error, go to the file with the World again via the Files application.

Hold the File and select Compress.

Compress world file on iOS

A compressed file with the World will appear next to the .mcworld file.

Click the created archive and select the Quick Look tab.

Quick Look of the world on iOS

Then click the Preview Content button.

Zipped world on iOS

Next, click the Share button and select Minecraft or Minecraft Preview in the list.

Share world with Minecraft on iOS

Now, your World is successfully imported.

Finish of the world import

Find it in the list of Worlds and launch it.

All Minecraft worlds on iOS

.mctemplate installation

The installation process for .mctemplate files on iOS and iPadOS devices is very similar to the process with .mcworld files, the only difference is the order of creating the World.

Please click the Create New button on the screen with the list of Worlds.

Main Minecraft window with create new world

There will be a list of templates. You should scroll down.

Create new world with templates

Next, find the imported template with the World and click it.

Imported Minecraft templates on iOS

Then click the Create button to generate your World from the template.

Create new Minecraft world from template on iOS

.zip and .rar installation

Please download the file with the World in .zip or .rar formats. Then open the Files application and go to the Download Folder (Downloads).

The world in the zip archive on iOS

Click the file containing the archive with the World and unpack it.

Unpacked Minecraft world on iOS

Hold the folder with the World and select Move.

Move world folder on iOS

Next, move the folder to Minecraft (or Minecraft Preview) → Games → com.mojang → minecraftWorlds.

Folder with Minecraft worlds on iOS

Launch Minecraft (restart it if the Game has already been launched). You’ll see the map in the list of Worlds.

Imported zipped Minecraft world on iOS
