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How to install Minecraft texture packs on iOS

Thumbnail: How to install Minecraft texture packs on iOS

This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Texture packs for iOS and iPadOS. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack and .zip & rar extensions.

Table Of Contents

.mcpack installation

Please, download the texture pack file with .mcpack format via Safari or another browser.

Next, open the Files application and go to the Download Folder (Downloads). Then click the texture file to launch it via Minecraft.

Downloaded texture pack in zip on ios

You’ll see a pop-up notification with the start of import.

Pop-up with import started

After a while, the import will be completed. But iOS and iPadOS often open up a message about the import failure. Skip if there is no error.

Failed to import texture pack on ios

If you see this, you should open the Files application one more time and find the downloaded texture pack file there.

Hold the File and select Compress.

Compress file on ios

After that, the .mcpack file will be archived in .zip format.

Downloads window on iOS

Hold the .zip file and select Quick Look.

Quick Look on iOS

Next, click the Preview Content button.

Preview Content button

Then click the Share button and select Minecraft or Minecraft Preview in the list.

Texture pack in Preview Content window

Share with pack with Minecraft

The Game will be automatically launched, as well as the import (with a successful completion).

Successfully imported texture pack on iOS

It’s possible to activate the texture pack via the Global Resources for all Worlds or by editing a specific World.

.zip and .rar installation

Please download the texture pack file from .zip or .rar, then open the Files application and go to the Download Folder (Downloads).

Texture pack win zip on iOS

Click the file with the texture archive to unpack it.

Unpacked texture pack on iOS

Go to the folder with the texture pack and select the Move option.

Move texture pack folder button

Next, move this folder to Minecraft (or Minecraft Preview) → Games → com.mojang → resource_packs.

Move pack to resource packs folder

After that, you can launch Minecraft (or restart it if the Minecraft has already launched).

Activating the textures

You can activate the texture pack via the Global Resources for all Worlds or by Editing a specific World.

To activate the texture pack for the entire Game and all Worlds, please go to the Settings and select the Global Resources tab.

Global Resources tab

Find the texture pack and click Active.

Activated texture pack

Well done!

To activate the texture pack for a specific World, you should go to the Edit or Create a New World tab.

Then select the Resource Packs tab.Create new world on iOS with texture pack

Find the texture pack and click Active.

Activated pack in world on iOS


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